Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Overcome // Week 12
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Dave Parro continues in our summer series, "Overcome".
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Overcome // Week 11
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Dave Parro continues in our summer series, "Overcome".
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Overcome // Week 10
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The Lukewarm Useless Church
Rev 3:14-22 July 28, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. The struggle that the church in Laodicea had is probably the biggest struggle that
suburban churches in North America face. The temptation to be self-sufficient
because of our many resources rather than relying upon the All Sufficient One –
B. Laodicea was known for three things: it was a wealthy city with many banking
centers, the soft black wool they produced and the eye salve that was produced
there to treat medical conditions for the eye.
1. This city was so wealthy and self-sufficient that when a major earthquake
destroyed the city about 34 years before and Rome offered them money to
rebuild that they wrote a letter back to Nero telling him that they were
wealthy and in need of nothing and that, they could rebuild it themselves.
C. But they did have one glaring weakness: their water supply!
1. Twelve miles to its east was Colossae. There refreshing cold water came
down from melted snow and rain from the mount that towered above it.
These waters were valued for their ability to refresh and reinvigorate people
2. Seven miles to its north was Hierapolis. It was famous for its hot springs,
which were used, cure ailments.
3. In Laodicea, the cold streams from the east and the hot water from the north
met which created a lukewarm water that was not either good for refreshment
or healing. It tasted awful and could make the people sick!
• As I read this letter from Jesus to this church, note how he used their cultural realities
to connect with them with what was going on in their church. Note how their
material self-sufficiency had deceived them regarding
II. Their spiritual condition!
A. Read Revelation 3:14-17
B. In v16 we see their problem was lukewarmness
1. Many without considering the cultural context of their water situation would
interpret this something like this: I wish that you were either very passionate
and on fire for Jesus or apathetic and cold toward Jesus rather than just being
a middle of the road Christian!
2. In light of their cultural context, it appears to be referring to their usefulness
rather than passion level for Jesus. Like the lukewarm water in Laodicea, it
was not useful for healing and it was not useful for refreshment.
3. The next verse tells us why they were useless! Note “because” at start of the
verse explains the cause of their lukewarmness and uselessness. As I read
note there are two reasons – their self-sufficiency and their self-deception
regarding their true spiritual condition.
4. Read v17
C. One of the great temptations for churches, for individuals, for countries that are
wealthy or can easily get resources in their hands is to think that they really do not
need anything, they can pull it off, and they are self-sufficient.
1. In Deuteronomy 8 God warns Israel that when they come into the land of
milk and honey, the place where they will not lack anything, a place where
they will be satisfied listen to his warning.
a) Read Deut. 8:11-14 “Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God
… when you have eaten and are satisfied… then your heart will become
proud and you will forget the lord”
2. In 1 Timothy 6:17-18 what Paul instructs wealthy believers to do
• So the great temptation to wealthy churches, wealthy nations and even wealthy
Christians is to be self-sufficient and deceived as to how that condition has put them
in a dangerous place spiritually. Next Jesus tells them of
III. The cure
A. Read v18
B. To buy is a figure here that means to acquire these things from Jesus. You do not
get things from Jesus with money but rather by faith. You buy from Jesus without
money but through faith and probably even more specifically through believing
C. In v17 Jesus said you were materially rich but spiritually poor – therefore get the
true spiritual riches from Me Read v18a
D. In v17, they said they needed nothing, this city that made some of their wealth
from the sale of black wool and wore luxurious clothes, but Jesus said you were
naked – therefore get spiritual garments to cover your shameful life. Read 18b
E. In v17, Jesus refers to their spiritual blindness, right in the middle of the city that
was known for their eye medication and v18 tells them they need to get the eye
medication He has so they can see clearly regarding their spiritual lives! Read
• Then finally Jesus makes a
IV. Call to the Church
A. Listen to this call to the Church. I say church for three reasons
1. We see in v14 it is written to the Church. The Church is made up of
believers gathered together and we learned earlier that the Church was Jesus’
lampstand to bring light to the world. Unfortunately rather than bringing
light to the world, the world has permeating the Church!
2. Secondly, I say this is written to a church of believers and not to a group of
unsaved religious people going to church is because of what verse 19 says.
a) Daniel Wallace, a Greek scholar, says this about this Greek word love in
this verse “phileo” this word is never used in the New Testament of God
or Jesus loving unbelievers! Only the word “agape” is used in the New
Testament of God’s love for unbelievers!
3. The third reason is that many people take v20 to refer to Jesus coming into
the life of an unsaved person to save them.
a) Watch closely as I read “will come in to him” not “come into him”
b) Again Dan Wallace says the author could have used the Greek word for
into so as to indicate the penetration into a person’s life but instead he
used the Greek word that means coming towards or before someone
B. So all of that goes to say that Jesus here is making an invitation to this church to
come back into fellowship with Him, not to lost religious churchgoers to be
1. Read v20
2. So Jesus is simply summing up what He has said and wants them to turn from
their self-sufficiency and turn to Jesus and they will be back in a place of
fellowship and usefulness to Him.
C. To those who respond to that invitation listen to what Jesus says to them! Read
V. Let me finish with an
VI. Application
A. I personally believe that the greatest expression that MVC can have that we are
not trusting in the many resources and wealth that are available to us here in the
south suburbs of Chicago is prayer that comes from the heart of those who have
the very first character trait that Jesus said is true of a kingdom person – poor in
spirit! A church who recognizes their spiritual poverty apart from Jesus!
1. If you are one of those persons I would encourage you to join us at
Wednesday mornings as we, as a church together, declare to Jesus that what
we are doing here at MVC is not about us or from us but about and from
2. If we want to fulfil our function as a light to the suburban culture, we will
desperately need to call upon Jesus to move in and through us. Because we
live among a people who think they are doing fine and need nothing when it
comes to spiritual things. But the reality is that they are poor, naked and blind
deeply in need of new life from Jesus Christ.
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Philadelphia: The Church of the Open Door
Revelation 3:7-13 July 21, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. There is a large gap between the way that God does things, the way He conducts
His affairs and the way we do things and conduct our affairs!
1. Isaiah 55:8-9
2. These differences are seen in a huge way in the church in Philadelphia.
a) Last week in the church in Sardis we saw the difference in the way God
evaluates a church – one they thought was alive, Jesus said was dead!
b) In Philadelphia we will see a huge difference in the way that God thinks
about the ministry opportunities for His churches and the way we think
about them especially here in North America
B. Turn in your Bibles to Revelation 3:7 – The church in Philadelphia, Asia Minor
not Pennsylvania.
1. This is the second and final of the seven churches where Jesus had no
criticism for them. Only encouragement regarding what they are doing and
what they can expect in the future for this faithfulness
2. Again, we are going to see a church under persecution.
a) In v8 we will see they did not deny Jesus’ name and in v10 we see they
persevered! Two words that indicate to remain faithful in the face of
3. The source of their pressure to deny Jesus was like every other church in the
Roman Empire - emperor worship was always a present pressure upon them
a) But in this passage, Jesus in v9 will refer specifically to the Jews, which
appears to be their greatest source of persecution.
b) There are also a number of writings from the church fathers at that time,
including one of the better-known ones, Polycarp, that the Jews were
persecuting Christians in Philadelphia!
c) Scholars suggest that this persecution was a combination of doctrinal
differences and jealousy over the success of Christianity to win over so
many Jewish converts!
4. But Jesus says in this passage that the Jews will find out who God’s real
people are, the ones whom God loves! And it is not them but Christians!
C. Before I read, let me point out one more thing. In the New Testament, an open
door refers to an opportunity for ministry of some sort!
1. 1 Corinthians 16:8-9; Acts 14:27, 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:3
2. That is what this passage will be talking about. This is a church where a door
of ministry has been opened for them to serve the Lord in some undefined
3. And important to note, God opened this door for ministry they did not create
this opportunity!
D. As I read this passage, watch for their faithfulness under pressure and watch
especially as to why God opened this opportunity of ministry for them! Read 3:7-
• This morning I want to focus on the reason
II. Why God opened this opportunity for service for them.
A. Let me read verse 8 to you as the New American Standard has it then read it to
you as the Greek has it and its most likely interpretation
1. Read NASB v8
2. As I read the Greek, listen closely and see if you can notice the difference.
“because you have little power (emphasis in Greek on little) and or yet (word
can be translated either way depending upon the context) you kept my word
and did not deny my name”
3. Now look at it in the NLT which I believe captures the Greek perfectly “you
have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me”
B. So what is the big difference?
1. “Because you have a little power and ...” That would indicate to us that the
first of three reasons why God gave them this opportunity for ministry. It was
because they at least had a little bit of power along with obeying God’s word
and not denying His name!
2. If it says you have little power yet.... that means this becomes the basis for
His commendation even though you have little power you still kept my word
and did not deny me!
C. Literally its says you have “little power” not “a little power!” Let me build this a
bit further.
1. The word “little” here is the one Jesus used when he talked about the one
who is the least in the kingdom, and the mustard seed that is smaller than all
other seeds. In the book of Acts, it is used when speaking of the smallest to
the greatest.
2. And the word “little” is emphasized here. The point is that Jesus is saying
here – you have “very little power” or simply “you are not very powerful.”
It is a statement of fact not a complement or a reason for opening the door!
D. Simply He is saying, “I am opening this door because you are not very powerful
yet you have obeyed my word, you have not denied my name under pressure and
you have endured persecution!
1. Some commentators suggest that Jesus referring to the size of the church as
small and others believe He is referring to the status of the people in that
church, not the rich, high and mighty in Philadelphia but rather the poor,
lowly and weak people of Philadelphia.
2. So how can people like this, probably a small church full of poor people who
are lowly in status in that community and weak, be so faithful and strong in
the midst of such pressure and persecution? Why would Jesus give this kind
of church such a golden opportunity for ministry?
3. Don’t we think here in North America, the churches with many resources and
significant people are the ones who are in a place to do great things for God?
a) They are the ones who are smart enough to figure out the kind of
programing to open up opportunities and have the resources to pull them
b) But this passage is not about a church creating opportunities for God to
work but God do it for the church!
4. But a church like Philadelphia has no choice but to turn away from
themselves and to turn to Jesus for what they need! Churches that are
wealthy, have status and are strong face the constant temptation to rely upon
themselves and their resources to do God’s work rather than on God Himself
E. I believe the very reason why Jesus gave this church such opportunities for
ministry is because His power is perfected in weakness, He has chosen the weak
things of the world to confound the wise! Let’s look at two key passages that
show us that
1. Listen to how God has chosen to display His power and confound the world.
1 Corinthians 1:26-29
2. Power is perfected in weaknesses when we embrace them, kiss them and
even boast of them! Listen 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
F. When all is said and done I believe that God opened this door of ministry to this
church because they recognized, embraced and probably even boasted in their
weakness and the fact that they had little power they turned to Jesus for what they
needed to be faithful to Him
III. Application
A. So let me ask you and us as a church are you/we looking to ourselves, to other
churches, to best practices, to latest programs, to latest technology etc. to open up
opportunities for ministry or are we looking to
B. God
C. What would that look like?
1. It would look like 21 days of prayer! It would look like our weekly prayer
meeting on Wednesday mornings at 6am right here in this room.
2. It looks like a group of church people coming before God in prayer
recognizing, embracing and probably even boasting in their weakness and the
fact that they had little power and turning to Jesus for what they need to be
faithful to Him
3. As a church, we will be having more weeks of prayer and will continue to
meet every Wednesday at 6am. I would ask you to join us in this so we can
be a church and a people where we see God open doors of opportunity for
MVC and us as individuals! Then we would be a church that has no
explanation except God
D. Let me close with an encouragement, which He gives to the whole church, not
just the overcomers!
1. Read 10b... - referring to that time we will be talking about in a few weeks,
Revelation 6-19, the tribulation that time of great trouble like never before
that will come upon the whole world!
2. We know words are important so watch this:
a) Does he say, “I will also keep you in the hour of testing?” No! If he did
say that it would mean that, the church would go through the tribulation
but Jesus would preserve us during it!
b) Does he say, “I will also take you out of the hour of testing?” No! If he
did say that it would mean that, the church would go through a portion of
the tribulation but taken out part way through!
c) Does he say, “I will also keep you from the hour of testing?” Yes! That
means that the church would not go through the tribulation but Jesus
would deliver us from going through it!
E. Brothers and sisters as we have a great hope to look forward to may we be found
faithful relying upon Jesus in prayer and in our ministry and not upon ourselves
F. Pray
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Sardis: Incomplete Deeds
Rev 3:1-6 July 14, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. Perspective is the frame of mind we have when we look at the same thing from a
different angle.
1. Image of Perspective
B. This fifth church in Revelation, Sardis, had a major perspective problem.
1. It was not a difference of perception between what one group of people
thought and another group of people thought but between what they thought
and what God thought!
2. His perception, His viewpoint, His opinion, His evaluation of things in this
church and those of the people were polar opposites!
C. As I read the first few verses in this letter watch for the difference in perception
between what people were saying about this church and what God’s point of view
was on this church!
1. Read v1-2
2. Note in v1 – “You have a name”, simply this church had a very good
reputation, people, most likely Christians, were saying good things about this
a) You are alive!
b) You are a church that has a lot of life, a lot of energy, a lot of activity,
probably even saying the Holy Spirit is really moving in this place.
3. But note what Jesus says at the end of this verse.
a) Read v1d - Dead
b) This letter was written to genuine believers, the church – so when Jesus
said you were dead He was not referring to spiritually dead as unsaved
but to the fact that the life, energy and activity they were experiencing
was not that of the life of Jesus through the Spirit of God.
c) Just like the body without the spirit is dead so our activity and service for
God without the Spirit is dead!
4. Look at the end of verse 2
a) Read 2c
b) In the sight of God – note that the contrast here is between the reputation
of man, even Christians, the way they view and what they say about
what was going on in that church in opposition to how those same things
are seen in the sight of God. From God’s viewpoint, God’s opinion of
what was going on in that church, His judgment or evaluation of that
churches ministry and deeds for Him.
D. So before we even go further in the text one valuable lesson we can learn is that
there can be a big difference between our evaluation and our opinions about a
church and the way that God evaluates it and His opinion of it!
1. In North America Christians have a tendency to consider a church alive and
good if it is large, has a lot programs to meet people’s needs, does a lot of
mercy ministries for the less fortunate here and around the world, has a super
cool atmosphere, great and engaging music and a preacher that is dressed in
skinny jeans and can speak well and relevantly! Most of these can be
measured statistically somehow
2. We have been learning from the letters to the churches in Revelation what is
important to Jesus in a church. And so far, we can say three things have been
emphasized as three things of equal importance that must be held in equal
tension. Truth, love and holiness of life. Things you do not measure
3. We also learn in Ephesians 4 what a growing church looks like. He lists four
things in particular that cannot be measured by human standards
a) A unified understanding of the word of God
b) A daily personal walk with Jesus
c) Spiritual maturity in a way that they can stand firm in Christ and not be
knocked out of the box by unbiblical teaching, satanic schemes or even
man’s schemes!
d) Finally, they are more and more like and filled with Jesus!
4. Bottom line, we see throughout Scripture and we are reminded in this passage
that even in a church things can look good to man and look good on the
outside, but God who sees differently and looks for different things than
North American Christians do, he can have a totally different viewpoint and
evaluation of a church.
E. I think that MVC has a halfway decent reputation among Christians as being a
good church and alive, but my heart and the heart of this leadership is that is the
viewpoint that God has of MVC as we seek to be pleasing in His sight!
• We can learn more of what it is like to be pleasing in His sight, as we understand the
heart of the problem with this church. It was their ...
II. Deeds
A. What Jesus is addressing in this church is their deeds, their activities, and their
work for God.
1. The only thing that Jesus addresses in v 1 is their deeds. Reread 1c
a) Their reputation had to do with the activity and work for God
2. Note at the end of v2 again Jesus is talking about their deeds, their activity
and work for God and how God views them. Reread 2d
B. Now the passage does not identify what these particular works for God were, the
word “deeds” is plural (deeds), so He is talking about the general work, activities,
programs and ministries of the church!
C. But one thing we do know about the complete deeds is that they were incomplete.
Point out in 2d. Not found in God’s eyes.
1. Complete here means - not complete in the sense that something was lacking
in the works they were doing for Jesus. Something was missing! They were
not the full or complete package but something was missing from it!
2. While man was looking at what they were doing he thought “Wow, this is
awesome”, on the other hand Jesus saw that something was missing, what He
was looking for and valued in their ministry was not there.
D. All I know for sure is this. The ministry they were carrying on in this church was
not going to pass the test of fire at the future judgment of Jesus when He judges
our works for Him!
1. Read 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
2. Evidently, in this church whatever they were doing was made of wood, hay
and straw and not of gold, silver and precious stones.
E. So let me try to prime the pump with what some of those kind of works could
have been for them and for us! Read Colossians 3:23
1. Could it be that they were not doing things “whole heartedly” for the Lord.
2. We all know what halfhearted effort looks like and yes, both people in the
ministry and lay volunteers can do their ministry halfheartedly!
3. People who do not take their service seriously and put full effort into it, not
fully preparing either our places, hearts or minds, but just coasting and not
constantly seeking to excel in the gifts or ministry the Lord has given us
F. How about where form takes priority over function, program over people, and
structure over Spirit!
1. Simply that is when secondary things about ministry, important but
secondary, become more important, the focus, the trust and the priority of
your ministry.
2. That is when the forms we use, the programs we offer and the structures we
set up become what we build our ministry around rather than the function
Jesus called us to do in making disciples, the people we are to serve and the
Holy Spirit we are to rely upon!
G. Possibly not doing the ministry the Lord’s way but rather with your best wisdom,
ideas or models. It is not just a matter of doing God’s work but it is a matter of
doing God’s work, God’s way!
1. God does hold us accountable for the way we do his work. Remember
Moses, God told him to speak to the rock and water would come out to meet
the people’s needs, but instead Moses struck the rock. Water did come out
and the people’s needs were met.
a) But in the end Moses was held accountable for not doing God’s work in
God’s way but rather doing God’s work Moses’ way – striking rather
than speaking
b) As a result God said it was this action that kept Moses from being able to
enter into the promise land
c) Read Numbers 20:8,11-12
2. So many people in the ministry whose hearts are good as they want to further
God’s kingdom are tempted to think that they have come up with a better
way to do things than God has directed in his word.
3. Many chose the route of pragmatism over principle. Simply what works over
what God calls us to do. The focus is more on results than faithfulness.
4. And so many see the success that a business model has brought businesses so
they try to turn church ministry from being an organism into an organization
we can manage with the skills we have learned from the business world!
H. Let finish with one other possible way this passage could apply to both them and
MVC. Doing works in the flesh rather than the Spirit
1. Simply that means what we do the Lord’s work using the best efforts,
wisdom and resources that man can come up with apart from the Lord.
2. Doing the Lord’s work by means of the Spirit means that while I am doing
the Lord’s work whole-heartedly. I am deeply depending upon the Holy
Spirit to work in and through me, to strengthen me, to give me the wisdom
and next steps I need, to do the things in people’s lives that will turn them to
Christ and make them more like Christ.
a) It is not a passive sit back and let the Spirit do it!
b) Rather it is an active dependence upon the Spirit as we act. I call it DD
& DD. Deep dependence and due diligence.
III. Conclusion
A. So this is what Jesus says to this church whose activities are incomplete!
1. Read v2a-b –
a) Simply wake up to what is going on and pay constant close attention to
your works, that they are complete
b) And take what you are doing and make them firmer and stronger by
making them works that are complete in God’s sight
2. Read v 3a – Remember what you heard and keep – Referring to the word of
God. Get back to making God’s word your guide and blueprint for ministry.
Keep God’s word
3. Read v3b –
a) Repent – simply have a complete change of perspective about what you
are doing for the Lord. Change your mind so deeply that what you do
follows that by changing radically what you are doing.
b) Confess whatever is incomplete in God’s eyes about your service to Him
and get it in line with the things that He says will make them complete
B. And if you do this look at the reward that will be yours. Read v5-6
C. Pray for MVC
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Overcome Week 8
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Revelation 2:18-29
July 7, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. As we move into the fourth of seven letters that Jesus wrote to these churches in
Asia Minor around 1,925 years ago, we are seeing they are so relevant that he
could have written them just a few weeks ago to seven churches in the Southwest
Suburbs of Chicago.
B. Turn in your Bibles to Rev 2:18. Read v18 - Thyatira
1. Thyatira was the Chicago of Asia Minor as it was the manufacturing center.
2. There were many trades in Thyatira: dyeing, garment making, pottery, brass
work, carpenters and tent makers,
3. It was a strong “union city, they called them guilds; associations of workers
of the same trades who came together. Much like our ironworkers or pipe
fitters unions.
C. To understand this passage we need to understand a bit more how these guilds,
these unions, these associations worked.
1. Simply it was difficult there to make a living for your family without being a
member of a guild.
2. Each guild had its own patron deity, feasts, and seasonal festivities that
included sexual celebrations.
3. And as a member in one of these trades guilds you were required to
participate in the guild banquets where you had to eat and drink food
dedicated to that god and participate in the other festivities which were often
public and sexual in nature
4. So to be a member of these guilds put a Christian in a compromising position
D. Before I read the passage let me remind of whom Jezebel was.
1. Jezebel was probably the most evil woman mentioned in the Old Testament
and she is known for influencing Israel away from the Lord and into idol
worship with Baal!
2. In the same way, a woman in this church was influencing them away from
loyalty to Jesus and into idol worship! Thus, Jesus called her Jezebel,
probably not her actual name but she was just like her!
E. So as I read this passage now, you have a better understanding of what they faced.
Read v18-25. We will pick up the rest later
F. In verse 19 we see there is a lot this church is doing well Read v19,
G. But in v 20-23. They have tolerated a false teacher who is spiritually influencing
the people away from Jesus and into idol worship. Read v20
1. It appears this church knows what she is teaching is spiritually dangerous
stuff, but they haven’t distanced themselves from this and have allowed it to
continue; putting up with it, allowing it to play itself out and negatively
impacting others in the church so that they are led astray
2. Then v21-23 says that both this teacher and her followers will be severely
disciplined by the Lord unless they repent!
H. Now if you were here last week this sounds a lot like what we saw going on in
Pergamum. There, a group of people within the church held to the teachings of
the Nicolaitans.
1. The Nicolaitans felt believers had the freedom to get involved in these
idolatrous and immoral practices because of the external pressure put on them
by the pagan culture they lived in and the necessity they had to live and
provide for their families
2. In Pergamum there was a “group of people” there who held to those beliefs,
but here in Thyatira it is notched up a bit and a more severe judgment
because here they allowed someone to “teach it and influence” others with
their beliefs!
3. Remember what we learned in James 3 – “Let not many of you become
teachers brethren knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment!”
I. I think there are a few other things we can learn about this church and Jesus’ heart
as we compare a few other things with other churches!
1. The pressure to compromise in Pergamum came more from the pressure of
emperor worship or pay the consequences. Here in Thyatira compromise
came more from the pressure that came from the business world to conform
or pay the consequences.
2. Also, the church in Thyatira was commended for their love in v19 but
criticized for tolerating immoral living and false teachers. But Ephesus is just
the opposite in that they were commended for not tolerating immoral living
and false teachers but were criticized for leaving behind their love.
3. So what we can conclude from all these commendations and criticizing of
these churches so far is that Jesus values all three; truth, holy living and love
for each other and Him! We cannot sacrifice or devalue any of these three
but must hold all three of them in tension with one another!
J. What an amazing reward for those who overcome. Read v25-29
1. This reign is yet in the future.
2. It indicates a co-reigning with Jesus over the nations and this reign will be a
stern rule with a rod iron and breaking the nations.
3. This cannot refer to the new heaven and earth because nothing and no one
evil will ever enter into there! It has to refer to the millennium were
righteousness reigns but sin and death will still be present.
• Last week we spoke a little about the problem of immorality that comes from living
in that pagan culture. Today as we prepare for communion I just to take a few
moments to address the issue of
II. Idolatry
A. You are probably thinking how does this relate to us since there is no idol worship
going on in the evangelical churches in the United States.
B. Actually we live in a very idolatrous culture that puts great pressure on us to
compromise our walk with Jesus, only
1. Our idols are not statues of wood and iron but our idols are the possessions,
pleasures and positions the world offers and it is constantly putting pressure
on us to value these things above God.
2. Our idols are in the heart and the way we relate to these things.
C. Both Ephesians 5:5 and Col 3:5 call covetousness, idolatry.
1. Power point of passages
2. Covetousness is simply not being satisfied with what you have and wanting
3. So idolatry is not being satisfied with God and what he has given to us so we
look for more in someone and/or something else!
D. Tim Keller -says an idol is whatever you look at and say, in your heart of hearts,
“if I have that, then I’ll feel my life has meaning, then I ‘ll know I have value,
then I’ll feel significant and secure.”
1. John Calvin said idolatry is to worship the gifts in place of
the Giver Himself?”
2. Pat Peglow says an idol is something or someone else that we put in the place
where God is supposed to be in our lives. It is what or whom we love more
than God. It is what or whom we are trusting in more than God. It is what or
whom we build and center our lives around. It is what or whom we look to
fulfill our deepest needs and greatest hopes. It is what or from whom we find
our significance, identity and meaning in life!
E. Martin Luther - Wrote that the Ten Commandments begin with a commandment
against idolatry. Why does this come first? Because we never break the other
commandments without breaking the first one. Why do we fail to love or keep
promises or live unselfishly?
1. Of course, the general answer is “because we are weak and sinful,”
2. But the specific answer in any actual circumstance is that there is something
you feel you must have to be happy, something that is more important to your
heart than god Himself. We would not lie unless we first had made
something—human approval, reputation, power over others, financial
advantage—more important and valuable to our hearts than the grace and
favor of God.
F. In Revelation 2 Jesus calls individuals within the church to repent of idolatry
1. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 10:14 tells us to flee idolatry –
2. John, in 1 John 5:21 tells us to be on constant watch over our hearts to not let
idolatry creep into it.
G. As communion comes your way today ask God to show you your own heart,
1. There is a deep deception that accompanies idolatry so it is hard for us to see
apart from the spirit of God putting His finger on it! Listen Isaiah 44:10, 13-
2. Are there any idols in your life that need to be confessed or fled from?
3. We are all continually tempted to make temporal things into ultimate things.
Are there any potential idols putting pressure on us we must be on guard
III. Pass communion
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Pergamum: Compromise
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Pergamum: Compromise
Rev 2:12-17 June 30, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. Compromise can be a very good thing when it comes to our differences in
relationships but compromise when it comes to the extreme differences between
Jesus and the world can contaminate our relationship with Jesus.
B. In this third church, Pergamum, there is pressure from both outside the church and
inside the church to compromise.
1. The great majority of this church remained faithful in a very difficult
satanically inspired culture, but there were some on the inside of the church
who thought that compromise was ok, something that could become a
stumbling block to this church!
C. As I read this passage so we can get a feel for them, watch for all of this. Read
Rev 2:12-17
• Let’s begin by looking at …
II. The outward pressure upon the church
A. This is the part that Jesus commends the church for. Let me reread this: v13.
B. Two times he refers to Satan in this verse. He says this city where they dwell, is
where Satan’s throne is, this is where Satan dwells.
1. And this church is commended by Jesus for their faithfulness to Him in the
midst of this very anti Jesus culture!
C. Why would Jesus say this city is where Satan’s throne is, where he dwells? Let’s
learn a little bit about Pergamum and we will not only see why He calls it that but
also understand the great pressure these Christians were under and the cost of
their faithfulness there.
1. Pergamum was a large city and was the political center of Asia Minor. It was
the Washington DC of Asia Minor!
2. One ancient writer said Pergamum was “given to idolatry more than all
Asia!” It had a series of pagan cults located there: Zeus, Athena, Dionysus,
3. They had a theater there that seated 10,000 people. The primary purpose of
the theater was to make the city’s views the people’s views. Sounds like
Hollywood doesn’t it?
a) This theater was dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine and orgy, and
right next to the theater was the temple of Dionysus.
b) Before the shows people would go to the temple and drink all the free
wine they wanted.
c) Then they would go to the play which often were performed in the nude.
d) Then after the play they would binge and purge with raw meat until they
got in an ecstatic state then spend time with the temple prostitutes!
4. And lastly but not least, Pergamum was the center of emperor worship in
Asia Minor.
a) Pergamum may have been the first place to deify kings upon their death
and this practice so deeply impressed the Caesars of Rome that it led to
the deification of their Caesars upon their death!
b) And then Domitian, who was reigning at that time, was the first to start
the deification of Caesars while they were living.
c) Emperor worship was more intense in Pergamum than any of the other
surrounding cities. The surrounding cities were required to worship the
emperor just one time a year, but in Pergamum every day you had to
worship the emperor.
d) It was here it is believed that the practice began of burning incense to the
Caesar in order to be able to buy and sell in the market. It was so
pervasive that one could not buy or sell, get fire or water, or acquire meat
without declaring Caesar was god. To refuse could mean death to the
5. It appears this is what probably happened to Antipas who is referred to in v13
as God’s faithful witness who was killed there.
a) Tradition says Antipas was supposedly roasted alive in a hollow life-size
bull, which had a bonfire under its belly, because he refused to renounce
his faith in Christ Jesus.
D. This is the kind of external pressure that this church of believers lived under day
in and day out; and Jesus said they held fast to His name and did not deny the
faith even in the face of death!
• Since Satan could not get this church to go down from the outside pressure he
switched his schemes to
III. Inward pressure upon the church
A. Jesus is going to use the story of Balaam who could not put a curse upon Israel
from the outside, so he instructed Balak to put a stumbling block on Israel from
the inside by getting them involved in idol worship and immorality. Read v14
B. Now in verse 15 he says that in the “same way” the Nicolaitans are doing the
same, causing the church to stumble from the inside by getting them involved in
the local pagan culture of idolatry and immorality. Read v15
C. The Nicolaitans were believed to be characterized by two things:
1. First, synchronism – they felt that separation from pagan occult practices was
not essential. So they mixed together different belief systems and practiced
them as one!
2. False freedom - they were guilty of turning God’s liberty into license.
Reckless grace – they insinuated that freedom in Christ granted them a blank
check to sin.
3. So as a result of their beliefs and practices they were mixing in idol worship
with worship of the true God and the permission for immoral living which
often accompanied their idol worship.
4. They were people who compromised with both the pagan religions and
ungodly culture around them!
D. Note that it says “some” in v15. The great majority of this church was faithful to
Jesus in the midst of external and internal pressure to conform to this ungodly and
immoral culture.
1. But there were some who were holding onto the teachings of these
E. It appears that the problem with this church is that they welcomed them into their
church where they could influence other believers and now that they were there
they were not dealing with them. Jesus called the church to repent, wake up to
what is going on in your church and deal with this internal cancer or I will come
myself and deal with it! Read v16
F. And in v17 he states the reward that is theirs if they do deal with it!
1. It appears that the hidden manna refers to Christ as the bread of heaven to
nourish and strengthen their souls in the midst of this tough days
2. The white stone with a new name written on it refers to the future kingdom
when Jesus will give them a name that is reflective of their unique character
• So
IV. What does this letter have to say to us?
A. We live in a time:
1. A time when our culture is very ungodly and immoral! Yes, under the
influence of Satan as he is called “the god of this world.”
a) There are all kinds of false religions, cults and eastern religions right
here on our doorsteps.
b) And as Ben Carson says “we’ve distorted things to the point where
people believe that anyone who opposes mothers killing their babies is
waging war on women. How can we be so foolish to believe such a
thing? One must be able to recognize the depravity to which we have
sunken as a society when valuing a baby’s life is frowned upon!”
(1) And there are few states that buy into this deeper than the one we
live in.
2. A time where even in the church some who mix together biblical Christianity
with new age beliefs and practices and even some with ideas from eastern
3. A time where many Christians think it is no big deal to be involved in
premarital sex or live together – I mean “everybody is doing it aren’t they –
what is the big deal?
a) They are right – in our culture and through fleshly eyes it is no big deal!
b) But in God’s eyes sin, any sin, was a big enough deal to send his own
son to a bloody and torturous cross. A big enough deal for someone to
spend an eternity in the lake of fire.
c) It is true – as high as the heavens are above the earth so are God’s
thoughts above ours!
4. A time where many churches are buying into, accepting and even promoting
some of the immoral sexual practices of our culture. Where other churches
say to churches like MVC that “we are unloving and un-Christ-like if we do
not agree with and accept the life style of the LGBTQ community!”
a) Like Jesus said to Ephesus we must be a church that holds to the tension
of love and truth without sacrificing either one!
5. Need I say more? – We live in a time that is much like the time when the
church in Pergamum lived! The only difference is that at this time we are not
under the pressure and persecution that they were for not submitting to the
ways of the pagan culture.
6. I think we are more deceived into compromise than pressured into it!
B. Satan is the god of this world!
1. The world has its own program/system. This system has its own ways,
pattern or mold, basic principles, standards, philosophy, wisdom, viewpoint
and loves.
2. It is a system which is programmed to constantly put pressure on people to
squeeze them into its mold.
3. Satan is the personal agent behind our external enemy called the world which
has all the goodies that attract our internal enemy our flesh!
C. In closing I want to ask you the questions I saw in an article I read:
1. Can you think of any area of your life where you have allowed yourself to be
compromised by the world? If so, can you see where that compromise has
hindered the power of God from operating in your life?
D. Pray
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Truth and Love
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Ephesus Church: Truth and Love
Rev 2:1-7 June 16, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. Marriage Monday for Men -
B. I have always been challenged by this statement by John Stott “Truth without love
is too hard and love without truth is too soft."
1. It has been a constant check on my own heart to make sure my
communication of truth is tempered with love and my love has backbone
with truth!
2. We will see today in Jesus’ letter to the Ephesians Church that His heart is for
both truth and love and not one at the expense of the other!
C. As we move into the section of the book of Revelation that contains Jesus’ letters
to the seven churches in Asia, we will learn what Jesus is most concerned about
with church life!
1. The truth is that not everything that goes on in the church is of equal
importance, and you and I may differ on what we think is important but we
will find out in these letter exactly what is important to Jesus.
D. Now listen to how Jesus begins His letter to the Church in Ephesus.
1. Read 2:1
2. We learned in 1:20 that:
a) Stars = the angels of the church = messengers = most likely human
messengers, today we would call them the pastors of the church,
especially teaching pastors
b) The lampstands are the churches themselves and give us an indication of
the churches purpose to be God’s light in this dark world!
3. The fact that He holds the messengers in His right hand indicates that He has
a firm grip on these pastors by His power and authority.
4. The fact that He walks among the lampstand, the church, indicates that His
presence and activity are right there in the church.
• So bottom line Jesus’ presence and power are in operation in His church. Both the
Ephesus Church and MVC!
II. The Church in Ephesus
A. The Church at Ephesus which at the time of Revelation was in existence for just
over 40 years
1. Ephesus was the largest city in Asia Minor and had temples there both for the
Imperial Cult of Rome and the Greek goddess Artemis.
2. In Acts, we learn from Paul’s ministry of the word in Ephesus for two years
that the gospel spread throughout all of Asia Minor.
3. God’s word was growing mightily and prevailing to the point that believers
were turning from pagan religions, burning their old religious books and
turning from idol worship to such a degree it impacted the business of the
silversmiths, which brought about a big disturbance from an angry mob!
4. So the ongoing threat of persecution was always a reality for this church!
B. And false teaching and false doctrine were real threats to them
1. In Acts Paul warned the Ephesian elders to be on guard for themselves and
all the flock because there would be negative influences and false teaching
coming from both outside and inside the church.
2. In 1 Timothy, we learn Paul left Timothy in Ephesus so that he might instruct
certain men not to teach strange things.
C. Now listen to how Jesus commends/praises this church.
1. Read v2-3
2. They did many things for Jesus’ sake (deeds v2) For Jesus’ sake they have
worked hard and persevered under these pressures and have not tolerated evil
immoral men or false teaching. In none of this have they grown weary but
they keep on whole-heartedly serving Jesus.
3. This sounds a lot like MVC – For nearly 75 years now MVC has done many
things for Jesus, worked hard, persevered, disciplined immoral members and
proclaimed God’s Word!
4. Side Bar – In the midst of false teachers from within and without for 40 some
years they have stayed faithful to God’s truth! Truth is important and
essential to Jesus and His Church
a) I believe they were faithful here because of the instructions that Paul
gave to their pastor, Timothy. By practicing these, they were able to
remain faithful to God’s truth!
(1) 2 Tim 2:2 a strong discipleship movement
(a) Finding faithful men and women who are able to teach
others and entrusting God’s truth to them. Then
commissioning them to do that with others. Simply going
deep with a few and multiplying from there.
(b) That should be an encouragement to MVC as that is exactly
what we are seeking to do
(2) 2 Tim 4:1-4. A strong preaching ministry. One that is not driven
by the desires of the people but by the word of God truthfully and
practically taught in such a way as to instruct and encourage as
well as convict of sin and warn of the consequences of such a life.
b) MVC must focus on these two means for the next 75 years if we want to
see God’s truth, to be at the center of MVC ministry! Something that
Jesus considers not just important but essential!
D. So they had many good things going on in this church but listen to one big
concern that Jesus had for them.
1. Read v4
2. Their love! It does not say whether that is love for one another or for God. I
think God left it that way because it applies to both!
3. John in 1 John 4:20 says “… the one who does not love his brother, whom he
has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. Our love for God and
each other are intimately tied together!
4. Love for each other can easily be overlooked when we get so involved in
doing so many good things for the Lord.
a) I have seen many people so busy serving that they are getting angry with
everyone else because they are not helping or doing as much as they are.
(1) Then the temptation of every person involved in ministry is to use
people to build our ministries rather than using our ministries to
build people.
(2) Often people become interruptions to our ministries rather than
interrupting our ministries to serve people
b) I have seen too many theologically minded people who will ram people
over because they disagree with them about Bible interpretations.
(1) They have a sharp theological mind but it is totally divorced from
relational love for people.
(2) Other Christians who disagree with them have become the enemy!
5. Our love for God can be totally left behind as we fall in love with the
ministry, keeping busy with God’s work, loving the significance and
affirmation we can gain from doing something to help someone else.
a) Read 2 Corinthians 11:2-3
b) Have you lost the simple and pure devotion to Jesus?
c) We can love the Bible and the truths that help us live better without
loving God
d) We can love ministry without loving God
(1) We can fall in love with the mission and vision, the strategy and
goals, and the work with them becoming realities and loving that
more than Jesus.
(2) Like a good pastor friend of mine that was confronted by his wife
for having an affair with the ministry and leaving her behind.
e) It is no different from the husband and wife that are busy keeping the
house up, going to all the events on their calendars, caring for the kids
and love doing it but the reality is that their love for one another has lost
its fire. It is not that they do not like each other but rather they have lost
the fire and passion for each other, which should be at the heart of
everything they do!
E. There is a tension that the Bible teaches and Jesus is calling his church to –
remember, "truth without love is too hard and love without truth is too soft but
truth and love in tension is just right.”
1. Generationally that older generation falls a bit heavy on the truth side and the
younger generation falls a bit heavy on the love side.
2. Listen to Beth Moore’s strong words to the younger generation at the Passion
Conference Video Link
3. MVC will rise or fall based upon whether we will sacrifice one for the other!
May God give both the younger and older generations the courage to live the
tension of both truth and love!
F. Next Jesus tells them what they must do to correct this. Read 5a-c
1. Remember – regain their bearing of what it is supposed to be like by
remembering when they first began this journey being in love with Jesus and
ministering out of love for Him.
2. Repent – Be so convicted in your heart and mind of this sin that you are
broken to your core so that the direction of your ministry turns around!
3. Do - the things you did at first when you were deeply in love with Jesus and
G. If we do not the consequences are big
1. Read 5d-e
2. The effectiveness of MVC as a lighthouse for Jesus will go out.
3. Either we will end up eventually closing the door and selling the building to
Home Depot or we will be a church that continues with business as usual but
with no eternal value or effectiveness.
H. But on the other hand if MVC has the wisdom and courage to be a church that
holds the tension of truth and love for years to come listen to the reward!
1. Read v7.
2. The privilege to eat of the tree of life in the future eternal kingdom of God!
I. Pray
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Dave Parro continues in our summer series, "Overcome".
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Student Sunday
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Celebrating our High School Grads and hearing from our Family Pastor, Mike Locke.