Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
The Struggle is Real // Week 5
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Our Director of Sisters' Connection, Ava Perry, speaks on Insecurity in our fall series, "The Struggle is Real."
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
The Struggle is Real // Week 4
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Hurt and Forgiveness
Gen 37-50 Life of Joseph
October 13, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. Baby Announcement - Grayson Gary Borger was born September 26 to Matt and
Lexi. The proud grandparents are Gary and Tami Reyna. The proud great
grandparents are Don and Sharon Couwenhoven.
B. Today’s sermon is my most direct response to the Father’s Day sermon I gave a
year and a half ago about those who did not have a good relationship with their
parents. But the truths we learn from today’s message will apply to anyone who
has been hurt by someone, whether a parent, a mate, a trusted friend or even a
stranger! The various kinds of damage to the human soul still linger long after the
events took place.
C. The struggle is real and the pain is especially deep for those who have been hurt
by who is supposed to love you like a mate, parent, sibling, trusted friend, etc.
D. The goal of my message today is learn how to turn “victims” of people’s sins
against them into a “victors” over that sin!
• This morning I want to jump-start the process of healing by showing you three
lessons from the life of Joseph that turns victims into victors. Let’s start by seeing
how …
II. Joseph was a Victim
A. The first happened to Joseph when he was 17 years old. God had shown him in a
dream that someday he would rule over the rest of his family. When he shared
this dream with his family, it was not received very well.
1. One day when his brothers were out in the field with the flocks they saw
Joseph coming towards them and they plotted together to kill him.
2. Eventually rather than killing him, they sold him as a slave to some
Ishmaelite foreigners who were passing by on their way to Egypt.
3. When these Ishmaelites reached Egypt, they sold Joseph to an Egyptian
officer named Potiphar, who was the captain of the bodyguard.
4. So Joseph was literally sold into slavery by his own family.
B. Potiphar’s Wife
1. God was with Joseph and all that he did prospered. So Potiphar put him in
charge over everything that he owned.
2. Now Joseph was a handsome man and Potiphar’s wife desired to sleep with
him. Day after day, she offered herself to Joseph but he refused her offers.
3. One day Potiphar’s wife was tired of his rejections and grabbed his garment
as he was running away, and she made up a story that he tried to rape her.
Because her lie, Joseph actually ended up in jail!
C. While in jail through a long chain of events, Joseph ended up interpreting the
dream of one of the king’s servants who was in jail with him.
1. Joseph asked only one request, he asked the cup bearer that when it went well
with him to remember to mention Joseph to Pharaoh so he could get out of
the jail
2. Well the cupbearer forgot to mention Joseph to the Pharaoh and he spent two
more years in jail because of this man’s neglect and forgetfulness.
3. Eventually Joseph got out by God giving him the wisdom he needed to
interpret the Pharaoh’s dream.
D. The point is this, over a 13-year period from the age of 17 to 30; Joseph three
times had to bear the severe consequences of someone else’s sin or neglect.
• But what we learn from Joseph’s life are the lessons that turn a victim into a victor.
The first lesson we can learn from Joseph is
III. Seeking God in the midst of your pain
A. Read Gen 41:50-52
B. Now we know from the story as it goes on that Joseph did not forget the details of
what happened to him.
1. So forget is not used in the sense that God wiped the memory of the situation
clean from his mind,
2. Rather what happened to him was that God had broken the power of that
situation controlling and enslaving his mind.
C. Note that it was “God” who made him forget, and it was “God” who made him
fruitful. Reread v51 & 52 emphasizing “God”
1. It is important that we get face to face with God in the midst of our pain and
allow Him to do His work of healing us, breaking the power of that memory
and using our life and pain to bring glory to Him and blessing to others.
2. When God meets us in our pain and messes as someone has said, “our mess
become our message!” that God uses to bring life and grace to others
D. I mentioned last week that when we seek God in the places He is working
(programs, services, etc.) and deeply depend upon Him miracles happen! I call it
DD & DD. Due diligence on our part and deep dependence upon God
1. At Next Steps Table pick up resource cards!
2. This last week Emotional Resilience started and I was excited that some 80
people have put themselves in a place where God can work
3. This coming week on Thursday Night starts Celebrate Recovery, which is
specifically designed to help people who are struggling with hurts, hang-ups,
habits and addictions from eating to drugs and everything in between. Often
addictions are used to medicate our depression and emotions. Information is
available at the Next Steps table – Jeff Janulis
¨ So the first thing we need to do is position ourselves to involve God in our pain and
once we do that we are ready for the second lesson which is …
IV. Seeing God’s purposes in your pain
A. Joseph saw God’s sovereignty and purposes in the terrible sin that his brothers
committed against him.
1. Listen to what happened when Joseph first revealed to his brothers who he
was. Read Gen 45:5-8a.
B. Many people that I have met who have been seriously sinned against are still
seeing and interpreting their life through the lens of the sins against them.
C. When God is working in our hearts, we begin to see life from a completely new
perspective. We begin to see it from God’s viewpoint rather than our own. We
begin to understand that there is more going on in my life than what meets the
eye. There is a larger story going on than that of which I am aware.
• Illustrate the tapestry and my ability to see only a small piece of it and only
the backside of it that looks very messy.
D. Let me suggest two things that we know from Scripture that God is doing. We
know that there are more, but these are two major ones that have applications to
each of our lives.
1. Rom 8:28-29– conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.
2. Two Cor 4:7-10– manifest the indwelling life of Christ through us.
¨ Once we learn to experience God in the midst of our pain,
which allows us to see God’s purpose in our pain, then the final
lesson on turning a victim into a victor is …
V. Forgiving the offender
A. Read Gen 50:15-21
B. Forgiveness is essential to experiencing the deep healing within our souls. Yet it
is such a struggle as 2 Cor 2:10-11 tells us that we need to forgive lest Satan take
advantage of us because we are not ignorant of Satan’s schemes! Satan shots his
poison into our hearts through un-forgiveness and compounds the struggle!
C. The hardest part of forgiveness for me is when the person who hurt me does not
acknowledge they did it or does not apologize for what they have done. If
someone apologizes normally, God gives me quick grace to forgive. But what do
we do with those who have not:
1. As I wrestled with forgiving someone who hurt me and did not acknowledge
it or apologize to me. God spoke me through Jesus on the cross when He
said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing” –
a) Jesus forgave without anyone asking for forgiveness or
acknowledgement of their wrong doing
b) I could no longer hold out for an apology or acknowledgement – I
needed to forgive without that.
2. Last week we talked about two things
a) Room of grace – depend on Jesus for strength and next steps –
(1) It is not a program to follow or a principle to learn but a person, the
Savior, Jesus that gives us the ability and wisdom we need to walk
through this!
b) When we take a radical honest look in our hearts we see helplessness –
bigger than me, smarter than I am smart and stronger than I am strong –
(1) So I need to turn to Jesus to show me what I need to do next and
give me the strength to forgive!
D. Let me tell my story and how God met me on the issue of unforgiveness that was
controlling my heart towards those who hurt me!
1. I was at a conference when the speaker told his story of his need to forgive
some people that deeply hurt him. Afterwards the host of the conference
challenged us and gave us some time to examine our own hearts and the need
to forgive.
2. That time with the Lord at the end of that message ended up being four hours
long and my missing the entire afternoon session.
E. As I met with God that afternoon, He placed in my heart an image that set me free
and I have been free now for over ten years. This is what God spoke to me about
that day:
1. Need to hand over to God the “papers”, the ‘blood stained’ papers that have
all the offenses on it that this person has committed against me. That blood
stained list with “paid in full” written over it with Jesus’ blood. (Yes, they
are guilty as charged but Jesus paid for it in full.)
2. Get the keys from God, go to the prison of my heart, and open up the prison.
Then go back to the torture chamber of my heart where I have been mentally
and emotionally beating them up and making them pay for what they have
done to me, and set them free
3. Next, I needed to go over to the judgment stand where I had been hurling
accusations at them and set them free from my judgments and from thinking
evil about them.
4. Thank God, for the relationship I did have with this person and the blessing
they were to me.
5. Thank God, that He will use their wrong against me and all the pain that has
brought for a good purpose in my life.
6. Confess my sin of unforgiveness as being as great of a sin as what they did
against me
7. Resist the Devil from taking any further ground in my heart from my
8. Pray a blessing for that person for their life.
9. Do all of this in Jesus’ name trusting Him to enable me for this.
E. Working through all these people, I had never forgiven and God genuinely setting
me free took about six weeks of going through this process. With each person I
journaled before the Lord about each different person or groups of people as to
exactly what they did and what I did and how I responded
VI. Conclusion
A. Turn to Psalm 123
1. Note the contempt in his soul. Read 3-4
2. But that contempt was placed on him by others
3. He is not saying it is his contempt for others that fills his soul but the
contempt that others placed on him. Modern day translation, “These people
have crapped on me and now I am full of their crap!”
B. How do I get rid of this crap in my heart? How do I release this from my heart?
1. Listen to 3a – God’s grace – only God can do this – it is a gift from God
2. Read v1-2
3. The same way a servant looks to the hand of their master for direction and
provision we must look to God for direction and provision until He provides
a) We need to continually look to, rely upon, call upon and wait for the
Lord until He gives us the grace to forgive and let it go!
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
The Struggle is Real // Week 3
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Biblical Theology of Counseling
Various Passages October 6, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. This morning’s message is going to be different from what you are used to getting when we open up a passage, teach
what it means and then apply it.
B. What is going to happen today is you are going to get:
1. Over 40 years of studying Scripture
2. Over 60 years of living with and struggling with my own soul
3. 34 years of pastoral ministry and care of others’ souls.
4. What I have learned from others over these years from those who specialize in these things
C. So these converge together to form my biblical theology of pastoral counseling for ministering to a damaged soul,
someone else’s and your own!
D. As I share this my hope is that it will help in three ways:
1. Those who are struggling with something in their own souls will get some direction on how to think about these
things and how to begin to approach them
2. Those who are basically doing OK right now in their souls would find out things that will help them excel still the
more in their soul since none of us will be perfect in this area.
3. Finally, it will equip all of us a bit more on how to think and help others we love who are struggling deep within
their souls. You might call it a biblical/pastoral counseling 101.
E. So over the past 3 months I have worked hard trying to summarize all my thinking and understanding in a simple way
that can help us with these things. I encourage you, if you are interested; to go to the web page and download the
document that I created that summarizes all of this so you can use it for yourself or helping others!
Let me start with an...
II. Overview of the whole process (See 4 page Handout)
A. The process
1. Commission – sins done but should not have been (sexual or verbal abuse). Omission – should have been done
but was not (told you’re loved or received affection and affirmation)
2. Room of works looks like - when we try to manage our sin through willpower, the process looks like this:
sin...confess... do better for a while, and then sin again. Embarrassment, confess again, ask God to take away
the desire, then sin again, confess again, sin again, confess again, shock, more determination to stop sinning, think
about it a lot and examine it. Make promises, create some boundaries, and sin again, now even worse than
before. Despair, anger, shame, distance from God and guilt. Self-condemnation, self-loathing... sin again.
Disillusionment, doubt, self-pity, resentment at God: Why doesn’t He hear my prayers? Why doesn’t He do
something? More anger. Then fear because we allow ourselves to get angry with God. Then real confession, a
heartfelt one, and a sense of cleansing. Ah, a new start. Things seem to get better. Yeah, I finally got this sin
under control. Oops, sin again. Desperate efforts and bargains struck. Once-and-for-all healing. Really, mean it
this time. Sin again. Lose hope, give up, rationalize, minimize, blame, pull away, hide, judge others, put on a mask,
sin again, and so on.
B. The room of grace
1. Radical Honesty .... Radically honest look – the opposite of that is denial, suppression, not wanting to talk about it!
2. Like denying you have cancer and thinking it will take care of itself or just go away. It will eventually overtake you
and destroy you!
C. The past
1. Read statement at the top
2. At the end of describing how to address the past. The emotional resilience class that starts this Tuesday here at
MVC will go into this process much deeper. At Next Steps Table there will be more info and resource cards about
all of the resources we have available for you during this series.
D. Spiritual warfare
III. Conclusion
A. Ps 127:1 says “unless the Lord builds the house the laborers labor in vain”
B. The best information, processes and programs do not have the power to transform a life, only God does that!
C. There is a special meeting between man and God when we prayerfully depend upon God and do the due diligence to
put ourselves in the places where God is working.
1. Some of those places you will find on the resource card at Next Steps Table
D. Thus this week we are moving into a week of prayer where we are calling the whole body to come and pray for one
another and our loved ones as we are asking the Healer Himself to do things in our souls that only He can do.
E. Josh will explain a bit more about this.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
The Struggle is Real // Week 2
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Our Family Pastor, Mike Locke, speaks on God's Emotions in our Fall Series, The Struggle is Real
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
The Struggle is Real // Week 1
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Pastor Pat kicks off our Fall series, The Struggle is Real. To find out more information on the resources we will be offering throughout this series, visit us at morainevalleychurch.org and check out Fall Series Resources under our "EVENTS" tab!
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Overcome // Week 17
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Pastor Pat closes out our summer series, "OVERCOME"
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Overcome // Week 16
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
The Coming World Tribulation
Revelation 6-18 September 8, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. This morning we are going to look at the period of time, that is yet to come, that
will be the worst time this world will ever know!
1. In the Revelation 6, it is called the great day of the wrath of Him who sits on
the Throne and the Lamb.
2. Jesus called it the great tribulation and he said if those days were not cut
short, then not one person would have survived!
B. This time actually starts in Chapter 4. Read v1
1. In Chapter 4 we get a vision of the throne room and the one who sits on it to
remind us who is ruling and in charge of the things that are about to take
2. Then chapter 5 we get a vision of Jesus to show us that He is the only one
who is worthy to open the scroll and to bring about the judgement upon the
earth that is about to take place.
C. Two weeks ago, we learned something of the nature of this time, and the fact that
it will last 7 years. Two weeks ago, we were introduced to some key players,
primarily the antichrist and his activities during this time.
• What we are going to see in Chapter 6-19 are a series of judgments.
II. Judgments begin
A. In Chapter 6 Jesus breaks the first seal of the scroll. Read v1 this first series of
judgments, the seven seals – These judgments are:
1. Seals:
a) First Seal: White Horse—Conqueror by Antichrist
b) Second Seal: Red Horse —War
c) Third Seal: Black Horse—Famine
d) Fourth Seal: Pale Horse—Death 1/4th of the Earth
e) Fifth Seal: Martyrs under the altar
f) Sixth Seal: Earthquake, signs in the heavens
2. Listen to the response of mankind to this
a) Read 6:15-17
b) Note:
(1) worldwide – Kings of the earth
(2) They recognize this judgment is from God and that even the
greatest and strongest cannot stand!
3. Note the last phrase in v17 “who will stand?” Chapter 7 is an interlude in the
action that answers that for us by telling us about the 144,000 Jews who will
be sealed and the great multitude from every nation will be saved!
B. At the start of Chapter 8, the seventh seal was broken which introduced the seven
trumpets and there was complete silence in heaven for half an hour. Read 8:1 –
indicates just how solemn this series of judgments will be as there is an increase
in intensity in this round of judgments!
1. Trumpets:
a) First Trumpet – Hail, fire, blood
b) Second Trumpet – Fiery mountain in sea, 1/3 of sea becomes blood
c) Third Trumpet –Star falls, 1/3 of rivers Bitter
d) Fourth Trumpet – 1/3 of sun, 1/3 moon, 1/3 stars turn dark
e) Fifth Trumpet—Demon locust from the Abyss to torment mankind
f) Sixth Trumpet—200 million man army kills 1/3rd of mankind
2. Again note man’s response to all of this read 9:20-21
3. Then in Chapters 10-11 we see another interlude about
a) Chapter 10 - a little book that had seven peals of thunder in them but the
contents of these were sealed and John was not to write about them
b) Then the two witnesses in Chapter 11 who for 3 ½ years will prophecy
for God, Read v3
(1) The beast, Antichrist, will kill them. Read v7-8
(2) Then listen to what happens. Read v10-13
4. Then the seventh trumpet sounds and Christ’s reign right here on earth is
foreseen. This captures the heart of this whole book and the purpose of
Jesus’ judgments! Listen to 11:15-19.
C. Then as we saw last week in Chapters 12-14 there is another interlude to explain
who some of the main characters are in this tribulation and what their roles will
D. Then in Chapters 15-16, we move into the final judgments the seven
1. Read v1 – In these judgments we will see the completion of God’s wrath
upon mankind! Cr 16:17
2. The Bowls of Wrath
a) First bowl - painful sores
b) Second bowl - turns sea into blood
c) Third bowl rivers and springs - blood
d) Fourth bowl—sun scorches people
e) Fifth bowl—plunges kingdom of the beast into darkness
f) Sixth bowl—dries up the Euphrates for battle of Armageddon
g) Seventh bowl—judgment against Babylon
3. Note men’s responses to these judgments. This time they not only refused to
repent but took it a step further and blasphemed God! Read: 16:9, 11, 21
4. I want to take a moment to focus upon the last two bowls as both of them set
up events yet to come in this program of God
a) The sixth bowl –
(1) Read 16:12-14,16
(2) God uses this bowl to prepare for the war that will take place in
chapter 19 when Jesus returns and defeats the kings of the earth,
the antichrist and the false prophet! We will look at bit more at
this next week!
b) The seventh bowl
(1) Read 16:17-21a
(2) Scholars have debated for years as to whether this is a reference
the revived Roman Empire or a rebuilt Babylon! One thing I know
for sure is that I do not know for sure which it is!
(3) Here we see the final piece of God’s judgment that chapters 17-18
expand for us and give the details of it.
E. Then in chapters 17-18, we see the judgment of the Babylon the great harlot, her
religious and political systems during the tribulation along with city itself and its
great commerce!
1. Chapter 17 refers to the judgment of the great harlot! Read v1-2, 5 in
Scripture harlotry and immorality are used to speak of spiritual unfaithfulness
to God.
a) This chapter appears to be the destruction of a one world religion that
will be set up at that time
b) Then at the end of this chapter, we see that God uses the antichrist to
actually destroy this one world religion. Read 16-17
2. Then in chapter 18 Babylon is pictured as the commerce center of the world,
it will be destroyed as well!
a) Read v3a-b = Chapter 17 and now 3c = Chapter 18.
b) And note the response of mankind to this – Read 18:15-19
c) But note the saints are actually called to rejoice over this, listen – v20
III. Conclusion
A. That brings us up to Chapter 19 where we will see the return of Christ next week!
B. But that chapter starts with heavens response to the destruction of Babylon. Read
C. Then we see the marriage feast of the Lamb! Read 7-9
D. If you are a believer in Jesus, you are blessed to be a part of this. If you are not
may I implore you today to come to Jesus now and avoid the great wrath of the
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Overcome // Week 15
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
The Future Kingdom: Time of Restoration
Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth
Revelation 20-22
September 1, 2019, MVC
I. Introduction:
A. U Thant, former Secretary General of the United Nations met with a group of 67
scholars and statesmen addressing the issue of world peace. He asked them this:
What element is lacking so that with all our skill and all our knowledge we still
find ourselves in the dark valley of discord and enmity?
1. They never were able to come up with an answer to this question!
2. But the Scripture tells us what the missing element of world peace is; it is
Jesus and the setting up of His kingdom here on earth for 1,000 years. A
kingdom of peace, prosperity and righteousness which God promised His
people, actually covenanted with His people! A kingdom that will be set up
after Jesus returns!
• Turn to Revelation 20
II. Millennial Kingdom
A. Six times in these few verses, we are told it is going to be 1,000 years long, thus,
it is called the millennial kingdom also known as the Davidic kingdom, the
forever kingdom, with a forever king who reigns forever!
1. It is forever because it starts or is inaugurated with this kingdom here on
earth for 1000 years but it continued on forever in the new heaven and earth
forever and ever!
B. It starts with Satan being bound for 1,000 years so that he can no longer deceive
the nations. Read v1-3.
C. This kingdom will be populated at the start by every believer who was still alive
after the return of Jesus. Then the population will grow as they have children and
many of their children will not become believers in Jesus, so much so that v8 says
that by the end of the Millennium “the number of them will be like the sand of the
seashore!” who come to war against the capital city, Jerusalem where Jesus will
be reigning from. So both believers and unbelievers will populate it.
D. The government of this kingdom will be Jesus as king with His throne in the
capital Jerusalem (that we learn in the Old Testament) and those who will be
reigning with Him are resurrected believers, Old Testament and church believers,
and those who were martyred during the tribulation.
1. Simply everyone who will be part of the first resurrection – that is all saved
people of all time who have already died! The second resurrection is for all
lost people of all time.
2. Read 4a. In other words these are the people to whom God had committed
and promised them the authority to reign in the kingdom
a) Old Testament saints – Daniel 12: 2, 13
b) The church - the promises to the churches to reign with Jesus, which we
saw in the letters to the seven churches.
(1) Thyatira Revelation 2:26-27
(2) Laodicea Revelation 3:21
3. Believers who were martyred during the tribulation. Read. V4b-6
E. While we do not learn of the character of the kingdom in Revelation 20, we do
learn of it when we read God’s promises and the prophets in the Old Testament.
1. Encourage you to go to church website to download my notes as there is a lot
here and later in the message too that is too much to follow this quickly. I
reference the verses in those notes where I am getting this.
2. This kingdom will last forever and will crush all the other kingdoms and
bring them to an end (2 Samuel 7:12-19; Daniel 2:34-35, 44). Israel would
again possess their own land, the very land their fathers lived on, as one
nation, but this time forever (Ezekiel 37:22, 25). A time of security, justice,
peace and abundance. A time when there would be no more wars, people’s
lives will be as long as the life of a tree, their numbers would increase like a
flock. Diseases and infirmities will be healed – the blind will see, the lame
will walk, the deaf will hear, and the mute will speak (Isaiah 29:18; 35:3-6;
42:7). The waste places will be rebuilt, the wilderness and dessert will
blossom and the land will become like the Garden of Eden. Even wild
animals will become safe and not hurt anyone (Isaiah 2:4; 11:6-9; 35:1-
2; 65:20-23; Ezekiel 36:33-38).
3. The people themselves would be full of joy and praise, forgiven
and righteous, given a new heart and God’s Spirit will dwell within them and
fill them along with doing extraordinary works (Isaiah 61:3; Ezekiel 36:25-
27; Joel 2:28-29).
4. As for the nations, those that are left after their judgment, their wealth will be
taken for Israel (Zechariah 14:14) and they themselves will go to Jerusalem
to worship the Lord (Zechariah 14:16), seek the Lord’s favor and be taught
by Him regarding His ways. (Isaiah 2:3) They will want to be identified with
the Jews because they will know that God is with them. (Zechariah 8:20-23)
F. After this 1,000 years Satan will be let loose and will again deceive the nations
and lead them into a war where God will destroy them with fire from heaven, then
Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever.
Then the great white throne will take place, and our present heaven and earth will
be destroyed
• Then God will create a new heaven and new earth where He will dwell with His
people forever right here on a new earth.
III. New Heaven and New Earth
A. Yes, our future with God will be right here on earth, a new earth forever not on a
cloud up in the sky playing a harp. Read 21:1-3
B. “What” and who will not be in heaven.
1. What will not be - – death, mourning, crying, pain, (21:4) curse (22:3)
hunger, thirst, heat (7:16-17)
2. Who will not be - read – 21:8
3. The implications are huge here. Let me mention just a few –
a) No more funerals graveyards, or tearful goodbyes, no more emotional
pain and depression over rejection, separation, abuse or loss, no more
hospitals or cancer or deformities or diseases, no more migraine
headaches or need for pain killers and no more health insurance, no more
food pantries or food stamps, no more sin to affect people, their
relationships, their work or the earth. The earth will be fully productive
and beautiful.
b) That means we will never again suffer persecution, mocking or conflict
of beliefs or values with those who are unbelievers, nothing shameful,
vile, detestable, unpleasant will be there, no news reports telling us about
murders that happened in the big cities, we can walk the streets safely
and without fear, no more adultery, rape or sexual abuse, no more
demonic influence through witchcraft or drugs, you can trust anything
and everything that is said, there will be no shaky deals or
misrepresentations; and God will be the greatest love of everyone that is
there. No one will ever put anything or anyone above God and His will
for them. They will love Him with all their hearts, all their souls, all
their minds and strength, and they will love their neighbor as themselves.
C. What will we do? “Serve” him and reign with Him forever – Read 22:3,5
1. In Matthew 25, we learn that we will be assigned responsibilities in light of
our faithfulness to the responsibilities that we had here on earth.
2. In Luke 19, we learn that we will actually have authority over different cities
in the future dependent upon how faithfully we steward the money,
possessions and spiritual gifts that God has given to us here on earth.
D. Let’s take a quick look at what the New Jerusalem will be like. Read 9-11.
1. Walls and gates. Read v12
2. Foundation stones – Read v14
a) Interesting to note that even in the eternal state there is still a clear
distinction between Israel and the church imprinted into the city
3. Then he tells us the measurements of the city are 1500 miles in each length,
width and height. The walls are 72 yards high.
4. Listen to what the foundation stones will be adorned with – God is even
going to decorate the foundation stones! V19-20. Read
a) After service special treat – my friend Hans has a table with all 12 of the
gems that will adorn the foundation stones so you can see them!
b) This is a must see! Amazing the work and effort, he put into getting the
stones and in setting them up for us to see.
5. Listen to what the gates will be made of Read v21
a) Largest pearl to date found was 14 pounds and just over 9 inches
b) Each gate a single pearl that will take a big oyster or a supernatural act of
6. There also will be no need for the temple or the sun and the moon to give
light. Read v22-24
E. Finally, we get a close up look of the throne and a river that comes out from it and
we see a tree of life! Listen to Rev 22:1-2
1. Fruit
a) Bears 12 different kinds of fruit
b) Yields its fruit every month (I thought there was no time in eternity?)
2. Leaves for the healing of the nations – Who are the nations? What do they
need healing for? Don’t ask me ask Josh he can tell you.
A. Let’s celebrate this great future hope of ours! Josh
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Overcome // Week 14
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
The Coming World Leader
Various Passages; August 25, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. There is something new that I have seen happening on TV over the past number
of years. That is they gradually role out credits regarding who is who on the show
over the first 15 minutes rather than all up front or at the end like before.
1. Revelation is like that. The action begins but after the action goes on for a bit
then we are introduced to some of the key characters during the time of the
B. There are many important people in the Tribulation period who play a big part in
1. In Chapter 7 we learn of the 144,000 from Israel who will be special servants
of God during this time
2. In chapter 11 we hear of the “two witnesses” – who for 3 ½ years will
prophecy for God, be killed by the Beast and then raised again to life and
caught up into heaven.
3. Chapter 12-13 John uses many figures to picture many key players during
this time.
a) The woman clothed with the sun represents Israel
b) The red dragon with the 7 heads and 10 horns and on his head are 10
diadems - presents Satan
c) A male child who is born from the woman Israel is Jesus the Christ
d) We meet Michael, the archangel, who does war with Satan and throws
him down to earth
e) The beast out of the sea who is the world dictator or as we call him the
f) The beast out of the earth – the False Prophet who deceives people by
preforming miracles and pointing people to worship the Antichrist!
C. This morning I want to focus upon the one whom I call the third main character in
this time. I call him the third because Dave Parro already introduced us to the top
two during this time:
1. God the Father on the throne reminding us that He is in control of these
things happening on the earth during this time!
2. Jesus Christ the only one worthy to perform the judgment we will read about.
• But the 3rd character is the Beast, the Antichrist, the World Dictator …
II. What we know of the Beast outside of Revelation 13
A. We first hear of this Beast in chapter 11 when he kills the two witnesses. Read
B. At this time we really do not know who this beast is until we next hear of him in
further detail in chapter 13
1. Read 13:1-2
2. The big thing we learn about this Beast here is that Satan was the source, the
one who gave the Beast his power, his throne and his authority.
C. But the Bible tells us about this Beast, the Antichrist, and world dictator even
before we see him in Revelation 11 and 13 here. We need to turn back to Daniel
7 where we first meet him.
1. Daniel had a dream and vision that when all was said and done it alarmed
him and made his face grow pale.
2. The Vision was of four beasts coming out of the sea
a) A lion that represented Babylon
b) A bear that represented Medo-Persia
c) A leopard that represented Greece
d) The reason we know they represented these kingdoms is both because
the interpretation of the angel later in Daniel 7 and history proved them
out as well
3. Then for the first time we meet the Beast of Revelation 13. Read v7-8
a) Now we are pushing heavily into things we will see in the book of
b) But what is very important to note here is that the emphasis both in
Daniel and in Revelation is not upon the whole Beast itself but upon one
that comes from the Beast. Actually, it has to do with the ten horns and
then another horn, a little one that came up among them.
c) Let me repeat the emphasis of Daniel and Revelation is ultimately upon
an individual that comes from an empire more than the empire itself.
4. As the vision goes on, we see the Father, called the Ancient of Days, making
a verdict, a judgment against this little horn to take away his kingdom,
destroy him and give the everlasting kingdom to the Son of Man, Jesus, and
to his saints. Thus as we saw in the seven churches we will reign with Him.
5. Let me read the end of this chapter where the angel clarifies all of this for
Daniel and as you read it, you feel you could be reading a portion of
Revelation. Read v19-27
D. Then in Daniel 9 we here of him again and this time we are given a clue as to
what kingdom he will come out of and represent.
1. Read v26
2. Here it speaks of the Jesus’ death and the destruction of the city of Jerusalem
and the temple. We see here that the people who do it are the people of the
prince who is to come, the little horn we read of in Daniel 7. We know from
history that the Roman Empire was the one that destroyed Jerusalem and the
3. Now the next verse tells us about some of the activity of this leader, prince,
and little horn. Read v27. Again reading this verse is like reading the book
of Revelation
E. Again, listen to the book of Revelation in the book of Daniel regarding this man!
Read 11:31-37
1. Jesus talks about this time of the Antichrist as being part of the great
Tribulation. Read Matthew 24:15…21
F. Turn to 2 Thessalonians 2 where we will see Daniel and Revelation fingerprints
all over this description of this man.
1. Read 2:1-4 – this is the abomination of desolation, the key turning point of
the Tribulation.
2. We see a further description of his activity during this time a few verses
down along with the good news that drives the book of Revelation – Jesus
wins! Read v8-11
3. Note the progression we have seen in the Antichrist’s relationship with God
from Daniel through here - boast against, claim to be equal to, magnify
above, display himself as God
• Now let’s turn back and see what we see of this
III. Beast in Rev 13
A. Remember the emphasis of Daniel and Revelation is ultimately upon an
individual that comes from an empire, more than the empire itself.
B. You may say stop! How do you know this Beast is speaking of the one leader
more than the entire Roman Empire?
1. Read v3 - It appears he mimics Jesus as one head of the beast is killed and
resurrected so everyone is amazed and follows him. And as the narrative
continues like Daniel, it focuses on the one individual rather than the entire
2. Also, turn to Revelation 17 where he tells us very directly, who this beast is.
It is an individual, one of the kings and not the kingdom itself. Read 17:7-13.
3. So bottom line I do think the Beast is the ultimate king and embodiment and
key representative of the revived Roman Empire! At times referring to the
empire but primarily to the ultimate king
C. Now in Revelation we see some of the activity of this beast during this time.
Turn to Revelation 13
1. Most of this has been heard already or hinted towards in other passages we
have seen already.
2. We already seen in v2 he receives his power, kingship and authority from
Satan. Reread
3. Verse 3-4 it appears he is killed and resurrected, thus amazing the whole
earth to follow after and worship him. Read v3-4
4. V5-6 we see his blasphemes which we have already heard about. Read 5-6
5. Then in v7, as we heard in Daniel, wars against the saints and overcomes
them and finally worldwide rule under him! Read v7
D. Then we hear in the second half of this chapter about another beast who comes up
out of the earth. His primary purpose is to be the prophet for the Antichrist and
deceive the world through miracles to get them to worship the beast!
1. Read 13:11-15
2. And this False Prophet will be the one who oversees that everyone who wants
to buy anything has to have the mark of the Beast first! Read 13:16-17
E. Later on in Chapter 16, we see that the Antichrist, the False Prophet and Satan
himself will work together with demonic powers to gather all the kings of the
earth together for the great final war, the war of Har-magedon! Read 16:13-
F. But before that war we learn in Revelation 17:16 that God will actually use the
Antichrist to overthrow the Great Harlot, which I believe is the one world
G. But as we learned in the book of Daniel – his doom is certain and we see that at
the return of Christ in Revelation 19 when He overcomes the armies gathered for
war against Him. Read 19:19-21
IV. Conclusion
A. You may be wondering what does all this have to do with me if I will not be here
for the Tribulation. Didn’t you tell us last week we would be raptured before this
1. Actually a lot! Every believer in Jesus is in one of the major events in this
story. Listen
2. Listen to Rev 17 when he foretells of the Lamb defeating the Antichrist and
the 10 kings – what I want you to note is who will be with Jesus when He
does this
a) Read 17:14 – the called, chosen, and faithful.
b) Who are they?
3. Now let’s read 19:7-8 the marriage feast of the Lamb with the church and as
I read note who is clothed in fine linen, bright and clean
4. Now listen to the return of Jesus when He comes to defeat the Antichrist, the
False Prophet and the kings of the earth. Note again who is with Him
a) Read 19:11-15,
(1) Note v14 – clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following
Him on white horses
(2) 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 adds that the angels will be with Him as
b) Read 19-21
5. So you had better believe this story and sermon have a whole bunch to do
with you!
B. Pray
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
It Won’t Get Any Worse Than This – Intro to the Tribulation
Rev 6-19, and Various Passages, August 18, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. We are making a major transition this morning in the book of Revelation as we
move from the letters from Jesus to the church to the prophetic section of the
book, which tells us about the future things that must take place!
B. But before I go there today I want to start with what normally happens at the end
of a sermon, application! What should be our response to these things beyond
just satisfying our curiosity regarding what is going to take place, in the future?
1. We learned in the intro to this book that Jesus was writing the whole book of
Revelation to the seven churches in Asia Minor and not just chapters 2-3. So
the primary application to this book is seen in those churches, which we
learned that Jesus was encouraging them to persevere in holiness, allegiance
to and worship of Jesus because the future reward outweighs the present
a) Peter says the same thing as to how we should respond to some of the
things we will see in this section of Revelation.
(1) Read 2 Peter 3:10-11,13
(2) Bottom line do not live for this world because everything you are
living for and working for will be destroyed in the end. Instead,
we should conduct our lives in a holy and godly way! With our
eye on a better life and world ahead.
2. Jesus made it clear in Matthew 24 that no one knows the day or the hour of
His return. However, He did say we could know the season of His return
when we start to see the signs the Bible talks about falling in place.
a) And anyone who knows the Bible well and has half an eye on current
events is convinced we are in the season of Jesus’ return.
b) Then Jesus gives us instructions how we can be faithful and wise in light
of knowing we are in the season but not knowing the specific day or
(1) Read 45-47
(2) What has God put you in charge of? What is God’s will for you?
Be faithful in carrying that out whether that is changing diapers or
helping someone come to know Jesus or grow in Him!
3. We should be thinking about these things as we work our way through the
rest of the book of Revelation!
• Next, as I introduce chapters 6-19 I want you to know that this time was talked about
before in the Bible. The time of God pouring His wrath out on mankind and
disciplining the Jews at the same time. So this is a detailed description of a fulfilment
of what God already said must happen.
II. The Tribulation
A. Maybe the best imagery we can get of just how difficult this time is going to be is
that pain a woman feels when giving birth to a child.
1. Listen to how Jeremiah describes it. Read 30:3-7,11
a) V3 – that is the future kingdom in Rev 20 – the very same land that
Abraham and the other fathers lived on
b) V5-7,11 Listen to what they must go through first
c) He calls this the time of Jacob’s trouble
2. Listen to how mankind responds to Jesus when He first starts to pour forth
His wrath in the seals! In Revelation 6.
a) Turn and Read v15-17a
3. Bottom line, this is going to be a very painful, difficult and scary time for
those who will live during this time. The worst time this world has ever seen
or will ever see.
a) Listen to what was told Daniel about this time: Read Daniel 12:1
b) Listen to what Jesus said Matthew 24:21-22
c) In chapter 7 when the question is answered as to who is able to stand this
day of God’s wrath read 6:17
(1) This terrible time, it is called the Great Tribulation. Read 7:13-14
B. So how long will this take place and when will it start? We know it is in the
future so let’s turn to Daniel 9 to gain a bit more insight into this!
1. Read v24 –
a) A week means seven just like a dozen means 12 to us. It could be a
week of eggs = seven eggs or a dozen of eggs = 12 eggs. Here it is a
week of years or 7 years!
b) God has decreed some things for His people, the Jewish people and
Jerusalem. That is why in Rev 4:1 he says, “I will show you what must
take place” these things have to happen, they must happen because God
decreed them to happen.
c) And part of what He decreed was to bring in everlasting righteousness
and seal up vision and prophecy. That is what the whole book of
Revelation is about the coming of God’s eternal righteous kingdom and
the fulfilment of everything He has prophesied!
2. As I read v25, we have done the figuring on this before and it refers to Jesus
coming into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to present Himself as the Messiah,
the king of Israel. Read 25
3. Then we read in v26 after this the Messiah will be cut off by means of a
violent death and then the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed by the people
of the one who is the prince to come, the Antichrist.
a) Read v26
b) These were fulfilled in Jesus’ crucifixion and the destruction of
Jerusalem in 70 ad by the Roman army under the leadership of General
4. So at this point 69 of the 70 weeks have been fulfilled, there is one week left
or 7 years left to complete God’s program and we hear about that in v27.
Read 27a
a) “He” is the prince referred to in v26, which we see in the book of
Revelation as the beast whom we call the Antichrist! We will talk more
about him next week as we look at the main character in the Tribulation,
the Antichrist
b) This tribulation will start when “he” makes firm and reestablises an
already existing peace treaty with Israel for 7 years. Point out in v27
c) This treaty will be for one week or seven years, so this Tribulation will
last seven years
d) But in the middle of that week, 3 ½ years into this treaty he will stop
sacrifices to God and desolate the temple by taking his place in the
temple and receiving worship as God. Read 27b
e) Then it finishes by saying this will continue until he is completely
destroyed, something we will see in Revelation 19. Read v27c
• Welcome to picnic Sunday at MVC! At this point, I can send you all out and tell you
to enjoy your hamburger and games! But it feels a bit heavy for that. So I want to
encourage you with something as we finish today’s message. It called the ….
III. Rapture
A. Turn to and Read 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
1. We already saw in Revelation that the people recognized that this time in
Revelation 6-19 was the great day of God’s wrath.
2. This verse speaks to those who have turned to the living God through Jesus
that they will be rescued from this future wrath
B. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9
1. He is speaking to believers here and the whole context of this section is the
Day of the Lord, when He returns. So he is saying that God has not destined
us for this time of wrath but rather to obtain salvation through Jesus.
2. This salvation he is referring to here is known as the Rapture of the Church
that he talks about at the end of chapter 4. Read 4:15-18.
C. This is the same thing we saw that Jesus promised the church in His letter to
1. Read 3:10b-c
2. Jesus promised them He would keep them “from” going through this hour of
testing that was going to come upon the whole world, which we learn of in
Revelation 6-19.
D. Do something for me – twinkle your eyes! Did that take long? That is how
quickly the rapture of the church will take place, the very next thing that God has
already scheduled for His future program. Read 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
E. IF you are here today and you do not know Jesus as your savior, in prayer, admit
to God your sin, and declare that there is nothing you can do to save yourself and
your trust is totally in Jesus, and then finally thank Him for forgiving your sins
and giving you new life!