Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Transformed // Week 6 // Spiritual Giving
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Pastor Pat continues in our series, "Transformed".
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Transformed // Week 5 // Worthy of it All
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Pastor Bill Mills continues in our sermon series, "Transformed".
God is worthy of it all!
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Transformed // Week 4 // Generous Loving
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Generous Loving
Various Passages February 16, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. Every ingredient in food adds a different and distinct flavor to the food!
1. My wife has the ability to taste a piece of food then discern and savor the
different ingredients that make up that particular food.
2. I cannot do that as I just taste a piece of food and enjoy it but am unable to
distinguish the different ingredients that make it up.
B. Did you know there are different ingredients that make up love? The better you
can understand and distinguish the ingredients of love the better chance we have
to fine tune those ingredients and make our love even better and better!
C. During our 75th year as a church, we have stated we want to excel still the more as
a disciple making church and thus be a greater blessing to each other and those
outside these walls!
D. Actually, the badge that we wear that communicates to the world that we are
disciples of Jesus Christ is our love. Just like the policeman wears a badge that
identifies who he is so we who are Christians have a badge that identifies who we
are. Love is the badge that identifies us as a disciple of Jesus Christ
1. Listen to John 13:35
2. Did you realize that being a better disciple means you will be a better lover
and thus a better blessing to those around us – our mate, children, others in
the church family, neighbors, friends, classmates, co-workers etc.
E. So to excel as a disciple making church means we will excel in love for one
another and those beyond the walls.
1. To excel in love means we will better understand the ingredients that make
up love so we can better fine-tune our love!
F. So as we look particularly at one ingredient in our love today we are going to be
both intentional as a church to do our due diligence to grow in it but also deeply
depend upon the Lord that we would excel still the more in our love.
1. The ingredient of love that I want to talk about today, the one we want to fine
tune and increase in is generosity.
G. We are so used to thinking of generosity in the realm of money only and it can be
hard to pull our minds back from that but that is my task today as I want to talk
about generosity as a key ingredient in the love of a believer.
• Today my focus is on a generous heart, a generous life, a generous love apart from
money. So let’s talk about a
II. Generous Love
A. So if the badge of a disciple is love and we have already learned many times that
the goal of a disciple is to become more like Jesus, then where we want to go is to
love as Jesus loved.
B. Look back at John 13:35
1. Reread v35 – our badge as a disciple of Jesus Christ is our love
2. But the verse before describes to us what this badge of love looks like. Read
3. Jesus has raised the bar here because the old commandment they had was to
love your neighbor as yourself, now Jesus is saying you are to love one
another even as I have loved you.
a) That means in the same manner in the same way that Jesus has loved us
we are to love one another.
b) When we answer the question how Jesus loved us, we are starting to
fine-tune the ingredients of love!
C. Since we are here turn over to John 15:13. In verse 12 Jesus reminds us again it is
a command to love like He loves but in the next verse rather than telling us it is
our badge He is sharing with us a main ingredient in love.
1. Read v13
2. Laying down our life, our agenda, our time, our schedule, our energy, our
resources for someone else’s benefit is the heart of love, it is the heart of
being a disciple, it is the heart of blessing others, it is the heart of where we
want to go as a church!
D. You might be thinking at this time – what does that have to do with generosity?
Well let’s stop for a minute and define generosity. Generosity has four
ingredients of its own!
1. Generosity always involves giving or sharing of something we have with
someone else.
2. Generosity is about giving more than what is needed. It is an abundant
amount and usually cost us something to do it
3. Generosity is about doing things freely – it is giving freely without restraint
4. Generosity involves giving something of value to you – generosity is not
about giving people left overs or your throw aways but rather something that
is special to you.
5. So this ingredient of love makes us love others by the lavish, extravagant,
excessive, and freely without restraint giving of ourselves, our time, our
talents, and our resources, something that is significant and special to you to
bless and benefit others!
E. We see all of this displayed for us in John 3:16
1. Read
2. “So loved” that talks about the degree of love – this was an extravagant
excessive love that God had for us
3. “That He gave” – there is the giving part of generosity, the cost of love – the
laying down of the life
4. Now listen to the value and significance of the gift – “His only begotten son”
5. God has a generous love towards us, an extravagant love as He so loved, a
costly and giving love as He gave His son, it was a love that gave the one
who was most precious and valuable to Him - His only begotten son.
F. The manner which God loved us and which He calls us to love one another is a
generous love – freely giving away in abundance that which we value to bless and
help someone else.
G. I love these definitions of generous living that I read in my study for this sermon.
1. “A generous lifestyle is where I realize just how greatly I have been blessed
by God is so many areas that, in return, I seek to be just as great a blessing in
His name to others.”
Rev Kevin Barren
2. “Living generously is living gratefully, offering from one’s abundance
without thought of recompense or expectation of return in order to enhance
and enrich the lives of others.” David Bowman
H. Generosity is what God wants us to grow in and this is what we want to grow in!
Listen to these verses
1. 1 Peter 1:22 do not just love another but fervently love. That means there is
an intensity in your love! Read
2. 1 Thessalonians 2:7,8 – not only giving the gospel to people but our whole
lives, with the same kind of care a nursing mother gives her baby. Read
3. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 – God wants and is the cause of our love increasing and
abounding (that is generous love) not only for other believers but for
everyone – lost and saved. Read
4. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 God wants us to excel still the more in our love.
5. Listen to Paul pray in Philippians 1:9 that their love would abound still more
and more. Read
• So generosity is not just something that happens with our money but is something that
should be a part of our entire life! So what can that look like for me this week if I
was to love with generosity?
III. Application
A. We have been learning from Ron Ovitt on Tuesday nights in the Emotional
Resilience class that there are two sides to the brain –
1. The left side which is the logical and rational side that works with words
2. The right side is the relational side of the brain – it is the non-verbal side of
the brain, which responds to eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice –
not words but the tone of those words, sincere touch even sensing if someone
is happy to be with you.
B. What studies have shown are that people who connect with other people heart to
heart and are fully present in the moment and are truly happy to be with the other
person and listens with non-judgmental attitudes or words – have the ability to
heal a person’s damaged soul!
1. Parents are you listening? Husbands and wives are you listening? Friends
are you listening? - repeat (b)again
2. Neurological studies not only show us that but Scripture teaches us the
importance of community and we have seen and felt this in ourselves when
we have experienced that kind of relationship
C. Now here is the problem as I see it, we live in a culture that is busy and
preoccupied and carries its cell phones with them into conversations. Thus
constantly being disrupted by texts and calls or constantly having the TV going!
1. So people have very little time or interest to give, give, give – that is
generously give of themselves to others for deep connection. When they do
give the time they are usually preoccupied in their minds and hearts from all
the busyness of their lives and their internal to do list that never shuts off.
a) So our connections are superficial and seldom reach the kind that brings
healing to soul.
2. Add to that that very few people today genuinely listen to others but rather
dominate the floor of discussion with their own multitude of words. They
dominate 90% of the conversation while giving others only 10%.
D. So here is an application of generous love since we are in a day and age where we
value our time as much as we value our money! Generously give of your time
and full attention to listen to two people this week in order to bless them!
1. Be intentional to invite someone to coffee with the intention of letting them
know you are happy to be with them not so much with your words but by
your full attention, non-judgmental, empathic listening that is truly interested
in what is going on in their life! Listen for their heart and emotions and not
just their words. Finish that time by praying for them.
2. Try it this week and you will not only bless someone and maybe begin a
healing in their soul but you will begin to exercise and stretch your heart in
generous love, a spiritual muscle we all need to develop.
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Transformed // Week 3 // Mission
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Where and How/Mission and Values of MVC
Various Passages Feb 9, 2020
A. We saw at our 75TH anniversary that God has given MVC a firm foundation of
discipleship for 75 years and going forward we want to be a church that is blessed
by God so we can even be a greater blessing to each other and the world around
B. To do that our desire is to excel still the more as a disciple making church.
1. Thus, we are now doing a series called Transform – how God changes us at
our core to make us even greater disciples and a disciple making church. So
we want to position ourselves in line with where He is working!
2. We also learned that unless God builds MVC as a greater disciple making
church we are laboring in vain, so we want to do our due diligence and
deeply depend upon God!
• So what are some of the things that need to change at MVC for us to be an even more
effective disciple making church to be a greater blessing to each other and the world
beyond these walls? Let’s start with
I. MVC Mission
A. Our Mission over the last number of years has been bringing people to Jesus and
becoming more like Jesus! We want to tighten that up a bit after we did a whole
series on discipleship a year ago and learned that a disciple is simply someone
who follows Jesus and impacts others.
1. We saw that from the great commission, the meaning of the word disciple
and what Jesus called his disciples to, “follow me and I will make you fishers
of men” –
2. Following Jesus, impacting others is exactly what a disciple is and does!
B. So our mission going forward is simply: following Jesus, impacting others!
1. This is what we want to excel in still the more.
2. Repeat!
C. Let me expand just a little what that looks like – First, following Jesus
1. To equip believers to be passionate followers of Jesus committed to growing
in Christlikeness,
2. The Great Commandment tells us to love the Lord with all our hearts and
Romans 8:29 tells us that God’s goal in our lives is to conform us into the
image of Christ. We learned just last week that God is transforming us into
the image of His glory, from one degree of glory to the next
D. Impacting others
1. To raise up the next generation of disciples!
a) God’s Word repeatedly calls us to raise up the next generation but also
for us to thrive as a church for the next 75 years it is essential that we
raise up the generations after us
2. To radically impact our communities through the hope of the gospel, one life
at a time, one step at a time.
a) That fulfills our call to make disciples of all nations and brings it down
to a very practical level for each one of us to impact those around us.
• So with a tighten target of where Jesus wants MVC to go, we need to adjust some
key principles and practices to get us there. These would be …
II. MVC Values
A. Mission driven - mission is why we exist
1. We believe that we carry the hope of Jesus to the world. We have been
placed in our church and community for the sake of others. When each of us
plays our part families are strengthened, believers grow, the hurting are
healed, the lost are found, and our community is blessed.
2. We just spent a lot of time on the mission, our destination of following Jesus
and impacting others. What we mean by mission driven is what ultimately
leads us in our decisions is our mission and becomes the focus of our work.
What we align our work and ministries around is the mission. What we want
to be intentional and strategic about is the mission Jesus gave us!
B. Grace+truth - Grace+truth is our context.
1. We believe we all need grace and truth. How God meets us in our brokenness
is how we engage one another in our current culture.
2. We learned in the book of Revelation that Jesus wants His churches to be
churches of both grace and truth
3. We learning in our Christmas series that right at the heart of the glory of
Jesus is grace and truth John 1:14
C. Future focused - the next generation is our sight.
1. We believe our legacy is to raise a generation that knows and loves Jesus. We
leverage our opportunities to help the emerging generation find their place in
God’s story.
2. While we have a special focus on young families, we all have a generation
that is younger than us both spiritually and age wise. There is someone
whom each one of us can take what we learned in our stage of life or spiritual
growth and pass onto someone who is coming up behind you.
a) We are not just talking about 70 year olds working with 15 year olds
even though if God leads that way all the better
b) There are people in their 70’s who know people in their 50’s and 60’s
whom they can help prepare and equip for the next stage of life. People
in their 20’s that can help teens. We have every age between, above and
younger than those ages that can focus on their next generation
c) There are also mature believers in Christ that can help a new believer in
Christ grow their roots in Jesus and there are new believers in Christ who
can help a lost person find Jesus.
d) The point is that we all have someone age wise or spiritually that we can
help prepare for the next stage of life or growth in Christ.
D. Together strong - together is our vehicle.
1. We believe we are better together. We are committed to connecting in
authentic community where discipleship takes place, burdens are carried and
each is spurred on in our next steps with Jesus.
2. None of us grows in isolation we need others to sharpen us and us sharpen
3. Even Jesus sent out His disciples in twos when He sent them out to do
ministry and the great apostle Paul went in teams.
4. We need to live and grow and serve together in the family of God and
independently or in isolation. We have been designed by God to live and
depend upon community. To do otherwise you do it to your own hurt
Ephesians 4:15-16
E. World changers - transformation is our destination.
1. We believe our world is changed one life at a time. Every life matters. Every
moment is an opportunity. We are sent ones (missionaries) bringing the love,
life and truth of Jesus to our community.
2. We saw the reality of this in the video by Ron Hutchcraft on our 75th when as
a child he came to the children’s programs at this church and was saved.
Ron has literally touched thousands upon thousands of lives since then
through Youth for Christ, businessmen’s ministry and now his ministry to
Native Americans here in the United States, not to mention his radio
broadcast, which many of us have heard.
3. Every life matters, whether a child or a senior, every moment is an
opportunity to minister to someone whether at church or work, school, home
or play
4. Every one of us is a missionary/pastor not just the paid professionals at
church. Ephesians 4:11-12
5. So when everyone of us at MVC sees ourselves as God’s evangelists and
missionaries, in our home, school, work and play places with every person
we engage. Seeing every interaction as an opportunity for a conversation or
act of kindness to continually prepare the soil of their hearts. When someone
comes to Christ we have no idea of how God changes their life and their
world – everyone they touch and every place they go.
6. We truly can change the world by changing one person’s world, one life at a
time, one step at a time and leave the results to God as He takes it from there
to further His work.
III. Conclusion
A. Turn to Read Matthew 4:18-22
B. Following Jesus to be someone who impacts others means we need to leave what
we are currently pursuing to follow Jesus. It is an individual decision that each
one of us must make. Bottom line it is a matter of priorities. Will we seek God
and His kingdom first or will others lesser things keep us from that?
1. The disciples were fishermen who left their jobs, their families, their
businesses, and their possessions, literally everything to follow Jesus.
2. What do you need to leave to follow Jesus?
C. That decision of just 12 men forever changed their lives and history. What do
you think God would do through a church of 500 people who said we are leaving
everything to follow Him?
D. This morning I want to let you talk to Jesus about what you heard!
1. Some may be ready today to say Jesus I’m all in! Today I am giving up
__________ to follow you with all my heart.
2. Others have lesser things than Jesus controlling your heart, you want to
follow Jesus but these things have a strong hold on you. Would you present
your entire life to Jesus and give him the freedom and right to break the hold
these things have on you and to make you a wholehearted follower of Jesus.
E. As you meet with Jesus, consider this picture and ask yourself what is your teddy
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Transformed // Week 2 // Change
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:18 Feb 2, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. So we are one month into our New Year’s resolutions – how are they going?
1. Resolutions are all about change, things in our life we would like to see
change. The great majority of them have to do with external things in our
lives – Save more money, exercise more, lose weight, learn a new skill, spend
more time with family etc.
2. Most of us have given up on even trying to change the internal things deep
within us – things like impatience, selfishness, anxiety, fear, anger, lust,
greed, negative thinking, etc. Just too deep, too strong, been there too long!
B. But I am here this morning to give you some hope and even some direction into
first steps into change at the core of our being, the kind of change that starts from
the inside with our character and works its way out into our behavior!
1. What I am talking about this morning is change, change in the essential
nature of something which is more like Jesus’ miracle of turning water into
2. So bottom line to change who we are takes a miracle by Jesus in my inner
most being!
C. As we start this new year not only do we long for deep down internal changes but
also as we begin our 75th year as a church we long for deep down internal
changes in the nature of our church community. So we can be a greater blessing
to each other, the people where we live, work, go to school and play and even to
the end of the earth.
D. Thus, this series is being called transform – which means a deep down change in
the essential nature of something.
1. We are calling it that because we long to see deep down change in us, our
church and in our communities
2. And we are calling it that because that is the word in the Bible that is used to
describe this deep down internal change in our nature.
• Let’s talk about being …
II. Transformed
A. Salvation is much more than being forgiven then getting a ticket to go to heaven
when we die.
1. Salvation is a blessing from God that has a whole package of benefits both
for now, in the future and in eternity!
2. One of the greatest benefits of salvation is transformation – change – change
at the core of our being
B. Change starts with salvation. When we are born again the Holy Spirit changes us
at the core of our being.
1. Turn 2 Corinthians 5:16-18a – read – stay there in your Bible
2. We are brand new creatures at our core, the deepest part of who we are –
something that comes from God.
3. So at the moment of salvation we were deeply changed whether we were
aware of it or not
C. We learned in our study of Romans 6-8 that the person we were before, known as
our old man, was crucified with Christ and that we have been raised up with
Christ to a brand new life.
1. Now His Holy Spirit lives inside of that new man.
2. But we find also that we are inseparably linked to a fallen flesh that still has
the old habits and ways built deep within us. So we feel this conflict between
being who God wants us to be and our flesh controlling our lives. What a
miserable place to be.
3. But we also learned that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to break down and
dismantle the control of the flesh in our lives and to fill our lives with the
very resurrected life of Christ.
D. So bottom line we are new creatures in Christ, we are one with Christ at the
deepest level of our lives (He is in me and I am in Him)
1. Me in Christ is the way that God sees and blesses me
a) All the rights, privileges, positions, blessings God gives to me in Christ,
2. Christ in me is the way that God empowers and changes me
a) The Holy Spirit living in me working in me to make more and more like
Jesus Christ
E. Transformation or change at the core of my being is a process that God works out
the rest of my life as He is conforming His children to the image of Jesus Christ.
• I want to close by showing you three important ways you can position your life to
experience this kind of change at the core of your being.
III. Three means to transformation
A. I say position yourself because the two passages that talk about transformation
both have the word in the passive voice. That simply means it is not an action
that we do to ourselves but it is something that God does to us.
1. Transformation, the way we change at the core of our being, is something
where we can position our life to be in the places that God works
transformation into us by means of His Spirit.
2. Just like I cannot produce a sun tan myself but I can position myself under
the sun in such a way that the sun produces a sun tan on my skin
3. In the same way we must position ourselves with the Son – s-o-n so we can
get a s-o-n tan on our hearts
B. Turn to 2 Corinthians 3:18
1. This is a passage we have a greater ministry than Moses because the new
covenant ministry of the life and righteousness by the Spirit is a greater
ministry than the old covenant ministry of death and condemnation.
a) Moses was a minister of the old covenant, we as believers, not just
preachers but every one of us are ministers of the new covenant!
2. We today have a greater privilege than Moses himself and a greater
experience of God’s glory than Moses did on the mountaintop of Sinai!
3. Moses would go into the presence of God and his face would shine from
being in the presence of God’s glory but that glory would fade as time went
on, so he hid his face with a veil so people would not see the glory fading.
4. Now listen to 2 Corinthians 3:18 Read
5. Just a few observations for today
a) We are like mirrors reflecting God’s glory to others!
b) We do not need a veil over our faces because the glory that is touching
our lives is not fading away but rather we are being transformed,
changed into that same image of the glory of Christ from one degree of
glory to the next –
(1) Show this again in the text
(2) A synonymous verse with Romans 8:29 we are being conformed to
the image of Jesus at the core of our being.
(3) What do you think that says about things like impatience,
selfishness, anxiety, fear, anger, lust, greed, negative thinking etc.?
c) Finally, note that this transformation is from the Lord, the Spirit of Jesus
Christ who lives inside of us!
C. So in light of the context of this passage (which talks about Moses meeting with
God face to face and the Jews reading God’s word) and the use of the word
behold which has two possible uses: we are not only reflecting Jesus glory but we
are transformed when we put our gaze upon (behold)Jesus and keep it there. So
we can position ourselves to be changed by the Spirit of God in two ways:
1. When we are intentional to worship Him and not just sing songs but are
beholding Him and we are being transformed
2. When we read God’s word not just for information or a discipline we are
supposed to do but rather to have a vital experiences with the living God
through His Word where we are changed in a way that our way of thinking
and hearts are changed forever
D. The third way we can position ourselves for change we see in Romans 12:1-2 –
Please turn
1. As I read note in verse 2 again we see this transformation happen in our
minds as we allow God’s Word to get so deep within us that it changes us.
Read 12:1-2
2. But right at the start of v1, we see the third way we can position ourselves for
this deep change.
a) Reread v1 a-c
b) Present your entire life to God – simply saying to God here I am God,
take over my life by your Spirit and do in me whatever you want to do –
I am yours from now on – I am the clay you are the potter – do as you
please in me!
IV. Communion
A. As we go to communion this morning it is another great opportunity to be
transformed as you behold Jesus and reflect upon His death for you, what it
means to you and what it demands of you!
B. Talk to God about it, which is another face-to-face encounter with God talking
with each other – prayer is another form of transformation. It says in Luke 9:29
that while Jesus was praying he was transfigured.
C. During this communion time would you position yourself to be changed and ask
God which means of transformation we learned about this morning you should
begin to practice on a regular basis to place yourself under the s-o-n to get a life
changing s-o-n tan on your heart, one that will not pass away!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Transformed // Week 1
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
The Lord Building MVC
Psalm 127:1-2 Ephesians 4:15-16 January 26, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. The passage that we are going to look at today may have had a big impact on your
life as you come to MVC and my hope is it will have even a greater impact on our
lives, and even the lives of those outside these walls whom we encounter all week
1. As turn to Psalm 127 let me try to explain why I said that.
2. Close to 15 years ago, three of us were moved by this passage and the reality
of spiritual warfare that we needed to pray not just for ourselves but also for
a) So for years, every Monday morning for one hour we met in the last row
right about where the sound booth is to pray for this church and you the
people of MVC.
b) Since then the location has been moved and two more people normally
join us but that one hour of prayer for MVC and its people has continued
3. The truth of this passage drives the reason why about five years ago another
prayer meeting was started on Thursday morning where three of us meet for
one hour every week
4. The truth of this passage is one of the reason we started about nine months
ago to meet corporately every Wednesday morning at 6am for an hour of
B. I think you get the point – when the reality of the truth of this passage sinks into
our hearts; prayer is one of the first responses that naturally flows out of our
1. This passage, along with many others, teaches us that we must depend upon
the Lord as we do our work to see the kind of growth and success that matters
to God and lasts into eternity.
2. One of the greatest expressions of dependence is prayer, when I admit to God
my desperate need for Him to be involved in what I am doing. If He does not
show up and do something then all my efforts will be in vain regarding
• Now in Psalm 127 we are only going to be dealing with the first 2 verses
II. Psalm 127:1-2
A. The psalm deals with how God’s blessing sustains both our life at home and in
our society. It’s not a matter of man’s wisdom, hard work or practices and
policies that bring success but rather God’s blessing, God’s working upon, with
and through man’s working.
1. Actually, the passage says it even stronger as it talks about the vanity of man
to do their work apart from God’s blessing and His working with them!
2. Watch for this as I read v1-2
a) Read it in the NLT
B. It’s straightforward – God’s blessing, God’s grace and God causing his face to
shine upon what you are doing is essential for the success of it.
1. Just a side note – when I use the word success I am aware there are three
ways to apply this word:
a) The worlds definition of success – which is totally shaped apart from
God’s wisdom but solely upon man’s wisdom within their particular
b) The church world’s definition of success – which often mixes the
world’s wisdom and God’s wisdom, is measured mostly by external and
visible metrics.
c) God’s definition of success is found in His Word. Actually according to
1 Corinthians 2 God’s wisdom is considered foolish by the sophisticated
of this world, but many of God metrics for success are measured by
internal and invisible things that last forever!
C. It starts in v1 with the building of a house and the guarding of a city and states the
vanity of it unless the Lord is involved in it. You can have 100 guards out
protecting a city but without God’s protection going along with it, the city will be
broken into.
D. In v2 he talks about the uselessness of working endless hours and burning the
candle at both ends because God’s blessing is the ultimate determination of
success. He gives it not only when you’re working but also even when you are
E. It is important to note that this Psalm is not promoting passivity on the part of
man and only dependence and prayer on his part. I believe it is teaching due
diligence on man’s part along with deep dependence upon God’s involvement and
blessing upon what you are doing!
1. In the passage we see
a) V1a – man is laboring to build the house but he also needs God’s
b) V1b – there are guards who are watching the city – it is just that their
work will be useless unless God grants the protection.
(1) So God’s working and blessing does not come apart from man but
often through man’s work and effort
c) V2 is warning us against thinking everything depends upon us so we had
better work our butts off if we are going to succeed.
(1) actually god does not only work in and through our works but even
when we are not working, when we are resting and sleeping God is
still working on our behalf.
2. So the way I seek to live my life in everything, both personally and ministry
wise, is with a heart of due diligence and deep dependence
a) Due diligence means to take reasonable and responsible steps to be
faithful in something.
b) This drives me to put my hands to the work, constantly seeking to excel
still the more at what I do while praying fervently and persistently that
God’s blessing would be on, in and through what I do, doing things that
only God can do!
F. We see this same truth regarding the growth of the church in Ephesians 4:15-16.
1. The passage, in context, talks about the way that God has structured His
church to bring about growth. Things primarily measured by internal,
invisible and eternal things.
2. He wraps up this section speaking about the due diligence and deep
dependence that is necessary for the church to grow with the kind of growth
that comes from God
3. As I read, I want you to note the dependence that we are called upon to have
in Jesus, the head of the church, since He is the source of the kind of growth
that comes from God. At the same time it talks about the importance of each
individual part of the body (that is the believer), functioning to their full
capacity in light of the way God designed them to work.
a) In other words, we will see due diligence and deep dependence coming
together in the context of church growth.
b) Read Ephesians 4:15-16
c) to become all the church God wants MVC to be it requires you
(1) functioning to the fullest measure using your spiritual gift to
impact others inside and outside this church
(2) It also requires your prayers
d) According to this verse if not every believer here is serving to the full
extent God has called and gifted them to serve and is not praying for
MVC and its people and ministries, then MVC will not grow to the place
where God wants us to be both quantitatively and quality wise!
• So all of this brings us back to where I started – these truths make us realize the
importance of prayer in our lives and church
III. Application
A. As we move forward from our 75th anniversary seeking to be a church that is
blessed by God so we can be a blessing to others; we need to pray if we want that
to be a reality at MVC and not just an inspirational message for a 75th
B. Two ways we can do that as a church.
1. Wednesday 6am – a group of us meet every week because of these truths
seeking God’s blessing upon this church and this people as we go about what
God has called us to do. We do not want to see our works in vain and we
would love to see the number of people who join us increase so our impact
through prayer can increase
2. 75 …
C. Close in prayer for God’s blessings, for God’s glory upon the work and people of
MVC. Yes, that He would bless us, not just when we are doing the work we
should be doing, but even while we are resting and sleeping!
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Blessed for God’s Glory
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Blessed for God’s Glory
Psalm 67 January 19, 2020 – 75th Anniversary
I. Introduction:
A. What we have heard today is God’s grace, God’s blessing, God’s face shining,
and God’s divine favor on this church. We also heard about God’s blessing going
through this church to people both locally and all over the world. We also have
blessed Him today for these blessings by praising Him as the hero of the story of
MVC over 75 years!
B. This really is a micro picture of what God is doing in the world.
1. It all starts with God, a God who has a heart to bless!
2. Then God pours out His divine favor upon His people
3. Then God’s blessed people take that blessing and bless others with it.
4. Finally, those who have experienced God’s blessing return blessing/praise
back to God for His goodness to them.
C. This has been God’s plan from the beginning
1. Turn to Genesis 12:2 - God lays out his plan for Abraham. Many consider
this the foundational passage in Scripture regarding God’s plan in this world.
I happen to be one of those.
2. Read v2...3c
3. God promises to bless Abraham by making him a great nation and his name
4. Then tells him to be a blessing to others (2d) followed by the fact that God is
going to bless the whole world through him (3c)
D. As the story goes on
1. The great nation God made of Abraham was Israel and they became His own
possession among all the peoples of the earth, who were to be His priests and
His representatives, to the rest of the world.
2. Then Jesus came, who is the seed of Abraham through whom God would
bless all the world, and God so loved the world that He gave his only Son,
Jesus, so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have
everlasting life.
3. Then in Matthew 28 Jesus commissions the church, the seed of Abraham
through their relationship with Jesus the seed, those who have been blessed
with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies, to go and make disciples of all
the nations!
E. In Revelation 7 we see the fulfillment of this plan of God’s blessing going full
circle, as peoples from every nation bless God in worship for His blessings upon
them. Listen as I read Revelation 7:9-12.
• Now turn to Psalm 67 we see this same pattern of blessing laid out
II. Psalm 67
A. We will see here the God of blessings, blesses His own people Israel so that His
blessing, His salvation, might go through them to all the world and in turn people
from all the world would fear and bless/praise God
B. As I read note that “us” refers to God’s people Israel and that the “peoples” and
“nations” refer to the rest of the world.
1. Also, note at the start of this Psalm is a prayer for blessing and in that prayer
he states the reason why he is asking for this blessing upon them. At the end
of this psalm, he states the reason why God blesses His people.
2. Read
C. Point out
1. Purpose for praying for blessing in v1-2
a) We see a prayer for blessing does not have to be a selfish self-serving
prayer if it is prayed with the right motive!
2. God’s purpose for blessing in v6-7
D. In between these two, we see the prayer for all the peoples of the world to praise
and bless God!
• So how does that apply to us at MVC?
III. Challenge
A. God has blessed MVC so we can be a blessing to those around us and even to the
end of the earth. We have been blessed to bless!
1. In the last five years alone, MVC has contributed $928,450 in support of
missionaries and mission work as we have supported 41 missionaries in a
variety of ministries to various different kinds of people in different parts of
the world.
B. So my prayer now is that God would even bless us more so we can be a greater
blessing to each other, to the communities we live in and around the world. I
personally desire this in three ways:
1. I would love to see God’s blessings on our offerings so we do not have to
struggle as a church just to make ends meet and rob from Peter to pay Paul.
But that we not only meet budget but exceed it so we can pay off our
mortgage and fix what remains in this building to be fixed so we can pour
even greater blessings beyond these walls on those who need and to further
God’s kingdom agenda!
2. On the personal level take the blessing God has built into each one of our
spiritual lives and pour that blessing upon someone else! That is called
discipleship – take what God has given you and give it to someone else.
a) We all need people who can help us grow closer to Jesus and we all
know people whom we can help grow closer to Jesus
3. I long to see MVC make a greater impact upon the world right around us here
in the Chicago area by each one of us seeing ourselves as missionaries,
witnesses, ambassadors, ministers who impact the part of the world we live in
and the relationships we have with people both inside and outside the church.
We want to be world changers!
a) You and I may not change “the world” but each one of us can change
“someone’s world,” - one person at a time, one step at a time, one
conversation at a time, one act of kindness at a time.
C. My God bless MVC to be a blessing!
IV. Prayer – Ron Benton
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
20/20 VISION
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
20/20 Vision
Various Passages January 12, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. 20/20 vision is a term we hear used when we go to the eye doctor which refers to
the sharpness and clarity of our vision. Since I do not want to be the only pastor
in the United States in the year 2020 who does not do a message on 2020 vision I
want to get mine done today.
1. Vision is very important to determine the future direction of a business, of a
church, of an individual’s life. The more sharpness and clarity they have to
their vision of where they want to be in 5 to 10 years from now the wiser they
can be to get there in their decisions and organization.
2. As Christians and as a church the first question we must ask is; where does
God want us to be in 5 to 10 years so we can be wiser in our decisions and
organization to get there.
B. Now to get to where you want to go, you need to start by knowing right where
you are at, so you can know which way you need to go to get there! Like being at
an unfamiliar mall with those maps that say, “you are here” then you have a sense
of bearings of how you can get where you need to be.
C. So what I want to do this morning is like the eye doctor look through a few
different lenses to see if you can pinpoint right where you are in your spiritual
journey. Then give you the right prescription for your spiritual walk so you might
know what your next step is to get to where God wants you to be 5-10 years from
• First let’s see
II. Where God wants us to go
A. Turn to Matthew 28 which we know as the Great Commission
1. Read 18-20
2. Structure – One command “make disciples” and three participles tell us how
to do it!
a) Going – going to the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ
b) Baptizing – for those who respond to the gospel by believing are to
publically identifying themselves with Jesus
c) Teaching - that is the lifetime of learning to implement Jesus’ teachings
into the lives of his followers!
B. In Matthew 22, we see the Great Commandment that Jesus gave us was to love
the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our
neighbor as ourselves!
C. At MVC when we put together the Great Commission and Great Commandment
and think of where God wants us to go and the decisions we need make for the
next 5 to 10 years we consider our mission. Our mission is to equip believers to
be passionate followers of Jesus committed to growing in Christ-likeness, to raise
up the next generation of disciples, and to radically impact our communities
through the hope of the gospel, one life at a time, one step at a time.
D. We simply summarize this as following Jesus, impacting others.
1. Repeat
2. God wants you and me to be people who are following Jesus, impacting
• So where are you so you can be wise as to what route you need to take to get there?
III. Where are you?
A. Turn to 1 John 2 where we see that each one of us is at a different place in our
walk. John is stating to the believers why he is writing this letter and as he does
he identifies different levels of spiritual maturity and different things that
characterize each level.
1. Read 2:12-14
2. Note the four different places
3. Where are you? Which of those spiritual things might be your next step to
get to where God wants you?
B. Like the eye doctor let’s look through another lens to make sure we have our
prescription right!
1. Chart that we have further refined for MVC that we learned in a manual
called Real Life Discipleship by Jim Putman
2. Put up power point – see attached
C. One thing we learn from seeing where we are this morning is that one size does
not fit all. Each one of us is at a different place spiritually so each one of us
needs to start at a different place!
• So
IV. What is your next step?
A. Spiritual journey map – consider your own growth and others you may want to
impact as we look at this map! (Hand Out)
1. First two columns are lost people and what they might need depending upon
the degree of understanding and interest God has been working in their
hearts! Various opportunities to grow or be ministered to there.
2. Faith – trust in Jesus – new born in Christ –
a) Their great need is to be introduced to the foundations of the faith
b) This is perfectly normal and natural for a newer believer. But if you
have been a believer for 5-10-20-30 years and this is still where you are
there is a problem. Listen to Hebrews 5
3. Following – various different opportunities to grow – develop your
testimony, learn identity in Christ, be baptized, join the church, join a small
group, and develop spiritual practices like quiet time. But stats at both MVC
and the church in North America in general indicate that a major sticking
point for about 70% of our church is the bottom one – stewardship. If you do
not face this hurdle for many people’s faith, their wallets they will be stuck at
this point for a long time.
a) Both statistics (nationally and similar at MVC) and Scripture say this is a
major issue – 20% give 80% of the income the church receives.
(1) Sound familiar – 20% of people do 80% of the ministry in a
(2) I believe this is the major obstacle that must be faced and
addressed in each believer’s life if they want to move beyond
being people who are characterized by the need to get rather than
b) Tony Evans says, “God does not have a person until He has their
c) Jesus said, “Where your treasure is your heart will also be!”
(1) Simply your heart follows your money.
d) Bottom line our use of money and giving is a reflection of where our
heart is with God.
e) The New Testament says our giving is to be generous and in proportion
to the way God has blessed us. It is motivated by love for Jesus and
others and joy!
f) I believe that most of those who give at a rate of about $5-20 a week are
not in the position of the widow’s mite nor are bad or rebellious
Christians. Rather they are fearful if they give generously, today they
will not have what they need to pay their bills at the end of the month or
in years to come when college, weddings or retirement comes!
(1) I encourage you to face this fear for the sake of your spiritual life
and those you impact and begin to experience the supernatural
provisions of God. Paul said this in 2 Corinthians 9:8 regarding
those who give generously and joyfully:
4. Serving – this is those who need to give to others to keep growing. Many
opportunities for growth here. Read quickly – abiding in Christ, ministry of
Holy Spirit, how study the Bible, how to deal with the Devil, how to share
the gospel, spiritual gifts, engaging in God’s mission
5. Multiply – best way I can describe these people is that they orient their entire
life around Jesus’ mission.
6. You may want to prayerfully look this over this week and see what your next
step of excelling in 2020 may be!
B. Finally, we learned from Jesus that discipleship happens in the context of
relationships, and the smaller the group of people the greater the impact. Your
need is not only a good book or a class on these things but to put your growth on
steroids you may want to
1. Join small group
2. Personal invite or ask
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Living Water
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Living Water
Jeremiah 2:13, Ezekiel 47:1-12; John 7:37-39 Jan 5, 2020
I. Announcements
A. On Sunday night Jan 12th at 6PM we will be showing the Movie “Unplanned”
right here at MVC!
1. It is the true story of Abby Johnson who was one of the youngest and leading
Planned Parenthood directors in the nation
a) She was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled
countless women in regards to their so-called reproductive rights.
b) Until she saw something that changed everything and became an ardent
pro-life speaker in America.
2. My own heart as a pastor and our elders have a burden that we take this first
step into greater involvement in this issue, which right here in the United
States takes the life of 1 million unborn children every year.
3. There are three victims of every abortion – the child, the mother and the
a) Our desire is to minister to all three that night
b) Be a voice for the unborn who cannot speak for themselves
c) And be a place of no judgment but the mercy and grace of God that night
for healing for mothers and fathers who have had abortions and pointing
you to further resources where you can find help!
(1) You need to know you are not alone at MVC if you are one of the
victims. I have personally talked to other quality believers in Jesus
who have been there and are fellow strugglers with you today.
(2) The church feels like the last place you want to tell someone but
you need to know the church is God’s front line of healing!
4. There are brochures regarding this out at the Welcome Center today and
where you pick up your bulletin
B. 75th Anniversary – Two Sundays from today -
1. One of the things we will be doing is a wall
2. Enter your ballot for coffee creation for the 75th anniversary. Located in the
café. The winning drink will be available for everyone to try January 19th for
our 75th anniversary celebration!
3. Invite a friend or family member who has a part of our history to be here and
celebrate with us.
C. Andrea – Today we want to take a moment to say a word of thanks to Andrea
Sanchez who has been a valuable member of our staff for the past three years and
is moving on to pursue a career in graphic design.
1. Andrea has really been at the center of the day-to-day operations in the
church office for the past 3 years and it has been a true blessing to work with,
someone who has such a gentle spirit and an easy smile for everyone she
meets. Repeat!
2. God has blessed Andrea as a gifted artist and has presented her an
opportunity to pursue her gift in a full time position. Andrea, thank you for
all you have done and we look forward to having you continue as part of our
church and worship team.
3. May God bless you and here is a little token of our appreciation!
4. I would like to introduce you to our new office manager Hannah Naughton
who we are excited about the gifts that she bring to the table for us!
II. Introduction:
D. Happy New Year to you and happy 75th anniversary year to MVC! My heart is
to see myself, each of us individually and MVC as a church of people to excel
still the more this coming year in one way specifically and that can be
summarized in one word impact. Be a people and be a church that has influence
upon others to the glory of God.
1. However, you cannot affect others for Jesus if you are not first personally
following Jesus! We simply cannot give someone else something we do not
have ourselves.
a) In order to impact others for Jesus we need to be impacted ourselves by
2. Therefore, this morning I want to point you to one commitment, New Year’s
resolution that will pay great dividends in not only impacting others but also
even in impacting your own life.
E. To do this I want to look at three different periods of Bible history regarding the
water that God supplies, a water that brings new life, a water that nourishes and
heals the soul a water that meets the deepest needs of the heart. If you have
experienced that, you have something to offer to others that they will find
nowhere else!
• This morning we are going to look at - being impacted by God to impact others for
God! Turn to
II. Jeremiah 2:12 the past – (God’s water offered to wandering Israel)
A. In Jeremiah God is warning His children Israel of an impending discipline upon
them because they have forsaken God, they went far from Him and pursued the
works of their own hands, things that were empty and could not profit them!
B. Before I read this passage I want you to know that cisterns were where they stored
their water, they were very important in the land of Israel because of the long dry
season and the relatively few natural springs.
1. But a broken cistern was practically worthless, holding only a small quantity
of dirty water, or no water at all.
2. Also, note that God is using this reality from the material world as a picture
of the spiritual reality they have with Him.
C. Read Jeremiah 2:12-13
1. God says that he is the fountain, the source, the spring from which living
waters comes!
2. But they have left God entirely behind them and have turned to their own
works that simply are worthless.
D. Spiritually speaking God is the fountain/source of living water, but they have
ignored God even forsaken and left Him behind and pursued their own means of
providing water for their needs and they have come up empty.
• I want you to see a picture of the great power of the water that comes from God has.
Turn to
III. Ezekiel 47:1 – The future with a restored Jewish people and land!
A. We see here the future temple where Jesus will reign in that 1000-year reign of
His that we learned about in Revelation. I want you to note the miraculous nature
of this water, the life giving, the life restoring, the healing and nourishing affect
that this water has that comes from the presence of God.
B. Before I read it, I want you to note a few things.
1. If there was a trickle of water coming out from underneath this pulpit, when
you got to the back of the parking lot what would you expect that stream to
look like. I would assume it would have long died off before you get there or
formed a small puddle but this stream will get bigger and bigger quickly
within a mile and a quarter. The water that comes from God is supernatural
and powerful
2. The “Arabah” will we learn about in this passage is the dry, infertile desert
area with a very hot climate and sparse rainfall in the Jordan valley – watch
what happens to this dry infertile desert the water that comes from God’s
presence touches it.
3. Finally, the “sea” where the waters become fresh is the Dead Sea – nothing
lives in the Dead Sea because of the lack of movement and the salt content,
which is roughly 33.7%, compared to the 3.5% we find in the ocean. Watch
what happens to the Dead Sea when the water that comes from God’s
presence touches it.
C. As I read watch for the supernatural life giving power of God’s water to that
which is dry and dead!
1. Read v1-12
2. Reread – 8d-9 – water is made fresh and everything lives where the river
3. Note what is on the banks of the river in the midst of the desert as it heads to
the Dead Sea to make it a living place. reread v12
4. Why does all of this happen – reread 12c “because … sanctuary”
D. This living water that comes from God’s presence that He was offering to His
people is supernatural, powerful, life giving, refreshing, nourishing and healing.
It will be seen literally in the land of Israel in the future and it is available to us
spiritually today
• Turn to
IV. John 7 – the present water of God available to all!
A. Read John 7:37-39
1. Anyone thirsty – insistent craving or compelling need within your soul crying
out to be met.
2. Come to me
Innermost being flow rivers of living water
3. Spirit – those who believed in Him
B. Jesus has been glorified and every one of us who have trusted Jesus as our
personal savior have received the Holy Spirit and out of the depth of our lives He
issues out like that river in Ezekiel 47 that is supernatural, powerful, life giving,
refreshing, nourishing and healing; transforming the dry and dead areas of our
lives and souls!
V. Application
A. So my question to you this morning is- Are you experiencing this river of living
water that comes from God’s spirit? If not why?
1. Have you quenched the Spirit, stop the flow of the river of the Spirit of God
in your life by intentionally disobeying His word or just being negligent or
sloppy with what God wants of you?
2. Have you grieved the Spirit by unkind words or gossip, bitterness and anger,
not being kind, tender and forgiving to others?
3. Or like Israel, have you walked away from God and turned to things of your
own doings, things that ultimately are empty, and of no profit?
4. Or maybe you just are not meeting with God regularly to drink deeply of the
life changing and fulfilling water that he offers!
5. If that is your case today during communion you need this water to touch the
dry and dead places in your life. do this:
a) Confess that to God
b) Call upon Him to free up the spirit within you to flood you with this river
of God
c) Make that decision to begin to meet with Him regularly and walk with
Him rather than in your own ways.
6. This will result in you becoming a person who impacts others this year!
B. If you are experiencing this life changing and fulfilling water of God then you are
in a place to impact others – you can become the vessel through whom God
causes His living water to flow out of you upon those in your life, church and
community who are either dry or dead.
1. You can impact others for Jesus because you have been impacted by Jesus
2. Ask him to:
a) Deepen the river from ankle high or waist high to a place that it is over
your head and you can only be carried by the power of the current of the
Holy Spirit
b) Ask Him to open up doors for you this year to impact others for him!
VI. Communion
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Chritsmas at MVC // Week 4
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
The Word Became Flesh
John 1:14-18 December 29, 2019