Monday Jan 18, 2021
Plan with humility, live with gusto
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Plan with humility, live with gusto
James 4 and Ecclesiastes 9 January 3, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. 2020 is done and 2021 is here! With New Year’s always come new dreams and
1. I know last year moving into our 75th year as a church we had real big dreams
and plans for the next 5 years here at MVC that we were going to unveil
around Easter but Covid 19 was like dropping an atomic bomb on those
2. I know for many personally, not only Covid 19 but just everyday life apart
from Covid, impacted their personal dreams and plans for last year and they
have felt that atomic bomb dropped on those plans!
B. Today I want to share the major work that God did in my heart last year that came
out of that bomb dropped on my life!
C. God had been preparing me all year for this lesson through personal and ministry
plans blown out of the water by Covid creating a constant flux with plans and
long term rhythms of life and ministry. Add to that the loss of two very close
friends who died earlier in the year then it started to come to a head for me on
Tuesday afternoon November 10th
1. It was just four hours before the biggest board meeting of the year because
we were going to unveil the new dreams and plans for the MVC and the
leadership over the next number of years because the other plans were blown
out of the water by Covid
2. I just got off the phone and I had a mini-stroke
a) I could not even make that meeting
b) Within eighteen hours I was laying in the hospital scheduled for all kinds
of test as they were concerned I may be on the way to a major stroke.
3. As you might imagine my plans for that day were totally different than what
was in my schedule book and heart!
a) On top of that, not knowing what was going to happen to me, many of
my future dreams, hopes and plans with my wife, children and church all
now became very uncertain to me.
4. By God’s grace I was released on Thursday with an all clear but keep an eye
on your physical health and stress levels!
5. But that Saturday morning I found out that both Jeff Schmidt and Jim
Higgins, both friends of mine, had died the night before.
a) Something broke within me – the jabs throughout the year, the punch
that staggered me with a ministroke just 4 days before and the knockout
punch came when I read that email.
• Something happened in my heart at that moment and God led me instantly to the
passage I want to share with you this morning as we move into 2021 with our new
dreams and plans. turn to …
II. James 4
A. Listen to what God spoke to me through His Word that morning. Read 4:13-16
B. V13 are the big plans we have – the church had them, you had them and I had
them and we have new ones as we move into 2021. Plans both for today and for
the future – read v13
C. But what I did not know that Tuesday morning when I woke up all excited have
MVC plans shared that night with the leadership, and what you do not know is
what v14 says. Read
D. Then in v15 is the wisdom and the attitude that we all need to carry both in our
dreams hopes and plans both for today and the future. Read v15
1. First, if God wills – you will be alive this afternoon or tomorrow
a) That Tuesday afternoon with a major stroke possibly looming as I laid in
bed in the hospital I did not even know if I would be alive tomorrow!
2. Secondly, if God wills – you will do what you are planning.
a) So many things can enter into our lives that are beyond our control that
makes our plans uncertain both later today, tomorrow and in the future.
b) Listen to Proverbs 16:9 NASB & NLT.
E. The lesson of this passage for us is this – the great trump card on our life and
plans is God’s will!
1. So I need to plan with humility recognizing that ultimately my plans are not
determined by my will but God’s will
• But to balance out Scripture with Scripture and complete the heart shaping God was
doing in me we need not only plan with humility but we must …
III. Live life with gusto
A. Turn to Ecclesiastes 9 is a wisdom book where the second half of the book is
dominated by the reality that we are going to die! But he does not present that as
a morbid thing but as a reality to know so we can live wisely in light of it.
B. At the start of the chapter he says two very important things that sounds a lot like
James 4
1. V1 the future is unknown and uncertain whether our life will have adversity
or prosperity
2. Then in v2-6 he talks about the certainty of death for everyone with the loss
of participation in this life.
3. And by the way this is not just a message for old people – listen to v12
C. Now listen to the advice he gives us in light of these facts! Advice that I would
never expect from the wisest man who ever lived outside of Jesus.
1. Read v7 – bottom line he is saying here enjoy the simple everyday things
God has given us!
2. Read v8 – clean clothes and oils were used in that culture on festive
occasions. Thus he is saying celebrate every day you have to live. Brothers
and sisters every day we are alive including today is a special gift from God!
3. Read v9 – enjoy life with your mate – this is one of the great gifts that God
has given to us in life. Do not waste it because you do not know how long
you will have this gift!
4. Read v10 – whatever you do, that goes all the way from work to play and
everything in between them, do it with all your heart and strength! Because
once you die, at least here on earth that opportunity will be gone!
D. So guess what is happening to Pat Peglow in these days. I am planning more
humbly and seeking to live with more gusto as I am examining my life, my plans,
my schedule, my habits, the care of my physical body and management of stress
with a special emphasis on the things Solomon says here as I am seeking to enjoy
life more, live it more passionately with a special emphasis of doing those with
the greatest gift has given me outside of Jesus – Kimberly Jean – some of you
know as “baby girl”
• So plan humbly, live with gusto! What do we …
IV. Do with all this (communion)
A. As you start 2021 with Jesus in communion I want to encourage you to consider
three things
1. In light of James 4 - ? what does the way you talk about your plans and the
way you respond to events and people that interrupt your plans reveal about
your heart and your attitude about your plans verses God’s will for your life?
2. In light of Ecclesiastes 9 –
a) How are your joy levels? As believers we should be the most joy filled
people in the world! If we are not something is out of alignment with
our relationship with the Lord as He is the one who fills our heart with
his joy!
b) Finally, how well do your plans line up with the wisdom we learn in
Ecclesiastes about how to live life in light of the uncertainties of life and
the certainty of death?
B. If you do not know Jesus the most important take away from this message is that
you have no guarantee that you will be alive tomorrow or even this afternoon.
1. Scripture says today is the day of salvation, do not put it off!
2. If you do not know Jesus turn to Him this morning and acknowledge that you
are separated from him because of your sin and that you are transferring your
trust right now to what Jesus did on the cross to you to pay for your sins and
the new life He offers you through His resurrection!
3. If you are here today or following on line I would be honored if you would
contact me personally through the church and I will be glad to speak to you
about how to come to know Jesus personally!
C. Pass and pray
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Christmas at MVC//Week 2// Jesus the Christ
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Jesus the Christ
Matthew 1:16 & various passages December 13, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. There is no other name connected with Jesus more than “the Christ.” It is used
528 times in the New Testament. There is no other name connected with Jesus
that is so loaded with meaning and implications than “the Christ.” There is no
other name connected with Jesus that is so crucial to understanding who He is and
why He came and even to understanding the message of the whole Bible when
you take it as one story as “the Christ.” There is no other name connected with
Jesus that is more misunderstood by lost people and new believers than that of
“the Christ!”
1. Before I came to know Jesus and even as a new believer I always thought that
Christ was Joseph and Mary’s last name – Joe and Mary Christ and their little
son Jesus Christ
2. Well I came to find out just how wrong I was about that and to be honest with
you I am still unpacking for my own life just all the meanings and
implications of the name Christ
B. We are doing a series on the names of Jesus connected with His birth because
they reveal more for us of who Jesus is.
1. Last week we learned that the name Jesus was a very common name at that
time in Israel and it connected Him to His humanity and His mission as
2. But the name Christ was not common at all, but it was a title that was well
known in Israel because that was the person sent by God whom they were
waiting for and the one in whom was all their hope!
C. Turn to Matthew 1:16 Read
1. NASB says Messiah and the ESV say Christ! Why is that?
2. “Messiah.” is the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament, which meant
“anointed.” It was specifically used to refer to “the one who was sent by
God and equipped by His Spirit to be their king.”
a) Psalm 2 is known as a messianic psalm, which means it is all about the
Messiah. Listen to this. Read Psalm 2:2,6
3. The New Testament translates that Hebrew word into Greek with the word
“Christ” Read John 1:40-41
4. So simply the Messiah or Christ is synonymous for the king of Israel.
a) Read Matthew 2:1-4
b) Show them that “king of the Jews” in v2 is equivalent to “Christ” in v4.
D. They were waiting and hoping for this Messiah/Christ because they were under
the rule of Rome and they longed for the day when the Christ would come to set
them free from Rome and set up God’s kingdom here on earth, centered out of
• The concept of “the Christ” was huge for the Jews and actually, it is huge for each
one of us even though we may not know it at this time. Today I want to help us better
understand what “the Christ” means. Let’s start with what the …
II. Old Testament expectation
A. When I study the teachings in the Old Testament about this person, the Christ, the
one sent by and equipped by God to be the king of Israel. I summarize it like
1. One from the line of Judah (Genesis 49:10) and the line of David (2 Samuel
7:12-19; Psalm 132:11), would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) and
preceded by a messenger who would prepare the way before Him (Isaiah
40:3-5; Malachi 3:1).
2. He would be God Himself (Isaiah 5:7; 9:6-7; 24:23; Micah 4:7; Zechariah
14:9, 16-17). He would be king forever ( 2 Samuel 7:16; Daniel 7:14; Isaiah
9:6-7), over God’s kingdom forever (2 Samuel 7:16; Daniel 2: 44; 7:14 ),
ruling all the world (Psalm 2:4-12; Psalm 110:1-3; Isaiah 2:2-4; Daniel 7:14;
Zechariah 9:9-10; 14:9-10) from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:1-3; 24:23).
3. He would enter into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9) to be their king,
He would be anointed by the Spirit of God to be the king (Isaiah 11:1-5), a
priest (1 Samuel 2:35; Psalm 110:4) and a prophet (Isaiah 61:1-2), like Moses
in whose mouth God Himself would put His words (Deuteronomy 18:15:18).
He would be the good and faithful shepherd who will care for them (Isaiah
40:11; Ezekiel 34:11-16) and supernaturally heal their infirmities (Isaiah
4. He would dwell in their midst as a victorious warrior (Zephaniah 3:15-17;
Zechariah 2:7-10) judging the nations (Psalm 110:5-6; Isaiah 42:1; 63:1-6;
Zechariah 14:1-3, 12-15 ;), and saving Israel so that they dwell in safety
forever (Jeremiah 23:5-6; Zechariah 14:11).
5. Finally, He is the one who would ratify and initiate the new covenant by
which not only Israel but also all from all nations who would trust the Christ
would receive a brand new heart. He would put His Spirit within them,
bringing to an end a relationship with God that was dominated by law but
now through the person of the Christ!
B. I am sure you are familiar with some of these verses. Let me read just a few of
them to give you a sampling: listen as I read Zechariah 9:9-10; 14:9; Isaiah 9:6-
7; Zephaniah 3:15-17 Jeremiah 31:31-34
• So this is what they knew or should have known at the coming of Christ based on
what they knew from the Old Testament. But I also think there were some things that
the Old Testament told them about the Christ that were …
III. Hidden from them
A. He would be rejected (Isaiah 53:3-4), suffer (Isaiah 53:5, 7) and die (Isaiah 5:8-9;
Daniel 9:26), then be raised from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10-11). Turn
and read Isaiah 53:1-6.
1. Now there is something very interesting at the start of this chapter. Read v1.
Sounds like he is saying? “Who is going to believe these things? Who is
God going to show them to?”
2. God told Isaiah that this would be a people who would not perceive or
understand what He was saying to them. Read Isaiah 6:9-10c
3. When Jesus told His own twelve disciples that He was going to be rejected,
suffer and die then be raised from the dead, listen to what Luke wrote right
after it, as an editorial comment. Read Luke 18:34.
B. Often we hear that their expectations were wrong as they looked for a warrior
king to deliver them from Rome’s dominance and to set them free as a nation.
1. I do not think that Israel had the wrong expectation.
2. I think their understanding of the Christ was incomplete. When the Christ
comes back, then He will fulfill all the hopes they had but He does so much
more spiritually and He works much larger than Israel but also throughout the
whole world!
IV. Conclusion
A. So what has been your understanding of Jesus as the Christ?
B. I feel like we just had a dump truck dropped on us. I think now you understand
why I said there was no name for Jesus that has more implications to it and why I
said I am still trying to understand and still learning all the implications of this
name - the Christ!
C. I think that must have been how Mary felt after the angel told her in Luke 1:31-32
that the child she would give birth to that God will give Him the throne of His
father David and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom
will have no end!
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Christmas at MVC//Week 1// Names of Jesus
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Names of Jesus at Christmas
Matthew 1 December 6, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. When you see this name think how many people, do you know with this name?
1. You probably know a number of people with that name!
2. How about this name “Pat Peglow”
3. All of a sudden out of all the Pats you know in the world this identifies one
specific Pat in the world of Pats
B. Names are what people are called by; they distinguish us and identify us from all
the other people in the world.
1. The name represents me!
2. In other words if you were talking about me with a group of people and you
use my name you are not talking about the name in particular but the person
that name identifies and represents – Pat Peglow!
C. At the time when Jesus was born, when people heard the name Jesus how many
people did they know with that name.
1. Actually Jesus was a common name back then so when they heard that name
there were a lot of people they could have thought of
2. But when they heard Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus the Christ, they thought of
the same one we think about today when we read the Bible!
D. Also, we pick names for all kinds of reasons – the way it sounds, what it means,
people or relatives we knew and respected that had that name, maybe even
matching first letters for the first name.
1. However, when it comes to the names of God they have one primary purpose
– revelation.
2. That simply means they reveal something to us or tell us something about
3. They tell us about His character, His being, His work, His authority, His
majesty, His rank, His power, His position, etc.
E. Finally, God’s names are holy!
1. One of the 10 commandments tells us not to take the Lord’s name in vain.
2. Jesus prayed that God’s name would be made hallowed/holy here in this
world. Holy means one of a kind and separate from everything else. God’s
name is like no other name and is to be treated with great respect and handled
3. Philippians 2:9-11 tells us this: Read
• So, this Christmas we can learn more about who Jesus is. We are going to be looking
at the names that are connected with him at His birth. The name we are going to
begin with this morning is
II. The name Jesus
A. Turn to Matthew 1 where Jesus is given this name, where we find a young couple
named Joseph and Mary who are engaged to be married.
1. Joseph finds out that Mary is pregnant, and this deeply bothers him because
he knows that they have not engaged in sex together so he plans to break the
2. Then an angel appears to him in a dream and tells him this: Read 1:20-21,
B. In v21, he tells them why they are to name him Jesus. Reread 21b
1. The name Jesus comes from the Hebrew name Joshua. Which simply means
– Yahweh saves or the Lord saves
2. This name points us to Jesus’ work, His mission to save us from our sins,
thus He is called the Savior, the Redeemer. Hebrews 2 calls Him the author
of our salvation.
a) Jesus was born to save us from our sins!
C. Let me remind you of a chart we used earlier this year when we were introducing
ourselves to our spiritual blessings in Christ.
1. We learned at that time that salvation has three aspects to it, past, present and
future. It is also important that we are people who are made up a three key
2. Put up chart on person
3. Put up chart on salvation
4. Explain as God gives utterance
• We will be looking at other names of Jesus at His birth in this series to see what we
can learn and experience of Him but in
III. Closing
A. Let me ask you this – which part of saving us from our sins do you need?
Which part of Jesus’ work do you need in your life today?
1. You need to be saved from the penalty of your sins so you can come into a
relationship with God. This is called justification – declared righteous by
a) Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
b) How do we respond to this to experience this righteousness? Read
Romans 4:5
c) Invite you now if you have never transferred your trust and reliance from
your good works and religious deeds to Jesus what He did for you, do it
today and you will begin the journey of being saved from your sins!
2. Do you need to be saved from the power of sin in your life? Are you already
saved, forgiven and justified but the impact of sin upon your life and
relationships is hampering from having that abundant life that Jesus
promised? Your need is sanctification
a) Turn and read Romans 8:10-11
b) Now the Spirit of Jesus Christ lives inside of these bodies that are prone
to sin. What He does is fill our lives with the resurrected life of Jesus
thus dismantling the impact of sin in our lives.
c) Our need is the same as it was when we first came to Christ – faith in
Jesus Christ to save me! Now my trust is moment-by-moment relying
upon the resurrected Christ who lives in me to win my battle with sin!
Again, it is a transferring of my trust from myself to the indwelling Spirit
of Jesus to win my daily battle with sin.
3. Finally, maybe your great need today is just the hope in that future time when
Jesus will return to save us from our sin infested bodies and world. Read
Romans 8:23-25
B. As communion is passed consider before the Lord and talk to Him about your
need, and thank Jesus for dying for you to make all of this possible
1. Josh pick it up with communion from here
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
He is Still in The Fire// Week 7// Joy
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
A Perplexed Prophet Full of Joy
Habakkuk November 29, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. Turn to Habakkuk (look in your index or phone). I want to show you an amazing
joy right in the midst of the most difficult circumstances that are only going to get
1. This joy comes from a prophet who was totally perplexed, because God was
not answering his prayer about the wickedness in his own nation and when
God did answer him, it perplexed him all the more with an answer he never
expected to get from a holy God!
II. The story of Habakkuk
A. He starts by saying – God I have been praying to you for a long time about the
wickedness and injustices in the nation of Israel and you are not answering!
B. Listen to God’s response
1. Read v5-6, 8e-9a
2. But v11 is very important to this story
3. These evil Babylonians will be held accountable for what they do to Israel
even though God will be using them to discipline them!
C. Now Habakkuk is really confused! You are a holy God who does not even look
on evil and you are going to use these evil people to judge us?
D. Then Habakkuk tells God he is going to stand there and watch to see what you say
about that
E. Listen to what God says
1. Read v2-3
2. It is going to happen, even if it delays, it will happen!
F. Then the rest of chapter 2 God talks about the judgment that is going to come
upon the Chaldeans as He says basically what you have done to others is going to
happen to you. This chapter is summarized in v16
G. Finally, in chapter 3 Habakkuk prays one more time and tells God I have heard
reports of your working in the past and ask you to do it again now and in the
midst of your judgment of us remember to be merciful to us!
H. Then Habakkuk draws a powerful picture of God marching through the earth to
judge the nations and save Israel.
• Now we come to the place of joy in the midst of his unanswered prayer and waiting
for God’s discipline upon his own people. Let’s look at this …
III. Amazing joy
A. First, he starts with talking about how he responds to all of this as he waits for
God’s discipline on his own people! read v16
B. Now in v 17-19 we see this amazing joy
1. He starts by telling God that even if their entire economy and that which
bring them sustenance in their daily lives is destroyed and taken away.
Listen to v17
2. Nevertheless, this is how he is going to respond. read v18
a) We read this and we think he is going to lift up his arms and declare just
how great God is in the middle of the trials. That is exactly what exalt
means, but the word here is not exalt but exult.
b) Note it is with a u not a.
c) To exult means intense joy, to leap for joy!
d) Let me show you picture of this! Cubs World Series celebration
3. How can he have this kind of amazing joy? It is because of the amazing
grace in the next verse.
a) Read v19
b) It is because God is the source of his strength and He makes my feet
stable and not slip even in some of the most difficult terrain, trials in my
c) Let me show you what hinds’ feet looks like
C. Bottom line, in the midst of the most difficult times in life with more hardship to
come, his heart can be full of joy and not stumble and fall because of God
1. Note in v19
2. God is his strength, the source of everything he needs in life!
3. It can happen to us because Jesus is the source and strength of our lives!
Galatians 2:20
4. Listen to what Jude says: Read Jude 24-25
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
He is Still in The Fire// Week 6// Angry at God
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Angry At God
Job November 22, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. Have you ever been angry with God, felt like He ripped you off? I have!
B. When I was 27 years old, God clearly led me to go to seminary to prepare for the
ministry. Kim and I had $14,000 saved in the bank at that time.
1. Over the next five years every moment of time, every bit of energy, every
penny we saved and earned was used to get ourselves prepared to serve God
in the ministry.
2. By the time we graduated I had destroyed my back working on the docks
trying to help get through school, had two young children, literally only $100
in cash with nothing in the bank, and a small truck load of other people’s
throw away clothes and furniture.
C. The first three years of ministry were extremely difficult.
1. I spent long hours pouring my life into the ministry here at MVC and the
lives of the people here.
2. Add to that the stress of a young family, back problems, financial pressures,
and two undependable cars, fixing up a fixer upper house, and a strong attack
by the devil against our family.
D. One Saturday night Kim went out to a roller-skating party with one of our girls.
She fell and landed squarely on her tailbone.
1. Early Sunday morning Kim woke up unable to move and in great pain. I
knew that I had to take her into the hospital.
2. I called one of Kim’s sisters to get the girls, and one of the pastors to fill in
for my responsibilities at church.
3. Now it was time to move the most undependable car out of the driveway so I
could take Kim to the hospital in the other car.
a) I got in the car and it would not start.
b) I thought I could push the car into the street so I could get to the other
one. I got out and pushed but the car was caught on a high curb at the
end of our driveway so I could not get the car over it.
4. I remember getting back in the car, rolling up the windows, raising my fist
and shaking it at God as I yelled out to Him “God, you have ripped me off! I
have spent every penny I have, every bit of time, every bit of energy in
serving you and all you have given me in return is junk!
E. Maybe you have cried out for help from Him but He has not answered. Maybe
you have been claiming a promise that He has made but God is nowhere to be
found. Maybe you have walked with God for years but it does not seem like God
is coming through for you.
1. I know everyone says you are not supposed to be angry with God but if you
were radically honest with yourself and others, you would have to say I am
ticked at God!
• I want to share with us the story of Job this morning because that is where God led me,
met me in the depths of my heart, and set me free from my anger.
II. The book of Job.
A. Chapter 1-3 introduces us to Job and his trouble and pain.
1. We learn here that Job was a very wealthy man who feared God and was
greatly blessed by God!
2. Satan told God the only reason Job loves you is because you blessed him so
much – “paid lover” but take away all his blessing and he will curse you to
your face. Read v9-11
3. Because of this test Job lost all his livestock, all his servants, all ten of his
children and his body was attacked with severe boils from head to toe.
4. Then Job’s wife spoke up. Listen to 2:9-11
B. In chapter 4-31 we see four angry old men arguing about who is the fault of all
this trouble. This was not a pretty exchange and it got very heated! Ever been in
one of those meetings?
1. Job did not hold back at all about what he honestly thought of the situation,
about his friends’ counsel, and God!
2. His three friends called for him to confess his sin because only bad people get
the kind of trouble he is getting!
C. Then in chapter 32-37 we see the wise counsel of a young man
1. Elihu was there the whole time and heard everything that was said.
2. 32:2-3 sums up the arguments of these four in Ch. 4-31.
a) Read v2-3
b) His friends basically did not know what they were talking about but they
still condemned Job
c) Job justified himself before God!
(1) He later repeats some things that Job had said. Read 33:8-10,
d) Job was angry with God because he felt that God was not being fair with
him. He has taken away my rights!
(1) Bottom line Job felt that the good get good and the bad get bad!
(2) Listen to 31:2-4
(3) Job said disaster is for those who sin. Doesn’t God see my ways
that I am a righteous man?
3. Elihu closes this section by talking about man’s inability to understand the
great wonders of life! Read v4, 14-15, and 19 (we cannot defend ourselves
because we do not understand). Finally, in v23 he tells us that God is not
unjust but is full of righteousness! Read v23
D. In chapter 38-41 God calls Job into his office of nature for a talking to!
1. God starts by confronting Job’s ability to understand the great mysteries of
life and nature. Read 38:1-4
2. When God gets done taking Job on this tour of nature that is bigger than Job
is smart He says this:
a) Read 40:1-2, 6-8
b) God says that Job has been condemning God in order to justify himself.
c) Job has been saying “God has been wrong and unfair in giving me bad
things because I am a righteous man”
3. Then God adds to His argument that Job does not have the power to control
them either.
a) Sounds like God has been taking Job to school to teach him that life is
smarter than he is smart and stronger than he is strong!
4. God talks to him about the hippopotamus in Ch. 40 and finishes with this.
Read v24
5. Then in chapter 41 God talks to him about the crocodile and says this: read 8-
6. Bottom line God says to Job “I owe no one anything! I own everything.”
E. The message that God was impressing upon Job’s heart was that He has purposes
that are higher than his legalistic system of good for good and bad for bad and that
he could not understand these purposes nor change them even if he tried.
1. God taught Job that He gives blessings and trials equally out of His grace
and purposes. These do not come because we earned them because of some
good or bad in our lives, but they come because of God’s grace and purposes.
2. Job learned these lessons. Ch. 42
a) God was moved out of the small box that Job had Him in.
(1) In v 2, he acknowledged the power of God that cannot be
overcome. Read v2
(2) In v3, he acknowledged the understanding of God that was too
wonderful for him. Read v3.
(3) He experienced Him in a brand new and powerful way. V5
b) He repented of his belief that God was unfair to him and owed him
something. Read v6
III. Conclusion
A. God taught me the same lesson.
1. God does not owe me a thing “no matter how much I have done for Him”
2. God is good even when He does not give me good things.
3. His ways are higher than my mind can comprehend
B. In closing, consider if this way of thinking that was in me may be in you:
God has been unfair to me
God owes me something but did not come through
C. Time to reflect before God
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
He is Still in The Fire// Week 4// Refinement
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
2 Corinthians 4 November 8, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. We are doing a series on trials that is called “He is still in the fire” and there is no
place, where the fire of trials is felt more than in the process of refinement.
1. Refinement is defined in Webster’s dictionary as the removal of unwanted
substances so as to improve something
2. In the life of a Christian refinement is the removal of the stains of the world,
devil and flesh that we have picked up as we have walked through life and
replacing it with the life and character of Jesus!
3. It is less and less of me seen in my life and more and more of Jesus being
manifested through us.
B. Turn to 2 Corinthians 4 where we will see this process of refinement being
worked out in Paul’s life through the trials he was going through in ministry.
1. But he starts the chapter in verse one saying he does not lose heart – simply
he does not get so discouraged that he gives up!
2. But as we move down to verses 6-12 he talks about the various trials he faces
and why he does not give up even when facing difficult trials.
• So we learn in 2 Corinthians 4 the reason why Paul does not give up when facing
various difficult trials is because …
II. Refinement produces more of Jesus in us!
A. In v6 Paul is saying that the very life of Jesus, the glory of God is living inside of
our bodies, these clay pots, these mortal bodies that are given to break and die!
1. The powerful life of Christ inside of these weak, prone to break and die
bodies! He calls it “this treasure in earthen vessels”
2. He says the reason God did it this way is so that so there would be no doubt
as to where the power comes from – God and not us!
3. Watch for this as I read v6-7.
B. Now he moves to the different kinds of trials he goes through. Read v8-9
1. Define
a) Afflicted but not crushed –
(1) Afflicted means to be pressed from all sides. Like being in a large
crowd and people are squeezing in on you. A pressure cooker of
(2) But not crushed means you do not break under the pressure
b) Perplexed but not despairing –
(1) Perplexed means you see no way out of your trials. You are at a
loss of what to do, uncertain, full of questions but no answers!
Ever been there? I have
(2) But not despairing means that even in the midst of those kind of
trials you do not lose hope!
c) Persecuted but not forsaken
(1) Persecuted means suffering for your belief in Jesus and His Word
(2) But not forsaken means that God did not abandon you but stood
with you in those times
d) Struck down but not destroyed
(1) Struck down means that this trial came with such force that it
knocked you down
(2) But not destroyed means that maybe you were knocked down but
you were not knocked out!
2. The reason they were not crushed or despairing, or forsaken or destroyed by
these trials is because of the power of God within them. It became clear to
them and everyone around them that watched them at these times that the
power to stand in these trials was not from them but from God!
C. Then he tells us the purpose/product of these trials! Read v10-11
1. Did you catch it?
2. Read again the dying and death part in both verses!
a) He is summarizing all these experiences of being afflicted, perplexed,
persecuted and struck down as dying experiences
b) We see the same idea in Romans 8:35-36
3. Read now the “so that” phrases in each verse.
a) The purpose of these trials is that the life of Jesus, the glory of God, the
treasure inside of these clay pots can be put on full display through our
life in these bodies.
D. Let me show you another passage where we see this process in operation in Paul’s
life. Turn to 2 Corinthians 1:8 where Paul tells us about the afflictions he went
through in Asia: Read 2 Corinthians 1:8-9a
1. This time of difficulty was so big upon his heart that it deeply burdened him;
it was bigger than he was strong, it put him in extreme despair, and he even
was convinced that he was going to die from this.
2. But note the reason for this heavy and difficult trial –
a) Reread 9b – “so that …
3. God will even use trials sometimes just to refine our faith and wean us from
trusting in ourselves because it is not only foundational to navigating our
trials but it is foundational to our entire Christian walk.
4. Jesus Himself said that He did nothing of Himself and everything He did was
in dependence upon His Father. The more we depend upon God and not
ourselves, the more Jesus’ life will be manifest through us!
III. Application
A. This is a passage that I have clung to over and over again in trials trusting that
God was doing exactly what He said He is doing in this passage. It has not only
given me hope and the ability not to quit in ministry but in life when I go through
1. Because like Paul I know, that God is using these trials to make me better! I
have learned that trials can make you either better or bitter! The outcome of
them is in our lap depending how we look at our trials!
2. Rather than losing heart in my trials, this has become my hope in my trials!
3. Trials are an opportunity for God to make me more like Jesus, and the more
like Jesus, then the more glory God will reveal in and through me!
B. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
1. Illustrate with the balance of temporal and eternal
2. Importance of where our focus is – while we look at …
C. Take a moment to examine your heart and life:
1. Are your trials making you better or bitter?
2. As you look at your life, over the past six months do you see more and more
of Jesus coming out of you or is there more and more of your fleshly
3. Finally, do you have the same spirit of faith that Paul had in believing and
focusing upon Jesus and His work of refining you and producing in you an
eternal weight of glory while acknowledging the realities of your temporary
light trials or are you focusing upon your trials while only acknowledging
Jesus and His purposes for your life?
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
He is Still in The Fire// Week 3//Testing our Faith
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Testing of our Faith
2 Chronicles 20:20 November 1, 2020
I. Introduction:
A. We learned last week when we are going through trials, through adversity,
afflictions, tragedy, trouble, persecution, challenges, difficulties, hardship, losses,
grief, etc. that one of God’s key purposes is to test our faith – are we going to trust
Him or try to figure it out and fix it ourselves?
1. We learned the week before that one the our key responses to all these
different kinds of trials is faith.
2. A faith that will continue to rely upon, worship and obey Him no matter what
the outcome is!
B. This morning I want to share with you a true story from the Old Testament that
God has used repeatedly to help me regain my bearing when I am facing
situations that are smarter than I am smart and stronger than I am strong.
1. We find this story in 2 Chronicles 20. Turn
2. It is the story of King Jehoshaphat when he found out that three nations had
come together for a surprise attack against him and they were just 25 miles
away. Bottom line Jehoshaphat was afraid!
• From this story, we are going to learn two important ways to respond when in the
middle of deep deep trials. The first is
II. Locking our eyes on Jesus!
A. Read 20:3-4
1. Jehoshaphat turned his attention, literally, he turned his face away from
everything else that was occupying him and gave all his effort to connecting
with God!
2. He called all Judah together to seek God for His help!
B. He starts this prayer by focusing upon God and the fact that He is bigger than the
problem they are facing. I do not know a better way to get our footing in trials
than coming to God and acknowledging and praising Him for being bigger than
what I am facing! Read v6
C. Now let’s jump down to the heart of his request in v12. Read
1. After acknowledging God’s bigness he is acknowledging his own smallness
and inability both in his ability to fix the problem, “powerless” or even figure
out what to do - “do not know what to do”
2. But look at what he declares, “Our eyes are on you!”
D. This has brought me so much personal encouragement and freedom in my trials
because I do not have to be smart enough to figure out what is going on or what to
do and I do not have to be big enough to fix it!
1. What I do need to do is lock my eyes on God, on Jesus, my head, my vine,
my God!
2. I have come to this place and this passage literally hundreds of times in my
life – I do not have to fix, I do not have to figure I just need to have faith in
my God who is smarter than I am smart and stronger than I am strong. By
the way, He is smarter and stronger than the problem as well!
3. Here is me, here is the trial, here is God
a) This trial may be bigger and smarter than me, but God is bigger and
smarter than the trial
E. I remember being in the middle of a deep and long depression which I tried
everything I could to figure it out, to no avail and I tried everything I could to fix
it but came up empty.
1. God kept bringing these two passages to my attention
a) Psalm 112:4
a) Isaiah 50:10-11
(1) He is speaking here to people who fear God and obey Him yet they
still are walking in difficult times and do not know what to do! –
trust and rely upon God
(2) V 11 speaks of those who are seeking to create their own light
while in the darkness. They are relying upon their own insight,
understanding, and maybe even the advice of others. Look at the
outcome of that – they will only find further trouble
2. 2 Chronicles 20 and these two passages make me think of Proverbs 3:5-6
B. Earlier this year as I was feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in 2020
and my responsibilities as a pastor, husband and father and found myself swirling
in the midst of all the trials.
1. One morning I read a devotional by David Jeremiah and he simply said this:
“are you focusing on your problems and acknowledging Jesus or focusing
upon Jesus and acknowledging your problems?”
2. That is exactly the point of this passage and the question many of us need to
ask ourselves this morning
3. When I confessed my sin of focusing on the problems and not Jesus and
turned that around, my circumstances did not change but the peace and faith
in my heart sure did!
• Second way to respond to deep deep trials is with …
II. Praise and thanks to God in the middle of the trial
A. After this prayer as Jehoshaphat and all Judah stood their waiting upon the Lord,
the Spirit of God stirred on of the priests as he said this in v15-17. Read
B. So the next morning they arose and Jehoshaphat encouraged them with this. Read
He is saying trust in God and trust in His Word
1. Those are the twin pillars when it comes to the object of our faith.
a) A mature faith trusts both God and what He said in His word.
b) So many people are trusting God for what is in their heart and desires
rather than what God said He will or has already done for us in His
2. That is what we saw modeled for us by Abraham the father of faith! Read
Romans 4:19-21.
C. Now what they did next, you will never learn by watching other nations to learn a
strategy nor would any Israel growth expert suggest what God led them to do.
Listen to what happened.
1. Read 20:21-22.
2. Yes, a melody was their weapon. A song of thanks for God’s mercy and
lovingkindness to them
3. In addition, when they started to praise God – God went to work and set up
4. Listen to what happened, read v 23-24
D. I know that on more than one occasion, I was going through intense battles in my
soul of fear, anger, anxiety, confusion, fill in the blank and my mind was raging.
So I would pull out this little card that lists who we are and what we have in
Christ and one by one thank God for these wonderful gifts in Christ.
1. By the time, I would be half way down the list the battle would cease, my
mind would stop raging, and my heart was full of peace and joy!
• As we go to …
III. Communion
A. Consider these two questions:
1. Are you focusing on your trials and acknowledging Jesus or are you focusing
on Jesus and acknowledging your trials?
2. When is the last time you thanked and praised Jesus in the midst of your trials
rather than after they were done? Maybe today you need to praise and thank
Jesus for all the He has done for you on the cross and all the implications of
that upon your life and trials!