Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Revitalized / Week 3
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
God Does Amazing Things When His People Gather
Passage February 13, 2022
I. Introduction:
A. God does amazing things when his people gather together!
1. Not just gathering together to hang out and eat or to watch the Super Bowl
together but when they come together to do the life and mission of Jesus
2. As we said before, you can be an individual believer but you cannot be an
individual church.
B. The Greek word for church is ekklesia.
1. Vines Dictionary says it is made up of two words joined together
a) ek – out of klesia – a calling = to call out of
2. In its most basic use it was a Greek political term that was in use for
hundreds of years before the Christian era. It referred to “a gathering of
citizens called out from their homes into some public place; an assembly”
3. louw-nida, another Greek word, the dictionary defines it this way: “an
assembly of persons constituted by well-defined membership” They go on
to say that in the New Testament it is an assembly of God’s people and may
be rendered as “a gathering of believers” He also say it implies they are
“interacting” with each other!
4. Bottom line when we come out from our normal routines and places of life,
gather together with, and interact together with other Christians around the
things of Jesus.
C. We learned last week that the church (we the believers, the church) is vital
because it is God’s chosen instrument to carry out His mission and to express the
life of Jesus in this world and to each other.
1. We also learned it is revitalizing because when we interact with other
believers whether it be of spiritual gifts or just the one another ministry of
Scripture it makes an impact upon us that revitalizes our spiritual lives.
D. We are going to learn this morning that gathering together regularly both in larger
and smaller contexts was a kingdom norm for the early church.
1. That is where we interact with each other and that is where amazing things of
God happen!
• Turn to Acts 2 where we see the birth of the church
II. Acts 2
A. We see at the start of Acts 2 that there were 120 people gathered together in one
place praying the thing that Acts 1:14 to which it says they were dedicated.
1. It was during that time of prayer when they were together that the church was
born as the Holy Spirit came to dwell within each one of them.
2. It was at that moment that the church of Jesus Christ was born and later that
day 3,000 souls were added to the church!
B. Then we see in Acts 2:42 -47 what the norm was for that newborn church, the
norm we are seeking to get back to after the cultural earthquake we have
experienced that has impacted our lives and church.
1. As I read Acts 2:42 note the four things they were devoted to, what they built
their lives around, what they persisted in. Read
C. Now we see in the verses that follow what that devotion to these four essential
norms looked like in real life
1. Read v44 – they were together, the believers were together – that simply
means a group of people, believers were with each other in one place at one
2. Read v46 – note also that they gathered together day by day
3. Note that they gathered together around the things of Jesus!
a) Read v46a one mind in the temple means they were everyday going to a
big gathering at the temple where they were together in unity. we learn
in Acts that two key things happened at the temple everyday - teaching
(Acts 5:21,42) and prayer (Acts 3:1)
b) Read v46b-c. Secondly, we see that day by day they were in smaller
gatherings in their homes taking communion and openly sharing their
lives together around a meal!
D. Later on in Acts we hear about them gathering together to:
1. Pray (12:12)
2. Hear ministry reports of what God was doing (14:27)
3. Hear decisions from the leadership of the church (15:30)
4. Take communion and hear God’s Word (20:7-8)
E. Bottom line the norm of the early church was that they were together, they were
together often to interact with one another regarding the things of the Lord since
they were continually devoted to each other!
1. We can be revitalized as a church and as individual believers as we get back
to the eternal norms we see in the early church. - meeting together to
interact with other believers around the things of Jesus, gathering together
regularly in large gathering and smaller gatherings
• The book of Hebrews gives us an encouragement about the importance of gathering
as believers. Turn to
III. Hebrews 10:24-25
A. The background of the book simply is that Jewish believers were being tempted
and pursued to be drawn back into their old beliefs in Judaism. But the writer
was showing them the superiority of Jesus over any Old Testament saint, the
superiority of the new covenant over the old covenant and the superiority of one
time for all sacrifice of Jesus over the sacrifices in the Mosaic law.
B. Thus, they arrived at the point in the book where we see that because of the blood
of Jesus they/we are able to enter with confidence right into the presence of God.
Then he gives three major outcomes of this:
1. They could approach God in prayer with full confidence
2. They could hold onto the hope of Jesus return without wavering
3. Consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds
C. The final half of this third application is what I want to focus on now
1. Read v24-25
2. Not forsaking our assembling together
a) Not neglecting nor abandoning our meeting together as believers.
b) In context of v24, it appears that these meetings are of the nature that
they are small enough to allow one another to make a significant
difference in each other’s lives. Close enough to each other to stimulate
each other.
c) For some all they know of church is coming to a 90 minute service on a
Sunday morning and partaking in the service in a manner that is no
different than sitting in the stands at a baseball game as they cheer from
the stands of the church with an amen here and there when something
they like happens!
3. As is the habit of some
a) It appears that it was a problem at that time that people were not
intentional nor consistent in meeting with other believers. In addition,
some totally abandoned it all together.
b) That is clearly a problem today as statistics of churches in general state
that before Covid most people attended church about two times per
month. After Covid, WSJ – reported recently that in-person church
attendance is roughly 30% to 50% lower than it was before.
4. But encouraging one another
a) We need to encourage, urge believers to get together with other believers
in a small group context and going to the corporate church, whether that
is a home church or in a church building!
b) Note that this urging does not come from the pastors or elders but rather
from each other. Responsibility is on each one of us as a body and not
sit back and wonder why the elders or pastors did not call.
5. All the more as we see the day drawing near –
a) This instruction is all the more important as we see the return of the Lord
drawing near.
b) Those who understand what the Bible says about the end times and the
signs that it is near know how important this exhortation is to us in these
c) We need each other all the more, as this world will be tougher and
tougher for Christians as the return of Jesus draws near.
• So how are you and I doing in gathering together with other believers?
IV. Application
A. Let us do a self-evaluation. Give yourself a score between 1 and 10 – 1 terrible
and 10 great
1. Gathering with other believers in a larger corporate setting? 1-10
2. Gathering with other believers in a smaller personal setting? 1-10
3. Interacting with other believers in those settings around the things of Jesus?
4. My Christian experience is an everyday experience with other believers 1-10
5. In light of this evaluation, what next step you believe God would have you
6. Share with someone what you feel is the area you are strongest and weakest
and what next step God would have you take.
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Revitalized/ Week 2
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
The Church: Vital and Vitalizing
Passage February 6, 2022
I. Introduction:
A. We have all heard “a picture is worth 1,000 words!” That simply means that
when we see something we can better understand what they mean than just trying
to describe them by words.
1. Let me give you an example of that!
a) If I was to tell you that our grandchildren had a great time at Disney
when we took them there – that would lead your mind to think it was a
fun time.
b) But these two pictures help you better capture the heart of just how great
it was for them!
(1) Tinker Bell
(2) Dance party
B. The Bible uses metaphors for the same purpose so we can better understand the
1. In many ways a metaphor is simply a word picture that help us describe
something. It puts the idea into high definition and adds color to it as it states
that one thing is another thing.
2. It help us catch a glimpse of God’s truth in a fresh way that even 1,000 more
words cannot give us!
C. This morning I want to touch on one of the biblical images/metaphors for the
church that help us better understand just how vital the church is and how it adds
vitality to our lives!
1. We are seeking to revitalize our lives and our church after the cultural
earthquake we experienced over the last few years
2. By getting back to the kingdom norms and practices that we find in the early
church when it was a newborn baby in Acts 2!
D. Before I give you that image let me give you a few reminders about the church so
we have a little bit of context to put the images into.
1. The church is not a building made up of bricks but it is saved people of flesh
and blood.
2. The church has a mission
a) Upward to God – to bring Him glory
b) Inward to other believers – to build each other up and care for each other
c) Outward to the lost – to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to them.
Even to the uttermost part of the earth.
E. The image I want us to look at this morning is a body. The church is the body of
1. Jesus is the head and all the believer make up the body of Christ.
2. Numerous times in the New Testament we see references to the church as the
body of Christ.
3. Here is one that says it directly. Ephesians 1:22-23
• Today I want to show us that the church, the body of Christ is both vital and
vitalizing! So let’s start by seeing that …
II. The church is vital –
A. Let me start by establishing what I mean by vital!
1. To me a lot of people use vital and important synonymously. But vital is
about three notches above important.
2. Illustration of the fall
a) A number of years ago I fell off a ladder while I was painting and I
severely separated my shoulder. Very serious and very painful
eventually ended up with surgery.
b) A year later I was in Oaxaca when a woman fell off a ladder, separated
her shoulder and had a heart attack. As painful and serious as a
separated shoulder can be, if you do not keep the heart going the
shoulder really does not matter.
c) While the shoulder is important you still can live on with it separated.
One the other hand the heart is vital, if the heart does not continue to
work your life is done.
B. The church is not important but it is vital because it is the body of Christ!
1. Stop and think with me for a moment about what a body is.
2. We learned not long ago in a series that we are made up of three parts.
a) Spirit – that is where the life is and connects us with God
b) Soul – that is where our unique personality is and connects us to other
c) Body – that is our earth suit that allows us to connect with the material
world we live in.
3. The spirit and the soul use the body to express themselves. The body is the
external material visible instrument through which our internal immaterial
invisible life expresses itself in this world
a) It is simply the instrument which we live our life through!
b) It is the part of us that people can see and identify us by.
C. Thus the church, as the body of Christ is vital because it is God’s chosen means
by which the life of Jesus Christ is expressed in this world.
1. Turn and read Ephesians 1:22-23
2. Then he switched images from the body to a building but we see the same
idea that the church is the place where God’s presence is today, His dwelling
place, and His current temple! Read Ephesians 2:21-22
D. The invisible and internal spirit of Jesus now lives in and through His people!
1. We are what people see and identify Jesus with for the good or for the bad
dependent upon how we live!
2. Like the song by Casting Crowns says “If we are the body why aren't His
arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
E. The church is vital because we are the ones God brings glory to Himself through,
we are the ones He builds and cares for each other through, we are the ones He
brings the gospel to the lost world through we are the ones that the very life of
Christ is expressed in this world!
• And not only is the church vital but it also
III. The church vitalizing
A. By vitalizing I mean it gives vitality! Vitality is that state of having abundance or
intense activity.
1. It is a life that is full of exuberance, liveliness, robust, vibrant, vigor. Simply
there is a bounce and energy, gusto and zip to your spiritual life
2. When a life is full of Jesus and the graces He brings to us it cannot help but
be a life of vitality!
B. One of the greatest graces or gifts that God gives to us is the church. We (you
and me) cannot live the fullness of life that God intends for us unless we are both
contributing to and receiving of the graces that God intended to flow the church,
that is you and me the believers!
C. I want to just mention two practical ways we experience God’s graces and
blessing through the body
1. Spiritual gifts – the supernatural abilities that the Holy Spirit gives us to
minister to one another!
a) 1 Corinthians 12 teaches us that each one of us has a spiritual gift or two,
and they are all different gifts and to different degrees by design for God
to work through us for the common good of the body
2. One anothers – simply this means that we return to each other in due measure
these things with which God calls us to bless and minister to each other.
a) Here is a sampling of some of the one anothers
3. Do you not think that if we lived with each other experiencing the
supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives and church and impacting
each other with the one anothers it would add vitality to our church and lives?
D. Finally we are deeply dependent upon one another and the proper functioning of
each member
1. Read Ephesians 4:15-16
2. Illustration this about the body with my drop foot.
a) My foot does not work properly because of my back and not my foot!
(1) The arthritis in my back squeezed against the nerves that control
my foot and destroyed them.
(2) Then as my foot would not work properly it has impacted my hip
on that side which ends up throwing off the hip on the other side.
(3) I think you get the point of how the whole body is dependent upon
the other members for the health of the body!
b) That means that the person sitting in the first row of the main floor is not
functioning properly or fully it will impact the person sitting in the last
row of the balcony.
3. You matter to the body and your full participation with the body of Christ at
MVC has a large impact upon the church’s ability to carry out the three fold
mission God has created the church for and also to the vitality or the
abundance of life that each believer at MVC will experience!
IV. Communion
A. Interesting that we always connect communion with remembering the death of
Jesus. 1 Corinthians 10 tells us there is another thing that communion, reminds
us, as it becomes that picture that is worth 1000 words.
1. Listen as I read 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
2. Did you catch it? It pictures for us the fact that the many of us members
individually make up one body!
B. As we learned last week it is important not just to know these truths but to believe
them and do them. But I think Romans 12:3 shows us an attitude that will stand
in the way of anyone doing what we learned today.
a) Read Rom 12:3-4
2. This verse is directly connected to living as a body and reveals to us the
foundational attitude that must be in place!
a) Humility - recognizing our need for others whom God has gifted as
much as He has gifted me!
b) Pride, self-sufficiency, independence destroys body life
3. If our attitude is anything like Romans 12:3 not only will the rest of this
series have little impact upon you but also God’s vital church, yes even MVC
which was created for His glory, the believers’ edification and the lost’s
salvation will be less effective and the vitality of yourself and each believer
here will be impacted!
C. Reflect
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Revitalized/ Week 1
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Intro - Revitalized: Coming Back to Life in Christ
Acts 2:42-ff January 30, 2022
I. Introduction:
A. On Tuesday, March 20th 2012 at 12:02 I was sitting in the room of a building on
large mountain in Oaxaca Mexico along with Chad Negly, Eric Bihl and Joel
Brassfield when the building began to move back and forth and the lights hanging
from the ceiling were strongly swaying back and forth. I remember it being so
strong I grab on to something to make sure I would not fall out of my seat.
1. We were just a bit over 100 miles away from the epicenter of a 7.4
earthquake that took place on the boarder of Oaxaca and Guerrier.
2. I remember a few hours later talking to Eric about it and I said “Wow, I
have never been in a building that swayed back and forth like that before!
3. Eric’s response woke me up to the size of what just happened. – “Pat, it
was not the building that was swaying back and forth it was the mountain that
was swaying back and forth and everything on the whole mountain!
4. I remember later seeing pictures from near the epicenter and the severe
damage that the earthquake caused.
B. January 20, 2020 a foreshock to a soon coming major cultural earthquake hit the
United States, when the CDC confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in the state of
1. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-
19 a pandemic.
2. At some point this cultural earthquake became a full blown 8.0 on the Richter
scale leaving an upheaval and many, many aftershocks that keep readjusting
our culture to new norms that we are all still trying to learn to navigate.
C. As we navigate these new days after this major cultural earthquake there are
some new norms that are not healthy which impact our lives, friendships,
families, communities and even our churches in a negative way!
1. As individuals people are feeling fatigued and foggy! It has impacted them
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. Add to that
anger, anxiety, broken dreams, disappointment, and grief!
a) For some you it feels like you were 100 miles away from the epicenter
for others it feels like the epicenter happened in the center of your heart
or family!
2. As for our culture one negative impact we have seen from this major cultural
earthquake is what they are calling the great resignations. An economic trend
in which employees voluntarily resign from their jobs in mass, and it began
in early 2021.
3. As for the church it appears that the great resignation has reached all the way
into the church, not just MVC but churches all around the country are
reporting this!
a) Many have stopped attending services personally or getting involved in
or serving in ministries and even vital relationships that were life
transforming in small groups or other means have taken a hit.
(1) Some have legitimate or wise reasons for this but others have
gotten into the habit of the ease of doing church online and even
ministries by Zoom.
b) Even people who have come back to get involved in these are still
feeling isolated and disjointed from each other and the church at large.
More than one has told me that they are not re-engaging like they did
before Covid, either with ministries or people!
D. New norms and new habits about church have been formed that are hurtful to
individuals’ lives, families, and the communities around us who desperately need
the church to be the church.
1. All of that to say that the church is vital, as it is the body of Christ, God’s
ordained instrument through which the life of Christ comes to the world
around us in general but also to each one of us individually.
2. As a result of this cultural earthquake and its many aftershocks many
people’s lives, marriages, families and even the communities we are living in
are being hurt and in some cases falling apart without the strong healthy
godly influence of the church touching their lives.
E. So this morning we (I say we because this series is a joint effort between myself,
Pastor Mike Locke and Pastor Josh Weaver as we all feel the importance and
weight of this series at this time), we are going to begin a series we are calling
Revitalized: Coming Back to Life in Christ!
1. Purpose of the series – a call back to life, a reawakening, or a revival,
restoration back to abundant life that Jesus has for believers and being the
vital church, that God has supernaturally birthed by the Holy Spirit and
founded upon Jesus Christ!
2. So are going to look at Acts 2 as our foundational passage in this series.
a) The reason for that is that in order to become revitalized we are not
trying to discover new normal or new practices for our lives as Christians
or as the church but rather we must get back to the eternal kingdom
normal and practices we saw God built right into the DNA of the early
b) Acts 2 is the northern point of the compass that can lead us through these
turbulent and confusing days that have knocked many of us personally
and as a church off course to get us back to the abundant life in Christ
and being the vital church that God has created for his glory and ours and
the world’s benefit!
c) Acts 2 is the normal when it comes to the Christian life and church!
• Turn in your Bibles to...
II. Acts 2:42
A. In this section we are going to see what naturally happened when the church was
1. I say naturally because at this stage of the church these were not things that
they were so much taught they were supposed to do, but more so what sprung
out of them because of their new birth with the indwelling Spirit and the birth
of the church.
a) Just like a new born baby is not instructed to breathe or cry or move,
they just do it, so the church just did these!
B. As I read Acts 2:42 know this is what happened in the weeks and months that
followed right after the church was born
1. First, we will see in v42 what they devoted themselves to then in v43-47 we
will see what their life together looked like as the first church!
2. Read v42-43. Miracles were taking place through everyone… is that what it
says? No through the apostles
C. First let’s look at the things that they devoted their lives to. The things the built
their lives around, these are the things they poured their energy into, these are the
things they persisted in and refused to let other things or lesser things stop them
from doing them.
1. The apostles’ teachings – it is interesting to note that while the whole Bible,
all of God’s Word was important to them, they had a special devotion to the
teaching or the doctrine that came from the apostles!
a) For us that would be the New Testament about Jesus Christ, His birth,
life, death, burial, resurrection and the ascension and future return along
with what all those mean to us!
2. The (Greek) fellowship – fellowship is a much stronger word than just
hanging together but rather that they were partners of one another who shared
a common life and mission together, therefore they needed to spend a lot of
time together.
3. The breaking of the bread –I think this is specifically the celebrating of
communion together as it talks about the breaking of bread – this indicates a
very specific kind of breaking of bread.
a) I think if it was regarding just eating together, something they did do
often it would just saying they were breaking bread rather than the
breaking of break
b) Later in this passage I do not think they would separate them or feel to
the need to repeat them if they were the same thing!
4. The (Greek) prayers – again the definite article is used and it’s not just to
prayer but to the prayers.
a) That could refer to the fact that they had certain times each day they
prayed together, which we see in Acts or as some believe they had
certain content they prayed.
b) Either way, the point is that they prayed and they prayed a lot together
and not just by themselves
D. Now we will note the things that naturally happened in their life together as a
church as a result of devoting themselves to these four vital practices!
1. V44-47 gives us a picture of what that church looked like in practice on a
daily basis. The early church was not just a Sunday church but a daily
2. Read
3. We see in here a community of people who built deep relationships with one
another and generously served each other’s needs with whatever resources
they had, they gathering together regularly, and they grew together as they
studied God’s Word, prayed, worshipped, and took communion together,
along with telling others about Jesus.
III. Conclusion
A. In the weeks to come we will be looking closer at all these important practices
and natural results that sprung forth in the early church that can help revitalize us
and the church as we return to the way life was designed to be in Christ!
This week – read, study and meditate over and over on Acts 2 and be radically honest
regarding how much your life and your church MVC matches up to DNA of the original
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Lets Get Real / The Holy Bible / Week 5
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
The Bible
Various Passages October 17, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. We are hitting a major turning point in our series about truth, which we are calling
‘Let’s Get Real’ because we learned that truth means reality; a reality you can rely
upon and build your life upon.
1. We also have been looking at how people look at truth in this post-modern
world we live in today because Proverbs 14 teaches us that the better we
understand our culture the easier it will be for us to know what to do and the
wiser we will be on how to live and impact others
2. Our whole series began through a verse that was part of our agenda at a board
meeting 1 Chronicles 12:32
a) This is a section of Scripture where God was telling us who the different
groups of people where who supported King David and what they did for
b) The men of Issachar understood their times and they knew what Israel
should do.
c) Sounds like these men were special consultants for David as they had the
special ability to take their times and God’s Word and know exactly
what they needed to do!
B. Well so far in this series we have gained some understanding about our times, so
today we are going to transition in this series to the second half of that verse and
better understand God’s Word, the other thing that the men of Issachar evidently
knew so we can know what we need to do in these days.
1. My goal is not to pull out specific instructions that we need to apply today
but to better understand the source of truth– the Word of God, the Bible, the
word of truth!
2. A reality we can rely upon and build our lives upon, a reality that can stand
through the storms of life
• We will start with what the Bible says about itself. Then we will build upon that each
week. Let’s start with the
II. Claims of the Bible
A. Just to let you know up front, today there will be many power points because we
are going to be looking at many different passages and we will be moving quickly
through them. Again, you may want to download the notes off the web page midweek
and look at these passages again for yourself.
B. The writers of the Bible claim it is God’s very words
1. It is called the Word of God
a) Ephesians 6:17 – the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God – and we
saw Jesus use that when he was tempted by the devil as every time Satan
came at him Jesus backed him off by saying - “it is written”
b) 1 Thessalonians 2:13 – clearly states that the word was both accepted by
these people and affirmed by Paul to really be the Word of God and not
the word of men!
c) 1 Peter 1:23,25 – first called the Word of God then it is called the Word
of the Lord
2. When prophets spoke and their words, which have been recorded in the
Bible, they repeatedly said, “thus says the Lord.” So the words recorded are
the very words that the Lord had them say.
3. 2 Timothy 3:16 is probably the strongest verse supporting that these words
come directly from God. Turn and stay there!
a) Read first 6 words
b) Actually, the Greek word for scripture means writing, and it is used to
refer to the written word of God, the Bible.
c) The Greek word for inspired literally means God -breathed. These
words written in Scripture have come from the very depths of God
(1) (breath to illustrate)
(2) God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in
such a way that what they wrote was the very word of God.
(3) We will come back to inspiration in another message.
4. This all means the Bible truly is the Word of God and makes the Bible unique
among all other books.
C. The Bible also claims that its words are truth, reality you can rely upon, that you
can build your life upon, which is the point of this series.
1. It is called the word of truth - 2 Timothy 2:15, James 1:18
2. It also claims what it says is truth -John 17:17; 2 Samuel 7:28; Psalm 119:160
- God’s words all add up to truth, the sum total of truth, the full meaning all
of His Word is truth!
3. Bottom line, if God is truth and these words are His words then they need to
be words of truth
D. The Bible makes claims about the creation of the universe, the nature of the God
and man and where this world is going.
1. Since the Bible is truth, that means the Bible is the most important book in
the history of mankind and holds the answers to the most important questions
in life:
a) Where did I come from?
b) Why am I here?
c) What happens to me after I die?
d) What is going on in this world?
• So now that we know that the Bible claims to be the Word of God and the truth!
Let’s look at some of the
III. The benefits and power of the Bible
A. When I think of the benefits of the Bible
1. I cannot help but go to 2 Timothy 3:16 –17. Still there? Read
a) V16 - profitable for teaching (the way we should go) reproof (tells us
when we are off the way) correction (tells us how to get back on the
way) training in righteousness (trains us so we can stay on the way
without falling!)
b) V17 - all this so that we would be adequate and equipped for every good
(1) adequate means we have all we need to do what God wants us to
(2) equipped – completely furnished with the tools we need
2. Turn to 1 Peter 2:1-2
a) After telling us at the end of chapter 1 that we are born again by the
Word of God, now here he tells us that we grow spiritually by the Word
of God just as a baby grows from the milk they receive from their
3. We know from Ephesians 6 and the example of Jesus in Matthew 4 it is the
sword we need to defeat the work of the devil in our life.
4. Also in this book, we find all of God’s promises – the commitments that God
has made to us to help us through various difficult situations and personal
needs we have.
5. Freedom for your soul and life is found by staying in this book, especially
freedom from the bondage of sin - which entangles us and steals life from us
–John 8:31-32
6. In this book we learn of Jesus – our savior and lord, our guardian and
shepherd, our life who actually is everything we need in every situation in
which we find ourselves – He is our all in all. John 5:39
B. I could go on and on about the benefits of the Bible but let me share a bit of its
1. Hebrews 4:12– alive, active, sharp, piercing, judging
2. Jeremiah 23:28-29 says it’s like grain, like fire, like a hammer
3. Ephesians 5:26 tells us it has the power to cleanse
4. Romans 12:2 – has the power to transform
5. Romans 10:17 – faith comes by hearing the Word of God
6. John 17:17 – it sanctifies us – bottom line that means it breaks the power of
sin and Satan in my life and builds more of the life of Jesus in me
7. Bottom line, we should not be surprised by the power of God’s Word. If God
is omnipotent – a big theological term that simply means that God has
unlimited power and authority, then His words would be powerful as well.
• So today, we are just introducing the Bible to ourselves, as there is so much more we
need to address on this topic in weeks to come.
IV. Conclusion
A. We have learned that
1. These words are the very words of God Himself
2. These words are truth – no surprise there if the God of truth was to speak
words would you not expect them to be words of truth – reality upon which
that you can rely and build your life!
3. We learned these words are beneficial to us both in our relationship with God
and in our personal lives
4. Finally, that these words are powerful – powerful life changing words from a
powerful life changing God!
B. So my final exhortation to you today is from 1 Thessalonians 2:13 – performs its
work within us. Turn to it read it
1. When you hear this book proclaimed or when you read it or listen to it for
yourself; recognize, receive and respect it for what it is – not the word of
men, but for what it really is, the Word of God
2. Secondly, do not try to squeeze God’s Word into your schedule but build
your schedule around God’s Word first then plan everything else. Read it,
listen to it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it (simply means to think deeply
and repeatedly about it) because it performs numerous powerful life changing
works at the core of our being for those who believe it!
a) I recognize for some of you young moms or home schooling moms who
think I am out of touch with the real world – I would encourage you to
take a verse or two a day and write it on a 3x5 card and carry it around
with you. Glance at it repeatedly during the day when you get just a
moment. Thirty 30 second glances and reflections are like 15 minutes in
God’s Word!
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Lets Get Real / Truth in Our World Today / Week 4
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Truth in Our World Today
Various passages October 10 2021
I. Introduction:
A. Read Proverbs 14:6,33
1. Simply the better you understand something, the easier it will be for you to
know what to do and the wiser you will be!
2. So the better we understand our culture:
a) We will better understand why people say what they say and do the
things they do today.
b) We will be wiser in contending for the faith
c) We will be wiser to navigate these times without being squeezed into the
mold of the world
d) We will be wiser on how to impact others.
B. We stated the first week that we are living in a very unique time as many have
lived in two different cultural eras, which in many ways can be defined not by age
or generation but more by the way, we perceive the world and particularly the
way we think about truth. These two eras are called modern and post-modern
• So I am going to start by simply reading to you a 30,000-foot view of the summary of
my study of these. I would highly encourage you to download these notes from our
webpage later in the week.
II. Cultural eras
A. Modernism began in the mid-17th century with the rise of the age of
enlightenment - an age of reason where human understanding was used to define
the universe.
It was an intellectual movement that believed human reason and science gave us
access to truth, with the ultimate goal that knowledge of the truth would better
humankind. They could now ‘correct’ and ‘improve’ the political and social
condition of humankind.
Thus, the individual would no longer be at the mercy of religious and secular
authorities of the middle ages who dictated people what was true, primarily long
held traditions!
B. Postmodernism found its beginning more in the 60’s and 70’s
It is more an attitude towards truth claims than it is a generational thing. It began
in response to the failure of the modernist to provide this new and better society.
After two world wars, nonstop social revolutions, civil unrest and the cold war
modernity was declared dead by the academic world!
It was marked by questioning of reason, skepticism, radical uncertainty,
celebration of difference, and the reassessment of modern principles.
The modern age was marked by different large-scale theories, “grand narratives” -
one ultimate truth that could explain the totality of human experience. The
postmodern age was one of “micro-narratives” that focused on context/relativism,
subcultures, and diversity, none of which can claim an ultimate truth.
What is reality/truth? Rather than being an absolute objective truth, accessible by
rational procedures and experimentation, reality was relative and depended on
subjective experience. Truth is not something we discover out there that is beyond
us but rather something we construct. There is no absolute truth
The hallmark of postmodern thinking is the rejection of absolute truth. The three
byproducts of that are pluralism relativism, and tolerance
If anyone does not buy into these three byproducts then they are considered to
have left their brains at the door. If there is no absolute truth then all truths
are equally valid.
• Before we go on, we need to understand some...
III. Key definitions about truth
A. This is important because to be able to contend for the faith we need to
understand the words that are being used today in the battle for truth. Most of
them are not common to us but to understand them opens up a deeper
understanding about what truth and reality are
B. Following are the PBP pocket dictionary 2nd edition definitions regarding truth –
(see flyer)
1. Truth – what is real, that which correspond with reality.
2. Absolute – true for all people in all places at all times independent of any
outside factors.
3. Relative – truth is not fixed for all but is individually determined dependent
upon a person’s unique situation.
4. Objective – truth based on how things really are whether we agree with it or
5. Subjective - truth based on a person's perspective, feelings, opinions and
circumstances whether it is real or not.
6. Exclusive – truth that is limited and excludes others.
7. Pluralism – Two or more differing or opposing views that are equally valid
and true.
8. Construct –every individual, group or subculture is free to create their own
9. Material – the material world and its laws. Materialism or naturalism is the
belief that nature is all there is.
• Now with a better understanding of these words next I tried to make a chart that puts
the ideas of truth together through the lens of the modern and postmodern era and the
eternal era of God!
IV. Summary chart of truth
V. The problem as I see it
A. We see this kind of postmodern thinking all over our culture today. But my
biggest concern right now is how it has hit three major institutions of culture – the
media, politics and education. I believe it has hit both sides of the aisles in
different ways whether you are watching Fox News or CNN or you are a
Republican or Democrat.
B. Many of these institutions are constructing truth. They do it through what they
call talking points –
1. This is what we are going to talk about and this is what we want people to
a) So they talk about their talking points whether they are true or not and
almost always just half the truth at best – that which sides with their view
and never the whole truth.
2. Those who do not side with our truth are bullied, vilified, shamed or
3. Which shuts down all intelligent conversations, getting to what really is the
truth and what is real enough that we can build our life upon it!
C. The goal is no longer communicating the facts or what is true but rather
communicating their agenda! Bottom line – the loudest voice or the voice with
the most people behind it wins!
1. Here is the problem with that (pp) “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong
doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s
accepted by a majority.” Booker T. Washington
2. People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts! Original
source uncertain but repeated by many
• So with this going on in our culture how can anyone depend upon what they are
hearing in a way they can build their life on it?
VI. Final app
A. So that brings us back to what we have learned over the last few weeks. God and
His Word are the only reality upon which we can rely upon to build our lives.
1. In a day and age where us common folk do not have access to all the facts
and only hear what people want us to hear and believe to be true and there are
so many contradictions we are hearing …
2. We need to make God’s Word the source where we can find truth we can rely
upon and build our lives upon!
3. The only “no spin” zone in the world that we can depend upon to build our
life upon is the Word of God!
4. Read Psalm 1:1-3. Read and speak as God gives utterance
B. I want to close this morning by giving you some books that can help you gain a
better understanding into the things we have talked about the last four weeks.
1. Another Gospel – Alisa Childers – use to be in the group Zoegirl. She tells
the story of how her faith was nearly destroyed by a progressive pastor and
how God walked here through that time and taught her the truth.
2. The Truth War – John Macarthur - basically John’s commentary on the book
of Jude and how it applies to truth in a postmodern age.
3. The Ever loving Truth – Voddie Bauchman – talks about how a 21st century
Christian can stand faithful and be a voice for truth in a postmodern world
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Lets Get Real / A Cultural War / Week 3
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
A Cultural War
Various Passages October 3, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. We learned last week that truth basically means reality, something that is so real
you can depend upon it, you can bet your life on it. Thus from this definition we
have given the name to this series “Let’s Get Real”
1. So let’s get real this morning. What is really going on? What is so true and
so real that I can build my life on it?
2. Do you want to get real? I need to warn you that this morning may be a bit
like the movie A Few Good Men where Jack Nicholson speaking to Tom
Cruise said (video from movie)
a) Nicholson “you want answers?”
b) Cruise: “I want the truth!”
c) Nicholson: “you can’t handle the truth!”
B. Sometimes Christianity does not make you feel better but actually makes life
harder rather than easier. That is hard for some people to handle! But this reality,
this truth is something you can build your life on and depend upon! So let’s get
1. First, there is a whole spiritual world and many spiritual beings that are real
but they are all invisible.
2. That spiritual world touches our lives, our church our nation, and our world
and is behind many of the struggles and problems we have experience in all
of these arenas.
a) Turn to and read Ephesians 6:11-12
b) We see in v12 that there is a struggle going on and it is not against other
humans but ultimately against spiritual invisible beings, bad angels,
demons whose desire is to destroy our world and us.
c) We see here in v11 that Satan has schemes to try to get us to fall. He has
many methods but one of his primary tricks is deception. Getting us to
believe a lie.
3. Jesus calls Satan the father of lies, - read John 8:44bff
a) Deception is the primary means he uses – read Revelation 12:9
b) That means Satan is working to get us to believe a lie! Something that is
unreal and not dependable, an illusion that if you build your life on it, it
will crumble.
C. We learned last week that Jesus is the truth! The ultimate, dependable reality and
D. Thus, we have a spiritual war that is going on both in the heavenlies and here on
earth between God and Satan, and we are right in the middle of the battlefield.
1. Satan wants to control us by his lies and use us as his instrument of lies to
further his agenda
2. God wants to control us by His truth and use us as instruments of truth to
further His agenda!
E. God has provided for us powerful spiritual weapons for this spiritual battle for
truth. Turn to 2 Corinthians 10:3
1. The context of this chapter was that false teachers were trying to discredit
Paul and what he taught. So it was out of this context Paul writes what he
says next.
2. Read v3-4 We see two things here
a) While we are humans of flesh, the war we are in is not a human war but
a spiritual war.
b) Secondly, the weapons that God has provided for us are spiritual and
powerful for destroying strongholds/fortresses
3. Now note in v5 that He tells us what are the strongholds/fortresses that He is
destroying with these powerful spiritual weapons. Read v5
a) Simply this is a battle for truth
b) A battle against anything, any teaching, philosophy, ideology, belief
system even every single thought that is contrary to God and His Truth.
F. That is the real world we live in and the real battle we fight for our families, our
church, our nation and ourselves. That truth is so real you can build your life
upon it. You are living in the middle of a battle for your mind; truth and lies are
the primary weapons!
• So today and next week I want to help us better understand this battle for truth in light
of the postmodern world we live in
II. Postmodern
A. Many have called this war for truth a cultural war because the battle rages
primarily in the seven institutions of culture.
1. Those institutions are family, religion, government, arts, media, education,
and economy.
2. A cultural war happens when worldviews clash in the institutions of culture.
Especially when one group who runs the institutions puts pressure upon other
groups to accept their views! Dr Marcus Warner
3. Dr Warner goes on to say historically Christians have only been involved in
two of the cultural institutions (family and religion) and because we have not
been involved in the other five we are losing the battle for the culture!
4. As a result, many of the perspectives of our postmodern world stand in direct
opposition to a truth centered biblical worldview!
B. Voodie Bachman says the hallmark of postmodern thinking is the rejection of
absolute truth – truth that is true for all people in all places at all times.
1. The three by products of that are pluralism, relativism, and tolerance.
2. Next week we will deal more with absolute truth, so today I just want to deal
with the three byproducts.
C. Pluralism simply means there can be two or more differing or opposing views that
are equally valid and true.
1. That is why irrational thinking is not a problem in this day.
2. We struggle because the laws of logic tells us that truth cannot contradict
itself, but the postmodern world is comfortable with and even celebrates
contradictions in reasoning and logic.
3. Many believe this has grown out of the industrialization of our big cities as
people of differing cultures, ethnicities, colors and religions have come in
from all over the world to get work.
a) Thus, the culture we live in now is pluralistic.
b) Air travel and the internet have allowed the world to shrink so we have
many interactions with people who are very different from us.
4. Thus, many differing views exist together in one place at the same time
making our culture a pluralistic culture.
5. So the people we try to minister to, believe there are many different and
opposing truths that are equally true and valid!
D. Relativism means truth is not fixed for all people but is individually determined
dependent upon a person’s unique situation and beliefs.
1. So if each person’s, each sub culture’s and each group’s situation and beliefs
are different, and if there is no absolute truth then truth is in constant flux and
all truths are valid and equal!
2. Thus, relativism and pluralism go hand and hand. That is why you hear from
people today “that may be true for you, but it is not true for me!”
E. Tolerance
1. Tolerance used to mean bearing with, accepting, and treating with respect
someone who has a different view than you
2. Today tolerance means you not only accept and treat with respect someone
who differs but you must embrace and celebrate their views. It demands that
we value these views to the degree that we value our own and if we do not we
are intolerant.
3. We must speak the truth in love; both must be present and not one without
the other!
4. We must be ready to accept the rejection received for that as a badge of honor
in the kingdom of God and be more concerned with what God thinks than
what they think! Now we all must face that internal battle with ourselves!
III. Application
A. I love what Doctor Warner says about how we can engage in this war and act like
1. Love your enemies and do good to them (relational)
2. Oppose wicked spirits and pray for revival (spiritual )
3. Validate, listen and validate first then speak the truth in love (conversational)
4. Engage with cultural institution (cultural) – we need more Daniels and
Josephs in these days!
5. Then he goes on to say when we do this we may not save the world or even
some relationships, but we will make inroads into some people’s lives with
relational breakthroughs
B. Turn to Colossians 2:13-15
1. As I read note that Jesus at the cross, when he shed His blood disarmed and
defeated Satan. Read v13-15
2. Listen to Revelation 12:10-11
3. It is the blood of Jesus that defeats and disarms the enemy.
C. As communion is taken today would you get real by consider the war you are
really in and where Satan has duped you with his lies. Then thank Jesus for
shedding His blood. Then apply His blood by faith against the enemy where he
has duped you, your mate, your children, your church, your nation!
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Let‘s Get Real / What is Truth? / Week 2
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
What is Truth?
Various passages September 26, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. One of the most relevant questions for our day was asked nearly 2,000 years ago
by a Roman government leader named Pilate. Turn in your Bibles to John 18:34
1. The Jewish religious leaders had brought Jesus to Pilate wanting to condemn
Him to death.
2. Pilate took Jesus to inside the side praetorium and ask Him a direct question
“Are you the king of the Jews?”
3. After a short exchange between the two let’s enter into the end of that
conversation in v37-38 as both Jesus and Pilate say some things that relate to
this series on truth. Read
4. First, Jesus said “Yes, I am a king, I was born for this and I came into the
world for this.” Then he says this “to testify to the truth”
5. Jesus came in to the world to be a king, and to testify to the truth, here in
context the truth that he is testifying about is that he is a king!
a) But in general Jesus came into the world was to give testimony to the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
6. Then Pilate asked this 2,000-year-old question that is relevant up to the
moment. Read v28a!
B. Let me ask you – what is truth?
1. Now do not get super spiritual on me at this moment and tell me truth is Jesus
or His Word even though this the correct and true answer.
a) But for just a moment, I want to remove truth from every context and
define the world truth itself.
b) Then bring it back and apply to Jesus and His Word so when we say
Jesus and His Word are truth we actually know what we are saying!
2. So let me ask you – if an 11-year-old child were to ask you what is truth what
would you tell them?
a) I am going to give you one minute to formulate a simple and clear
answer in your mind
b) Now I am going to give you one minute to find someone who sits by you
that you do not know very well and introduce yourself to them.
c) Now you each have forty seconds to tell each other your definition of
• So let me start this morning with
II. A dictionary definition of truth
A. I want to show you actual pictures from various dictionaries themselves because
we remember 10% of what we hear and 50% of what you hear and see. And I
believe that Satan, the father of lies, will do anything to make sure you do not get
this straight – even whisper to your mind “did the dictionary really say…” I
want you to see what I saw, with your own two eyes!
1. Let’s start with the Hebrew dictionary – the language used in the Old
a) DBL Hebrew Dictionary of Biblical Languages
(1) Two meanings of this one Hebrew word 1. Faithfulness 2. True
(2) Faithfulness simply means reliability, trustworthiness
(3) True means – read #2 “… conforms to reality…”
b) I want you to understand something about this word. The Hebrew word
for truth is the exact same word for faithfulness.
(1) So if you were reading the Old Testament straight from the
Hebrew and you came across this word (eh-meht) you need to
decide from the context whether it is being used to indicate
faithfulness or truth.
c) My summary of the Hebrew definition for truth is like a coin, it can only
be fully captured when you look at both sides of it!
(1) Truth is reality that can be depended upon!
(2) Faithfulness is something that can be depended upon because it is
2. Greek dictionary
a) DBL Greek Dictionary of Biblical Languages
(1) Read from powerpoint– “reality whether historical or eternal”
b) LTW Lexham Theological Wordbook
(1) Read from power point
(a) Emphasize real… reality
(b) Note the different areas where truth can be revealed
through: words, actions, mind or heart
3. Webster’s dictionary
a) Truth (power point) - read 1a (1) (2) and 2a
b) True (power point) – read 1a (1) (2) and c
B. Did you notice any common elements?
1. Reality, that which is actual, that which actually exists or happens. It is real
2. Thus the name of this series is “let’s get real”
C. So finally the Patrick Bernard Peglow definition – want you to see it straight from
the PBP dictionary!
1. A word, action, thought or heart which so conforms to reality that you can bet
your life on it!
• So what is
III. Truth
A. Now that we know truth, is reality we can push it back even a step further and ask
what is ultimate reality?
B. Turn to John 14:6 where we see that God Himself, Jesus is truth
1. Now the word I want emphasize here is not truth but the word “the”
a) “The” indicates what we learned in Greek as par excellent!
b) Means they are in a class of their own and no one else is like them!
c) They are the ultimate; they are the best, no one or nothing else like them,
the one of a kind!
2. Jesus is not just a truth but the truth. He is the ultimate truth to which no
other truth is like!
C. Truth is right at the core of God’s glory
1. Read John 1:14
2. Listen to when God’s glory passed in front of Moses. Read Exodus 34:6
3. We have talked a lot about grace at MVC and it is just as important that we
get truth right in our lives and church as it is to get grace right and that we
learn to wed the two together as one!
D. Where can we find reality/truth about God and His glory?
1. Turn and read John 17:17 – “Thy word is truth”
2. Simply God is truth, God is the ultimate reality and the Bible is His chosen
vehicle to communicate Himself and what He declares to be true
a) And since the Bible is God’s chosen vehicle, which He has given equal
weight to His own character, we can depend upon it and can build our
lives upon it!
• I want to suggest two ways we can apply this today
IV. Apply
A. If truth is what is real then a lie or a falsehood is what is not real, what is not
1. Thus, Satan, the father of lies, is also called the deceiver! Deception is
simply believing something that is not true is true!
2. And the liar and deceiver uses false teaching as his primary tool whether it
comes dressed in humanistic secular clothes or religious clothes! Secular and
spiritual lies are both dangerous and undependable to build your life upon.
3. And let me remind you of something we learned in our series on spiritual
warfare. Satan is the master of taking truth either out of context or making it
stand alone without other passages to balance out the truth.
4. Satan will do everything he can to keep you away from this book. If he
cannot keep you away from it he will seek to get you to take verses out of
context or try to get them to stand alone as a partial truth, out of balance from
the whole truth. Because he wants you to build your life upon and depend
upon something that is not real, just an illusion of truth.
a) Illustrate reality with the wall and its reliability to hold me up if I lean
against it.
b) But if Satan can convince me that this is a real wall that can hold me up
(called deception) and I lean against it I will fall down because it is not
B. Secondly, practice reframing what has personally happened to you in the past,
what is personally going on now and what you are going to be facing in the
1. Do this because it allows me to look at my life, past present and future
according to what is real, what is actual, what is true so I can build a healthy
spiritual, mental and emotional life off of that. Let me illustrate
a) Present – something bad is going on in your life. – not only is Romans
8:28-29 true here where God will use it to produce the good in you of
becoming more like Jesus
(1) But so is Ephesians 6:10 that our battle is not with flesh and blood
but with demonic spirits who are behind this.
(2) Also, the truths of James 1 that He uses trials to grow us and
perfect our character
(3) The truth of 2 Corinthians 4 that He uses difficulty to break down
our flesh and release more of the inner life of Jesus within us.
(4) Consider Lamentations 3 where God’s mercies are new every
(5) According to Hebrews 13 He will equip me with everything I need
to do His will in a way that is pleasing to Him by the Spirit of
(6) The list can go on but do you see how dwelling about these truths
would cause the light of God’s truth to overwhelm the darkness of
the lies and take us from deception to reality!
b) Past – When we do the same with our past, it helps deliver us from lies
that have kept us in bondage and depression.
c) When we do the same with our future it turns that future event into a
walk of faith
2. A few simple steps on how do we reframe our lives according to truth. Got
this method from Craig Groeschel in his book “Winning the War in Your
Mind” a must read for everyone.
a) Identify very specific situation or person that is big or trying for you –
past, present or future
b) Consider what Bible truths speak to this. If you really do not know then
it’s a great time to speak to someone else and ask them what Bible truths
speak to your situation
c) Form a short personal statement that is full of truth and reality and put it
on a piece of paper or 3 by 5 card. Then review it constantly until it
becomes a part of your thinking.
d) This way your thoughts about what has, is or will happen will be built
upon reality rather than the lies and falsehoods with which Satan is
seeking to fill your mind!
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Let‘s get real / Week 1
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Introduction to Truth Series
Jude September 19, 2021
A. Turn in your Bibles to Jude 3
1. The easiest way to find the book of Jude is that it is the next to last book in
the Bible just before the book of Revelation. Since it is only one chapter
long, Jude 3 means it is the third verse in the very first and only chapter
2. Read
B. Quick overview of the book
1. In v3 he planned to write to these Christians regarding their salvation that
they shared together
a) But instead of doing that, he put that aside because he felt the necessity
to write instead to encourage them to contend, which means to struggle
b) This intense struggle was over the Bible, the truth given to them in the
Scriptures, which is called here “the faith” here, which was handed down
to the believers from God one time, never to be repeated again!
(1) Side note – he is not encouraging the pastor or the elders of that
church to fight for the truth but rather it is something he is
encouraging that every one of the believers join in on!
2. Why did he change his plans – v 4 tells us “for”
a) Read
b) Basically there were people who slipped into their church unnoticed and
these people were characterized by two things
(1) They turned God’s grace into a license to do whatever they wanted
to do
(2) They reject the authority of the lord Jesus Christ over them
(3) Then he spends all the way to verse 16 reminding them of the
judgment that will come the way of these false teachers and more
of what they are like.
3. Then he gives them a reminder in v17.
a) Read v17-19
b) Basically the apostles warned us that in the last time that it would be like
4. Then in verses 20-23, he tells them what they should do about this.
a) As I read it watch for this:– the command here is to keep yourself in the
love of God by doing three things: praying by means of the Holy Spirit,
keep your hearts eyes locked on the return of Jesus and finally impacting
some others along the way.
b) Read v20-23
5. Finally he closes this chapter with a great benediction of hope
a) Read v24-25
b) Basically Jesus is the one who is able to make us stand, keep us from
stumbling during these difficult days and to be blameless and full of joy
when we stand before the greatness of God’s glory
c) I love this because he is simply saying that as we walk within all these
spiritual land mines both in the church and in the world, in the last days,
that Jesus is able to guide us and keep us until we stand before Jesus!
d) That points us to where my hope and trust needs to be in these chaotic
C. This chapter is important because it explains exactly why we are doing this series
and gives us some guidance with this series on truth called – “let’s get real!”
• Let’s start with …
II. Why we are doing this series
A. Reread Jude 3
B. Let me take you back a few months ago to a board meeting we had.
1. Men of Issachar 1 Chronicles 12:32 – we wanted to make sure we not only
knew what the Bible tells us we should do but also the culture and times we
are living in so we can lead and teach more wisely!
2. Mike Locke shared at the board meeting much of what our young people face
in the culture today and it was an eye opener for most of us on the board
3. As he was sharing my heart was stirred and I went home thinking about it.
When I woke up the next morning, I just knew I needed to make my next
series a series on truth.
C. In addition, the battle for truth is a frontal attack on the very character and glory
of God! It began in Genesis 3 in the garden when Satan attacked what God said
(God’s word)
1. The battle for truth is moving towards a time when the little horn, the
antichrist, will fling truth to the ground Daniel 8:12.
a) I think we are seeing the world prepared for this right now.
2. Also, there are direct warnings about false teachers in 22 of 27 books of the
New Testament!
D. We must remember that false teaching is not just bad teaching or wrong teaching
but rather it is teaching that is demonically powerful to keep lost people locked
into their lost state and cause believers to be entrapped by sin and lies!
• Now from two others parts in Jude we get
III. Guidance for the series
A. First, v4 re-read – there was false teachers creeping into the church
1. Today the thinking of the world is squeezing Christians into it mold!
a) Modernism elevated human reasoning and science above faith as the
means to discover truth and with these truth discoveries, they promised a
better world.
b) Now today the postmodern world began as a response to the modern’s
failure to provide the better world it promised.
(1) They question the existence of truth, especially objective and
absolute truth (something outside of ourselves that is true for all
people in all places at all times) to something subjective and
relative (something inside of the person depending upon the
individuals conditions and personal perceptions)
2. Liberalism has crept in the church at large over the last 50 years. Thus,
many theologians were squeezed into the world’s way of thinking about God
and Scripture and in turn, they have impacted the church!
a) As a result they have been deconstructing long held beliefs about God
and His Word and are coming up with new ways of thinking about God
and the Bible that are:
(1) More consistent with a humanistic way of thinking that limits all of
life to the material world and removes any place for miracles
(2) A theology that is much more acceptable and cultural friendly to
these times because some key biblical doctrines can be seem as
unloving, exclusive and offensive to a postmodern way of
b) Some of the key doctrines that are being attacked are:
(1) The claims of the Bible to be objective and absolutely true that is
binding on everyone and that other religious and moral claims are
(2) A more sexually friendly ethic that includes others who do not
practice the heterosexual marital sex taught by the Bible
(3) The cross of Jesus is seen as cosmic child abuse and offensive to
think of a God who would sacrifice his own son
(4) The wrath of God is seen as offensive and unloving so teachings
about God’s wrath are redefined.
(5) Miracles are impossible because they cannot be measured by
science or fit into man’s rationalistic and humanistic way of
(6) The teaching about the roles of women in the church and marriage
are out of date and we have progressed beyond those times so they
need to be updated.
B. The goal of this series is not to change the way that the world thinks, that is not
going to happen as we move towards a time under the antichrist when truth will
be flung to the ground. But rather how we as Christians can navigate, stay afloat
and respond in these times as well as how we can impact others for the glory of
1. That is the heart of our mission at MVC - following Jesus and impacting
2. Regarding impacting others read v 22-23
a) V 22 - there are some who are doubting because of the impact these false
teachings have had on them. Our role is not to condemn and threaten
them with God’s spanking but rather to show them mercy and help them
b) V 23a -others are lost because of the influence of the way this culture
thinks and false teachings about the gospel of Jesus Christ - by God’s
grace He will use us to lead some to Jesus and snatch some of those out
of the fire of hell.
c) V24b - still others I believe have been so contaminated by false teaching
and the sin that comes with it that you are to show them mercy with fear.
In other words, minister to them very carefully with great respect of the
power of the spiritual deception of Satan lest you yourself be deceived
and fall away!
IV.Where we are going in this series
A. We are going to start next week by defining truth. Since it is a series on truth we
should understand what truth is or maybe more accurately said, who truth is
B. Then we will try to understand the way the world is thinking today and how it got
there and its implications for us in contending for the truth in our own lives, our
church and the world
C. Since the Bible is the place where God reveals His truth, we will learn what the
Bible says about itself regarding truth. Since this book is what we are building
our lives off of, we will see if there is any intellectual credence for believing it as
truth or are we just believing it because we were told we are supposed to
D. Then we will close by seeing that God has committed to the church the task of
being the pillar and support of the truth!
• With all the waves of false thinking that is coming our way
V. How do we stand strong?
A. This we also see in Jude! Remember v 3 contend for the faith – remember it was
when David stayed home at the time when kings go out for battle that he fell with
1. The safest place in the world is being in the middle of God’s will, in this
respect it is contending for the faith rather than sitting on the sidelines
thinking the battle is too much for you.
B. Keep yourself within the love of God
1. We learn from John that means to obey God and His Word! John 15:10
2. Pray under the leading and influence of the Holy Spirit
3. Lock your heart on what is coming when Jesus returns
C. Trust Jesus to not only keep you from falling during this time but to give you the
strength to not only stand but to join in the battle for truth so you can have an
impact on others!
1. Jude 24-25
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
2021 Reboot / Pastor Pat Peglow / September 12, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
2021 Reboot
Hebrews 10:19-25 September 12, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. I have very little understanding about the inner workings of computers but from
years of experiencing computer problems, I have learned that before I call
someone to fix something the first thing I want to do is reboot the computer. That
simply means to turn it off and back on again
1. I am amazed at how many problems get fixed with that simple little
2. It clears up various different kinds of low-level errors, unloads and closes out
things so the computer runs much smoother when you restart it again.
B. Computers are not the only things that could benefit from a restart –I think
believers could benefit from a reboot after 2020.
1. 2020 created many low level problems for many of us as we have been
internally on overload or our systems have shut down!
2. I feel like a reboot could help us as a church and as individuals run a bit
smoother again.
3. So today, I felt led to take just one Sunday in between the series to stop
and see how we are doing!
C. 2020 was a tough year!
1. As a church we stopped meeting together for services for a while and many
ministries shut down which slowly we restarted with various restrictions.
2. As a nation, we saw a pandemic and deep division over masks, race and
politics that not only touched the world around us but the church as well!
3. Many individuals felt it with their jobs. We experienced separation from
friends and families. Major milestone events like birthdays, graduations,
holiday gatherings and anniversary parties were canceled or were reduced to
drive-byes. Weddings and showers were postponed or greatly reduced to just
a few people. Families were impacted who could not grieve properly or in a
timely fashion as wakes and funerals were adjusted.
4. We can add to this 2021 where there is now strong division over vaccines,
new terror threats on our own home land and inflation that is flying out of
control. The other day I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and it cost
me $2 more for my favorite burrito while they cut the size of it by 1/3rd!
D. But my concern this morning has to do with what all of this has done to us when
we just started to come out of hibernation from the pandemic and then are hit
again with another wave of the delta variant.
1. The isolation and lack of engagement with others has put some into
depression as they wrestle deeply with their thoughts and emotions
2. Others felt totally disconnected from their church family and even their
friends and even now that they are back, they still are feeling very alone.
3. Fear is like an algorithm on the internet – it picks up on our emotional
behaviors then sends similar types of material to you.
a) The fear that came originally from the pandemic has put people’s fear in
overdrive and has caused fear in other areas of their lives or the past to
raise its ugly head.
4. Mental health has become a very big concern in these days; so much, so that
from more than one source I have been receiving materials, seminars and
videos that directly address the mental health of pastors after 2020.
5. The racial and political divide, with time, has driven people to the polar
opposite ends of the spectrum. People who used to be comfortable around
others who had different views are no longer comfortable around them.
Selfishness and anger are finding pockets in people’s hearts!
6. Some people stopped going to church in person and have become
comfortable with doing church online. Some have done so for medical
reasons but some could and should be back but have gotten out of the habit of
worshiping with their church body.
7. Even when ministries are starting back up people are not engaging in the
ministries or with people the way they used to either from fear or habit of
being disengaged.
E. I could go on and on, but I want to take us to one passage today that can help us
reboot as we clear away all the internal junk and focus on the basics of
relaunching our church and our lives in 2021.
• Please turn in your Bibles to
II. Hebrews 10
A. This was a church made up of Jewish believers who suffered intense persecution
to the point of even losing their property and were under constant pressure from
Jews to return to Jewish religion and all of its Old Testament rituals
B. He spends the first ten chapters showing them the superiority of Jesus to the Old
Testament worship system and how Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice on the cross
forgave their sins.
1. Now since they have a new and living way through the blood of Jesus to
approach the very presence of God and since they have Jesus as the great
priest over the church….
2. He tells them three natural responses to these great blessings and privileges
that God has given us. These three things are the things we need to reboot
too, we need to clean out all the other stuff that has crowded our hearts and
lives and re-center again on important three things.
3. Each one starts with let us. The first one is in v22.
a) Watch for it as I start by reading in 19-22.
C. The first one is believing prayer.
1. This is so crucial for the messes and clutter in our hearts, especially anxiety
and fear, along with the wisdom we need to navigate so many new things in
our lives and world.
2. Prayer is the way we connect with God and turn His graces into our actual
experience. Prayer moves God’s truth from our heads to our hearts. Prayer
makes the promises of God our personal possessions.
3. Turn and read Hebrews 4:14-16
4. Let me encourage you with three ways
a) Personal prayer – rather than worrying about and trying to figure out our
problems we need to be intentional to drop everything and turn to God
and talk to Him about them and receive His peace and wisdom and grace
as He sorts us out as the Good Shepherd of our souls
b) Get a prayer partner – one time per week – in person best, Zoom works
c) Corporate prayer – 1st week in October
D. The second let us is found in v23. Read
1. Holding on to our confession, the content we publically declare of our hope.
2. This is not about holding onto our confession of faith where we look back to
when we trusted Jesus but here in Hebrews it is about holding on the future
hope of the return of Jesus and His kingdom and all the blessing that will
come with that
3. Hebrews 9:28; 13:14
4. This was desperately needed by that church because of the persecution they
were going through and it is desperately needed today in light of the
discouraging world events that are taking place and the new realities we are
facing from Covid to terrorism and everything in between.
5. This kind of hope puts a light at the end of the tunnel and gives us a larger
perspective of what is going on. We are people of hope as Christians not
pessimists who are angry and fearful about everything that is going on!
a) Read 1 Peter 1:3-7
b) Then we are positioned to give an answer when they see and wonder
about the hope within us in the midst of these crazy days.
E. The third let us in found in v24-25.
1. Has to do with our corporate lives together, our meeting together and
engaging with one another.
2. The emphasis of this passage is not about how coming together as a church
can benefit you but rather how you can benefit others by coming. It is about
your value to others – stimulating others to love and good deeds as well as
encouraging others. It is not just that you need church but the church needs
3. Read 24-25
4. When we meet as a church, it is not just to worship and hear God’s word but
it is also for engaging with one another! Encouraging other believers.
5. Three best ways
a) Corporate worship - takes place both before and after the service. So
church really goes on when we send you away and now it is your time to
engage and encourage others around you or in the atrium.
b) Small groups
c) Minister together with others
6. As I said earlier, some have forsaken coming and now are the habit of not
meeting personally with the church. Even before the pandemic research
showed that, many Christians were only going to church 1 to 2 times a
a) You cannot fulfil what God says we need here and only come once or
twice a month. In other words, you cannot be spiritually healthy, not
engaging with other believers, giving and receiving encouragement from
each other both to keep coming and gathering with the body and
encouragement for life in these tough days.
b) Especially in these days when the soon return of Christ is becoming
more and more evident this passage is saying that other believers, the
church needs you even more!
7. I love what my friend Sam Hamstra about why people need to be back in
church – “in the Sunday service we employ many spiritual disciplines that
complement and expand upon our private spiritual disciplines. When we
gather we worship the Lord and pray together with others, we fellowship with
others, we do communion together, we can serve one another, we teach one
another, and we encourage one another”
• So
III. How can we reboot
A. Start with the shutting down and the clearing out of all the stuff that is bogging
down our hearts – confession clears that away and allows us to experience the
freshness of a clear conscience.
B. Restart – this week I want you to practice three things:
1. Be intentional to set time aside to pray. Call or get face to face with one
other believer and pray with them
2. Meditate on and praise God for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory
of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ and the great kingdom He will set
up. In light of that, consider the necessity of today’s events to lead up to
3. Reach out to at least one other believer this week whom you could
encourage. Listen, encourage, remind of God’s truth, and just bless
them somehow.
C. This is God’s wisdom of what we need to reboot back to. Let’s start with a time
of asking the Lord to search our hearts for anything that needs to be confessed!
Thursday Sep 09, 2021