Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Walk Worthy / Week 9 / Know the Will of God
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Be Wise – Know the Will of God
Ephesians 515-18 March 14, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. Pastor’s kids have a unique life style and have to endure a lot, especially if you
were one of Pastor Pat Peglow’s kids! One thing I made them endure was that
every time as a family we were with a man or a woman I considered a godly
person I would ask them, “What advice would you give to my kids about life?”
1. One I remember in particular sums that up the heart of this passage and I
would have to say in hindsight was great wisdom. His answer was “know
God’s will and do it!”
B. That is the heart of today’s passage so please turn to Ephesians 5:15!
1. We are in the section of the book of Ephesians that talks about our walk as
new creatures who have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ!
2. Today we see that we are to walk as wise men!
C. The structure of the passage we will look at today is simple and will guide our
preaching both this week and next week. There are two things in particular that a
wise man/woman does in their walk.
1. 15 – call to walk wise
2. 16 – how to walk wise (general)
3. 17-18 - how to walk wise (two specifics)
D. Read v15-18
E. We are to be wise by making the most of our time, the most of the opportunities
we have during these evil ungodly days.
1. I love the word wise because it means to be skillful! To be an expert at
something, to be masterful!
2. I like to describe it this way – wisdom is being an expert artist at living life!
a) I say living life because wisdom is not about head or classroom
knowledge but it is about the ability to live life well on the streets of real
b) I say an expert artist because wisdom is an art rather than a science that
just follows all the rules
c) This expert artist in living life knows just the right time and the right way
to apply the right truth of God to the right situation!
F. So bottom line, we learn in this passage that a wise person, the expert artist at
living life is going to make the most of their time as they live in this ungodly
1. The first way we see in v17, we do that by understanding God’s will is for us
– we will deal with that this morning.
2. The second way we see in v18, it is by being filled with the Spirit - we will
deal with that the next two weeks.
• Let’s start by looking at
II. God’s will
A. Read v17
1. It appears that a foolish person is one who does not know what God’s will is
for their lives.
2. But the wise person, the one who is an expert artist at living life in this
ungodly world is one who understands what God’s will is.
B. To understand God’s will we need to understand that the Bible speaks of God’s
will from two perspectives and I think there are two aspects to each perspective.
1. The two areas of God’s will we will call His decreed will and His directed
C. By God’s “decreed will” I mean that which God has ordained is going to happen
and they will happen because he decreed them! His sovereign or supreme will!
That comes in two different aspects.
1. First His revealed will – these are the things God has already revealed to us in
His Word that He has ordained
2. I believe that is primarily found in the covenants that he bound himself to!
Those were the covenant promises he made with Abraham, David, and in the
new covenant.
3. Second, His secret will – I believe these are the things in life that God has
ordained that He has not specifically revealed to us in His Word.
a) Example – turn and read Ephesians 1:11
b) Read Daniel 4:35
D. By God’s “directed will” I mean those things which God wants or desires for us
to do. This also comes in two different aspects
1. First, His revealed will – simply these are commands in God’s Word that He
has called us to do and they may happen because we can either obey Him or
disobey Him.
a) Every command to believers in the Scripture is an example of this:
b) Actually the verses we are dealing with today and next week are
examples of this – to understand God’s will and be filled with the Spirit
are commands – these are things God wants us to do!
c) They have to do with our thinking, attitudes, actions, talking, practices
2. Secondly, His secret will – those are the things God’s wants and desires for
us to do that are not specifically revealed in His Word.
a) This has to do with things like where do I go to school, who do I marry,
which job should I take, where should I live, etc.
b) Acts 16:9-10
E. So which of these wills is he referring to here in this passage so we can be expert
artist in living life in this evil world? I think it is both His decreed will and His
directed will.
1. I think His revealed decreed will because we can find great future hope in
what God has revealed about the future. In these evil days we need a hope to
keep us going
2. I think also it is His secret decreed will to be able to live wisely in this world
there will be so many things I do not understand. I need to fall back upon the
assurance that God is working all things both in this world and in my life
after the counsel of His will!
3. I think it is His revealed directed will in the commands that are revealed in
Scripture as we can only live like experts in this world if we follow God’s
commands – to not do so is only to our own hurt.
a) As Romans 12:2 says God’s will is good, acceptable (well pleasing) and
4. Finally, His secret directed will; in the details of my life, God’s wisdom and
direction are necessary for me to live well in these ungodly days.
F. Summarize these very simply in a chart
decreed ordained will happen
revealed covenants/prophecies hope
secret details of life assurance
directed wants may happen
revealed commands perfect
secret details of life wise
• So let me close by addressing how I can know God’s will so I can walk wisely in
these few days I have on earth.
III. Knowing God’s will
A. Turn to Romans 12:1-2
1. Read NASB then read in NLT
2. Note that the ultimate end of this passage is discerning God’s will. “so that”
3. Three key principles from this passage
a) Make your life a blank check by handing it entirely over to God
(1) Your bodies represent your entire life here on earth and we are to
present our entire life to God as sacrifice, by making it fully
available to Him to do whatever He wants with our lives.
(2) Problem is this: God, tell me first what you want me to do then I
will consider if I like that or not and if I will say yes or no to it
(3) God is saying: say yes to me first, and then I will tell you what my
will is!
b) Reject the world’s ways and wisdom
(1) This simply means that I do not allow the world and its ways and
thinking to shape my ways and thinking, literally it means to not
let the world squeeze the way I think and live into its mold!
(2) Thus when I consider what God wants me to do my thinking is
driven by the world rather than God
c) Know God’s Word
(1) Our way of thinking needs to be totally transformed by God’s
(2) Thus when I consider what God wants me to do my thinking is
driven by God and His Word, then I can discern what God wants
me to do, that which is good, acceptable and perfect!
(3) The problem here is that so few Christians know God’s Word well
enough to discern the difference between that which comes from
God and that which comes from the world
(4) The more God’s Word has shaped our hearts and minds the better
we will be able to discern God’s thoughts, desires and voice
speaking to our hearts!
B. Leave you with two other things you can do to know God’s will
1. Pray – Colossians 1:9-10
2. Counsel with a few godly, biblically informed Christians
a) Read Proverbs 11:14
C. You want to walk wisely in these ungodly days? Know God’s will and do it!
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