Monday Apr 22, 2019
Palm Sunday
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
The Setting for Palm Sunday
Various Passages April 14, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. The setting for any story is a crucial element of the story.
1. Just think if you missed the first 15 minutes of the Wizard of Oz and all you
saw was the rest of the story without being introduced to key characters, the
tornado that knocked Dorothy out and not know why she was trying so hard
to get back to Kansas!
2. That setting helped us better understand the events, characters and the
conclusion to the story of the Wizard of Oz!
B. The setting is also important to the story of the triumphal entry of Jesus into
Jerusalem. It helps us get some context as to what was really going on, helps us
see the importance of that event, we learn more about Jesus from it, and finally
the theme of that event that we celebrate today on Palm Sunday.
C. My goal this morning is to show “what is the big deal” with this event that kicked
off …
1. The most important week in the history of this whole world which resulted in
the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
2. And it kicked off a series of events that eventually led to Jesus’ departure
from this world, His ascension when He went back to heaven.
• To accomplish this goal let’s look at …
II. The setting to the Triumphal Entry
A. Turn to Luke 9:29-31.
1. This passage was the time that Jesus was transfigured on the mountain while
He was praying. It goes on to tell us that two men appeared at that time and
were talking with Jesus, those two men were Moses and Elijah.
2. Wouldn’t you have loved to be in on that conversation and listen to what they
were talking about?
3. Read 29-31.
4. They were talking about His departure, His departure from this world after
He died, rose and ascended to heaven. And it was going to take place in
5. I would say since that was their discussion during the transfiguration of Jesus
Christ then it would put that topic right at the top of importance list!
B. Look at Luke 9:51 and read
1. We see here that the days were approaching regarding His ascension which
He talked about with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration.
2. In light of that, Jesus was determined to go to Jerusalem. It literally means
He “set His face” to go to Jerusalem. That means Jesus had a strong, firm
and unchanging commitment to go to Jerusalem
C. Then in Chapters 13 and 17 it makes a point of telling us about Jesus teaching and
doing miracles while He was on his way to Jerusalem.
D. Turn to Luke 18:31-34 where Jesus told the twelve disciples why He was going to
Jerusalem. Read v31-34
E. Turn to Luke 19:11 as they now were getting real close to Jerusalem. And the
twelve disciples had a whole different idea as to why they thought they were
heading to Jerusalem.
1. Read 19:11
2. They thought it was time for the kingdom of God to appear
3. But in the next verse Jesus starts to tell them a parable that indicates He is
going to be going on a long trip, receive a kingdom, then return back again.
Read v12
4. No, that earthly kingdom of God is not going to start now but after a long
period of time when I return!
F. Look down at 19:28 where we see that they were so close that Jesus sends two of
His disciples ahead to get a donkey, actually a colt – a young male donkey, to
bring to Jesus.
1. Read v28-35
2. And now we are ready for the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
• So it is clear that this entry is important. But to understand why this is the
significance and Jesus had to do this we need to see
III. The setting behind the setting
A. We find this by looking at three key Old Testament passages that actually refer to
“this” event of Jesus coming into Jerusalem. And these will help us understand
why this is so important, exactly what was going on that day.
B. Turn to Psalm 118:22-26. This is what is known as Messianic Psalm – simply a
Psalm that speaks of the Messiah, the Christ, the coming Savior and King, not
only of Israel but of the whole world.
1. As I read watch for
a) The rejection of the Messiah, the stone, by the builders but God taking
that rejected stone and making it the chief corner stone for His building,
His church, His kingdom.
b) Also note that the psalmist calls upon Him to save them, and they give
their blessing upon this one, this corner stone who comes in the name of
the Lord
2. Read
3. Note in Acts 4 that Peter told the rulers and elders of Israel, their leaders,
their builders, that they had crucified Jesus the Christ whom God raised –
then he said this. Read Acts 4:11-12
4. So we learn in this passage that there is going to be a rejection by the leaders
of God’s Messiah, His Christ, His King and a praise of Him by the people!
C. Turn to Daniel 9:25-26
1. And it is important to realize this book was written 600 years before Jesus
2. Here we see what I believe is the most amazing prophecy in Scripture where
God tells Israel the exact date the Messiah will come to them. I did a sermon
on this 16 years ago where I broke down the whole passage phrase by phrase
(April 13, 2003) – I am sure you all remember it. But if you forgot it will be
attached along with these notes on our church web page. Also CDs
3. Actually from this verse if you do the calculations you will see the exact date
the Messiah, God’s anointed King will come to Israel.
a) When the calculations are done you will see the date is April 6, 32 AD –
the exact date of the Triumphal Entry we are looking at today in Luke
19. The day that Jesus officially presented Himself as the Messiah!
4. Then the next verse tells us what will happen after this date. Read v26
a) The Messiah will be cut off – the Hebrew word used to indicate a violent
death. – An obvious reference to the Cross of Christ
b) Then after this violent death the city of Jerusalem and the Temple will be
destroyed by enemies. –
(1) We know from history that the city of Jerusalem and the Temple
were destroyed in 70 AD by the Roman army under the leadership
of General Titus.
D. Final prep verses I want you to see is in Zechariah 9:9-10. A book that was
written 500 years before Jesus came! Read and point out
1. Their king was going to come to Jerusalem bringing salvation and riding on a
donkey, specifically a colt a young male donkey. v9
2. And note that He is coming to bring peace v10
a) He is going to cut off the chariot, horse and bow – all instruments of war.
b) He will speak peace to the nations
3. His reign will be over the entire world!
• Now let’s go back to Luke 19 and read the account with all this setting now in our
IV. Triumphal Entry
A. We already saw in the setting to this that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem and He
is going to be on the colt of a donkey, just like Zechariah 9 says and He is also
coming in on the exact date Daniel 9:25 told us that the Messiah would come to
Jerusalem. April 6, 32 AD
B. So let’s read this – Read Luke 19
1. Read 35-37a
2. Remember we learned in Psalm 118 that the people will praise him but the
leaders will reject Him.
a) Listen to 37b-39
b) They actually quoted the very words of Psalm 118 but changed it from
one who comes to the King who comes. Because of the miracles they
saw they knew He was the Messiah
c) The religious leaders told Jesus to stop the people from calling Him the
King. They rejected Jesus as the King.
3. Note Jesus’ response to what just happened as he was approaching Jerusalem.
a) V41-42
(1) “This” day – this specific day – April 6 32 AD the date that Daniel
had told you about.
(2) This day with a proper response would have brought the peace that
v10 of Zechariah 9 spoke of, cut off war weapons and bring peace.
4. Now in the next few verses we see the enemies and destruction that Daniel
9:26 told us would happen after the Messiah came to Jerusalem and would be
violently killed. Read 43-44b.
5. The reason for all of this is found at the end of v44. Read 44c
a) They did not recognize that they just got a visit from God, from the
Messiah who would bring them peace and salvation.
b) Rather than accepting and worshipping the Messiah the leaders of the
nation rejected Him and actually sought to put Him to death – Read v47
a fulfillment of Daniel 9:26 the violent death of the Messiah.
C. Palm Sunday was the official presentation of God’s King to Israel, who came to
bring peace and salvation and while the people recognized who He was the
official leaders of the nation rejected Him.
• There are two possible responses to this major event in Jesus life. First….
V. Application
A. The religious leaders rejected Jesus because they did not recognize who Jesus was
or what was going on
1. Read v44.
2. Do you recognize that King Jesus is actually here at MVC this very morning?
You can’t see Him but the Bible teaches very clearly He is with us when we
gather in Jesus’ name
3. And do you recognize what is going on here today is you just heard clearly
who Jesus is as proven by this very special event, the Triumphal Entry? And
He is here today to bring you salvation and peace!
4. John 1:9-13
B. Is your response like the common people who recognized and praised Jesus as
their King?
1. Read v37c-38
2. Read v40 – If they did not praise Him the stones on the street would have
because this event was so big and important. This entry demands praise!!!!
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