
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Overcome Week 8
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Revelation 2:18-29
July 7, 2019
I. Introduction:
A. As we move into the fourth of seven letters that Jesus wrote to these churches in
Asia Minor around 1,925 years ago, we are seeing they are so relevant that he
could have written them just a few weeks ago to seven churches in the Southwest
Suburbs of Chicago.
B. Turn in your Bibles to Rev 2:18. Read v18 - Thyatira
1. Thyatira was the Chicago of Asia Minor as it was the manufacturing center.
2. There were many trades in Thyatira: dyeing, garment making, pottery, brass
work, carpenters and tent makers,
3. It was a strong “union city, they called them guilds; associations of workers
of the same trades who came together. Much like our ironworkers or pipe
fitters unions.
C. To understand this passage we need to understand a bit more how these guilds,
these unions, these associations worked.
1. Simply it was difficult there to make a living for your family without being a
member of a guild.
2. Each guild had its own patron deity, feasts, and seasonal festivities that
included sexual celebrations.
3. And as a member in one of these trades guilds you were required to
participate in the guild banquets where you had to eat and drink food
dedicated to that god and participate in the other festivities which were often
public and sexual in nature
4. So to be a member of these guilds put a Christian in a compromising position
D. Before I read the passage let me remind of whom Jezebel was.
1. Jezebel was probably the most evil woman mentioned in the Old Testament
and she is known for influencing Israel away from the Lord and into idol
worship with Baal!
2. In the same way, a woman in this church was influencing them away from
loyalty to Jesus and into idol worship! Thus, Jesus called her Jezebel,
probably not her actual name but she was just like her!
E. So as I read this passage now, you have a better understanding of what they faced.
Read v18-25. We will pick up the rest later
F. In verse 19 we see there is a lot this church is doing well Read v19,
G. But in v 20-23. They have tolerated a false teacher who is spiritually influencing
the people away from Jesus and into idol worship. Read v20
1. It appears this church knows what she is teaching is spiritually dangerous
stuff, but they haven’t distanced themselves from this and have allowed it to
continue; putting up with it, allowing it to play itself out and negatively
impacting others in the church so that they are led astray
2. Then v21-23 says that both this teacher and her followers will be severely
disciplined by the Lord unless they repent!
H. Now if you were here last week this sounds a lot like what we saw going on in
Pergamum. There, a group of people within the church held to the teachings of
the Nicolaitans.
1. The Nicolaitans felt believers had the freedom to get involved in these
idolatrous and immoral practices because of the external pressure put on them
by the pagan culture they lived in and the necessity they had to live and
provide for their families
2. In Pergamum there was a “group of people” there who held to those beliefs,
but here in Thyatira it is notched up a bit and a more severe judgment
because here they allowed someone to “teach it and influence” others with
their beliefs!
3. Remember what we learned in James 3 – “Let not many of you become
teachers brethren knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment!”
I. I think there are a few other things we can learn about this church and Jesus’ heart
as we compare a few other things with other churches!
1. The pressure to compromise in Pergamum came more from the pressure of
emperor worship or pay the consequences. Here in Thyatira compromise
came more from the pressure that came from the business world to conform
or pay the consequences.
2. Also, the church in Thyatira was commended for their love in v19 but
criticized for tolerating immoral living and false teachers. But Ephesus is just
the opposite in that they were commended for not tolerating immoral living
and false teachers but were criticized for leaving behind their love.
3. So what we can conclude from all these commendations and criticizing of
these churches so far is that Jesus values all three; truth, holy living and love
for each other and Him! We cannot sacrifice or devalue any of these three
but must hold all three of them in tension with one another!
J. What an amazing reward for those who overcome. Read v25-29
1. This reign is yet in the future.
2. It indicates a co-reigning with Jesus over the nations and this reign will be a
stern rule with a rod iron and breaking the nations.
3. This cannot refer to the new heaven and earth because nothing and no one
evil will ever enter into there! It has to refer to the millennium were
righteousness reigns but sin and death will still be present.
• Last week we spoke a little about the problem of immorality that comes from living
in that pagan culture. Today as we prepare for communion I just to take a few
moments to address the issue of
II. Idolatry
A. You are probably thinking how does this relate to us since there is no idol worship
going on in the evangelical churches in the United States.
B. Actually we live in a very idolatrous culture that puts great pressure on us to
compromise our walk with Jesus, only
1. Our idols are not statues of wood and iron but our idols are the possessions,
pleasures and positions the world offers and it is constantly putting pressure
on us to value these things above God.
2. Our idols are in the heart and the way we relate to these things.
C. Both Ephesians 5:5 and Col 3:5 call covetousness, idolatry.
1. Power point of passages
2. Covetousness is simply not being satisfied with what you have and wanting
3. So idolatry is not being satisfied with God and what he has given to us so we
look for more in someone and/or something else!
D. Tim Keller -says an idol is whatever you look at and say, in your heart of hearts,
“if I have that, then I’ll feel my life has meaning, then I ‘ll know I have value,
then I’ll feel significant and secure.”
1. John Calvin said idolatry is to worship the gifts in place of
the Giver Himself?”
2. Pat Peglow says an idol is something or someone else that we put in the place
where God is supposed to be in our lives. It is what or whom we love more
than God. It is what or whom we are trusting in more than God. It is what or
whom we build and center our lives around. It is what or whom we look to
fulfill our deepest needs and greatest hopes. It is what or from whom we find
our significance, identity and meaning in life!
E. Martin Luther - Wrote that the Ten Commandments begin with a commandment
against idolatry. Why does this come first? Because we never break the other
commandments without breaking the first one. Why do we fail to love or keep
promises or live unselfishly?
1. Of course, the general answer is “because we are weak and sinful,”
2. But the specific answer in any actual circumstance is that there is something
you feel you must have to be happy, something that is more important to your
heart than god Himself. We would not lie unless we first had made
something—human approval, reputation, power over others, financial
advantage—more important and valuable to our hearts than the grace and
favor of God.
F. In Revelation 2 Jesus calls individuals within the church to repent of idolatry
1. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 10:14 tells us to flee idolatry –
2. John, in 1 John 5:21 tells us to be on constant watch over our hearts to not let
idolatry creep into it.
G. As communion comes your way today ask God to show you your own heart,
1. There is a deep deception that accompanies idolatry so it is hard for us to see
apart from the spirit of God putting His finger on it! Listen Isaiah 44:10, 13-
2. Are there any idols in your life that need to be confessed or fled from?
3. We are all continually tempted to make temporal things into ultimate things.
Are there any potential idols putting pressure on us we must be on guard
III. Pass communion
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