Thursday Sep 30, 2021
2021 Reboot / Pastor Pat Peglow / September 12, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
2021 Reboot
Hebrews 10:19-25 September 12, 2021
I. Introduction:
A. I have very little understanding about the inner workings of computers but from
years of experiencing computer problems, I have learned that before I call
someone to fix something the first thing I want to do is reboot the computer. That
simply means to turn it off and back on again
1. I am amazed at how many problems get fixed with that simple little
2. It clears up various different kinds of low-level errors, unloads and closes out
things so the computer runs much smoother when you restart it again.
B. Computers are not the only things that could benefit from a restart –I think
believers could benefit from a reboot after 2020.
1. 2020 created many low level problems for many of us as we have been
internally on overload or our systems have shut down!
2. I feel like a reboot could help us as a church and as individuals run a bit
smoother again.
3. So today, I felt led to take just one Sunday in between the series to stop
and see how we are doing!
C. 2020 was a tough year!
1. As a church we stopped meeting together for services for a while and many
ministries shut down which slowly we restarted with various restrictions.
2. As a nation, we saw a pandemic and deep division over masks, race and
politics that not only touched the world around us but the church as well!
3. Many individuals felt it with their jobs. We experienced separation from
friends and families. Major milestone events like birthdays, graduations,
holiday gatherings and anniversary parties were canceled or were reduced to
drive-byes. Weddings and showers were postponed or greatly reduced to just
a few people. Families were impacted who could not grieve properly or in a
timely fashion as wakes and funerals were adjusted.
4. We can add to this 2021 where there is now strong division over vaccines,
new terror threats on our own home land and inflation that is flying out of
control. The other day I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and it cost
me $2 more for my favorite burrito while they cut the size of it by 1/3rd!
D. But my concern this morning has to do with what all of this has done to us when
we just started to come out of hibernation from the pandemic and then are hit
again with another wave of the delta variant.
1. The isolation and lack of engagement with others has put some into
depression as they wrestle deeply with their thoughts and emotions
2. Others felt totally disconnected from their church family and even their
friends and even now that they are back, they still are feeling very alone.
3. Fear is like an algorithm on the internet – it picks up on our emotional
behaviors then sends similar types of material to you.
a) The fear that came originally from the pandemic has put people’s fear in
overdrive and has caused fear in other areas of their lives or the past to
raise its ugly head.
4. Mental health has become a very big concern in these days; so much, so that
from more than one source I have been receiving materials, seminars and
videos that directly address the mental health of pastors after 2020.
5. The racial and political divide, with time, has driven people to the polar
opposite ends of the spectrum. People who used to be comfortable around
others who had different views are no longer comfortable around them.
Selfishness and anger are finding pockets in people’s hearts!
6. Some people stopped going to church in person and have become
comfortable with doing church online. Some have done so for medical
reasons but some could and should be back but have gotten out of the habit of
worshiping with their church body.
7. Even when ministries are starting back up people are not engaging in the
ministries or with people the way they used to either from fear or habit of
being disengaged.
E. I could go on and on, but I want to take us to one passage today that can help us
reboot as we clear away all the internal junk and focus on the basics of
relaunching our church and our lives in 2021.
• Please turn in your Bibles to
II. Hebrews 10
A. This was a church made up of Jewish believers who suffered intense persecution
to the point of even losing their property and were under constant pressure from
Jews to return to Jewish religion and all of its Old Testament rituals
B. He spends the first ten chapters showing them the superiority of Jesus to the Old
Testament worship system and how Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice on the cross
forgave their sins.
1. Now since they have a new and living way through the blood of Jesus to
approach the very presence of God and since they have Jesus as the great
priest over the church….
2. He tells them three natural responses to these great blessings and privileges
that God has given us. These three things are the things we need to reboot
too, we need to clean out all the other stuff that has crowded our hearts and
lives and re-center again on important three things.
3. Each one starts with let us. The first one is in v22.
a) Watch for it as I start by reading in 19-22.
C. The first one is believing prayer.
1. This is so crucial for the messes and clutter in our hearts, especially anxiety
and fear, along with the wisdom we need to navigate so many new things in
our lives and world.
2. Prayer is the way we connect with God and turn His graces into our actual
experience. Prayer moves God’s truth from our heads to our hearts. Prayer
makes the promises of God our personal possessions.
3. Turn and read Hebrews 4:14-16
4. Let me encourage you with three ways
a) Personal prayer – rather than worrying about and trying to figure out our
problems we need to be intentional to drop everything and turn to God
and talk to Him about them and receive His peace and wisdom and grace
as He sorts us out as the Good Shepherd of our souls
b) Get a prayer partner – one time per week – in person best, Zoom works
c) Corporate prayer – 1st week in October
D. The second let us is found in v23. Read
1. Holding on to our confession, the content we publically declare of our hope.
2. This is not about holding onto our confession of faith where we look back to
when we trusted Jesus but here in Hebrews it is about holding on the future
hope of the return of Jesus and His kingdom and all the blessing that will
come with that
3. Hebrews 9:28; 13:14
4. This was desperately needed by that church because of the persecution they
were going through and it is desperately needed today in light of the
discouraging world events that are taking place and the new realities we are
facing from Covid to terrorism and everything in between.
5. This kind of hope puts a light at the end of the tunnel and gives us a larger
perspective of what is going on. We are people of hope as Christians not
pessimists who are angry and fearful about everything that is going on!
a) Read 1 Peter 1:3-7
b) Then we are positioned to give an answer when they see and wonder
about the hope within us in the midst of these crazy days.
E. The third let us in found in v24-25.
1. Has to do with our corporate lives together, our meeting together and
engaging with one another.
2. The emphasis of this passage is not about how coming together as a church
can benefit you but rather how you can benefit others by coming. It is about
your value to others – stimulating others to love and good deeds as well as
encouraging others. It is not just that you need church but the church needs
3. Read 24-25
4. When we meet as a church, it is not just to worship and hear God’s word but
it is also for engaging with one another! Encouraging other believers.
5. Three best ways
a) Corporate worship - takes place both before and after the service. So
church really goes on when we send you away and now it is your time to
engage and encourage others around you or in the atrium.
b) Small groups
c) Minister together with others
6. As I said earlier, some have forsaken coming and now are the habit of not
meeting personally with the church. Even before the pandemic research
showed that, many Christians were only going to church 1 to 2 times a
a) You cannot fulfil what God says we need here and only come once or
twice a month. In other words, you cannot be spiritually healthy, not
engaging with other believers, giving and receiving encouragement from
each other both to keep coming and gathering with the body and
encouragement for life in these tough days.
b) Especially in these days when the soon return of Christ is becoming
more and more evident this passage is saying that other believers, the
church needs you even more!
7. I love what my friend Sam Hamstra about why people need to be back in
church – “in the Sunday service we employ many spiritual disciplines that
complement and expand upon our private spiritual disciplines. When we
gather we worship the Lord and pray together with others, we fellowship with
others, we do communion together, we can serve one another, we teach one
another, and we encourage one another”
• So
III. How can we reboot
A. Start with the shutting down and the clearing out of all the stuff that is bogging
down our hearts – confession clears that away and allows us to experience the
freshness of a clear conscience.
B. Restart – this week I want you to practice three things:
1. Be intentional to set time aside to pray. Call or get face to face with one
other believer and pray with them
2. Meditate on and praise God for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory
of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ and the great kingdom He will set
up. In light of that, consider the necessity of today’s events to lead up to
3. Reach out to at least one other believer this week whom you could
encourage. Listen, encourage, remind of God’s truth, and just bless
them somehow.
C. This is God’s wisdom of what we need to reboot back to. Let’s start with a time
of asking the Lord to search our hearts for anything that needs to be confessed!
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